A Poem by NightsShade

I asked my friend for an emotion to write about and he gave me hate. I'm not exactly sure if you can clasify this as a poem considering I've never written poetry before.



Cruel opinions are stated, perceptions change, another mind becomes infected with the disease of hate. 


Thick and wraith-like. 


It becomes a vapor, darkening and expanding, tainting the minds of the skeptical.


Poison-induced air.


That poison contaminated him and he infected me.


He would make me cry.


I hated him for making me do it. I felt useless and there he sat telling me that that’s not how I felt.



He might as well have told me to get up, leave, and walk my a*s home.


But home? It was too far away and he lived there, so going there was not considered safe.


I think it is fitting how he valued hate over everything else. The hate inside of him was always expanding, and exploding, again and again, making me cry, over and over.


The poison he gave me, it became a figure in my mind, the silhouette of a man, a swarming creature.


A moving mass.


But this thing, this creature he was inside of me now, swelling and causing destruction like a mental tornado.


At first, it didn’t know what to live for so it lived to hate.


The persona, the figure, and stature of dislike.  This creature manifesting inside all of us is simple called Hate.

Who will Hate inject his venom into next?



© 2009 NightsShade

Author's Note

Any of your thoughts would be helpful!

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Simply amazing, and very interesting. You seemed to capture hate very well. The rage and destruction it brings. A poison, i never seen hate as a poison until now. It makes much since to be considered one. I love it, and totally acroos with goopy. You should totally attempt to capture other emotions as well !

Posted 15 Years Ago

I really like this sarah. you should do like a series of this type of writing with different emotions...I know you asked me a little bit ago to give you another emotion, but heh heh I couldn't decide...

Posted 15 Years Ago

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Added on February 19, 2009
Last Updated on February 22, 2009
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