Life changer

Life changer

A Poem by Nichole M.

Life changer,
one word,
six letters,

No one wants to hear those words,
but sometimes they have to be said.
Cancer is evil, 
yet when someone gets it we become closer.

He could have passed,
from what kind it is,
And no one would have known why.

But God knows its not his time, 
he still has life to live.
And we are going to beat it just in time.

As a family, 
we all have to deal with the side effects.
Side by side.
Day by day.
And thank God he is still here. 

I am happy,
and thankful,
that he will be here with me. 

To cherish, hold, and make memories. 
And to spend all the time we have together,
and hold that close to my heart.

I hope cancer,
gets cancer,
and dies. 

© 2012 Nichole M.

Author's Note

Nichole M.
This is from the heart. It might not be perfect, but it's perfect to me. I love you daddy <3

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Nichole M.

11 Years Ago

Nichole- This is a beautiful poem and I love you sooooooooo much! I KNOW your dad is going to get through it because he is STRONG, just like you :). He loves you too much and God would never take him away from you right now :). He'll get through it and everything will be okay. I love you and so does your daddy :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Nichole M.

11 Years Ago

You're making me cry! Thank you regs I love you soooooo much
Awww): this isss soooo good nichole! love you!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Nichole M.

11 Years Ago

thanks sam :)
Awwwww I love this great job it's amazing if you never need anything I'm here because I know exactly what your going through

Posted 11 Years Ago

Nichole M.

11 Years Ago

Thanks Emily! I will let you know if I need to talk :)
Aweeeeee Nichole this is so good :) I literally started to cry while reading this :'( I hope he gets better :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Nichole M.

11 Years Ago

thanks :)
Nichole M.

11 Years Ago

Love you :)
omg nichole!!!!!!!!!!!:( this is adorable i love it so sad im praying every night :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Nichole M.

11 Years Ago

thanks :)
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww this is so cute

Posted 11 Years Ago

Nichole M.

11 Years Ago

thanks :)

11 Years Ago

Love you:)
I love it! I'm praying for him Nichole

Posted 11 Years Ago

Nichole M.

11 Years Ago

Thanks Katie: )

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8 Reviews
Added on November 7, 2012
Last Updated on November 7, 2012


Nichole M.
Nichole M.

Orlando, FL

I like to write, play sports and looooove poetry more..

Alone Alone

A Book by Nichole M.