What a Heart Twister

What a Heart Twister

A Poem by Nicole Renee

Free style, rhyme, and experimental...a bit of everything.


Twist my heart, twist my heart!

I know you’ve done it more than once;

Toying with their emotions,

And making them begging you for no more,

Watching them squirm for your own personal glee.

I know that you want to do the same to me,

Playing with my emotions, and tearing up my heart?

But I don’t know if I want to do it; playing

Your stupid, little games until the full moon rises.


So why don’t you do it?
Why don’t you do the thing you’re best at? ;

Toying with emotions, and twisting their hearts,

Watching them cry until they bleed their own tears?

Well, I’m here for you, I guess, even if I see that

You’re going to be doing something more than

Doing the same things that you would usually like to do…


So what is the hold up? What is the catch?

I don’t see why this is so funny,
I don’t get what the big joke is….
No wait, NO WAIT!
I can see that devil of a thing
In your hand; GET AWAY, GET AWAY!
Let me free, I’ve done nothing;
I wish I had arms to free me….

But the pain is too much,
My heart can’t beat without my soul


© 2008 Nicole Renee

Author's Note

Nicole Renee
Give It Up by TFNB (The Friday Night Boys)
Green Day cover

This was supposed to turn out happier, but whatever. ^_^" It's good to me...

My Review

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very strong piece.... imagery is great in this and flow was really good too... great job on this...

Posted 15 Years Ago

So, there I was, just thinking about my Joker t-shirt, when I saw this.

So, obviously, I had to read it.

And I'm very glad I did.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The rhythm of your poem moved me right along as you hoped it would. And the emotional impact is very much evident in your well chosen words.


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on September 4, 2008
Last Updated on September 4, 2008


Nicole Renee
Nicole Renee

Anoka, MN

I usually write poetry and short stories, yet I always come up with good ideas for novels. I did have a long biography on here,but when Charlie deleted everybody's work off of here on Friday the 13th,.. more..

10 Days. 10 Days.

A Chapter by Nicole Renee

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