The Humble Princess

The Humble Princess

A Story by Omegax45

A young princess, banished from her kingdom, leaves her life in the hands of a traveler. Can she find the courage to protect what she earned, or will her humbleness make her lose it all?


The Humble Princess

by Omegax45



                        Once, there was a kingdom upon a vast island that was ruled by a tyrant of a king named Marcus.  He taxed his citizens heavily and demanded absolute loyalty, or else fear his harsh punishments.  The people disliked their king and his eldest daughter Selene, who was so prideful and haughty that every person she laid eyes on that were not her father she would insult greatly.  The only one of the royal family they did like was the youngest daughter Luna, for she was the daughter of their late queen and she was so humble and kind.  However, it was this humbleness of hers that Princess Selene used to her advantage, insulting and ordering around her servants without so much as a complaint from their mistress.  Even more distressing was when King Marcus wished for his daughters to marry and every present and letter of courting the haughty princess would either destroy or send a horrific reply of rejection.  She even did the same to her sister's gifts of courtship, but made the replies of rejection even worse than her own.  No matter how many times Princess Luna pleaded to her father, the king always favored Princess Selene and let her do as she pleased.  Eventually, the young princess didn't bothered to try.  The people wanted to usurp their tyrant king and place Princess Luna on the throne, but King Marcus wasn't all that evil.  He had won many wars that were started by other nations that sought to seize their kingdom and the kingdom begun to grow quite richly due to an increase of visitors.  Thus, the people remain undecided as to what to do.

                        One day, Princess Selene was looking over her balcony and enjoying the warmth of the sun when her eyes caught something shiny.  She searched for the source and saw a man sitting with a group of cattle, a bobbin of gold thread in his hand.  The man was dressed in clothes that had seen better days, the sign of a poor traveler taking a rest.  If he was what she assumed him to be, then how could he afford a bobbin of gold?  Not knowing irritated her, so she sent one of her maids to see if he would sell the bobbin to her.  The maid returned and said the traveler would only speak to her.  Nearly fuming, the princess came down to him.

                        "How much does it cost," she asked.

                        "My price is to lie at the foot of Her Highness' bed tonight," the traveler replied simply.

                        "For shame, to ask to dirty the foot of my bed!  You might even try to lay harm to me while I rest!  I will give you twenty pieces of gold for the bobbin instead!"

                        "No," the traveler answered, "I have no need of money.  My price is to sleep at the foot of your bed, and you have my word that I shall not bring any form of harm to you while you sleep.  If it be too much for you, Then I shall keep my bobbin.  Be quick with your decision, for I am leaving on the morrow."

                        Princess Selene was furious.  No one had ever dared to defy her anything.  Who did this traveler thought himself to be?  She was the princess of the kingdom and the next in line to the throne!  She would not bow down to any commoner's demands like her sister-

                        A sudden thought crossed her mind, making her smile.  She told the traveler to come to the back door at midnight and her maid will lead her to her room.  The traveler agreed and left to parts unknown.  Princess Selene returned to the castle and instructed Princess Luna's ladies-in waiting that a man had their mistress' permission to sleep at the foot of her bed and they must guard her all night to make certain that the man did not take advantage of her.  She then told her maid to lead the traveler to Princess Luna's room at midnight, but make sure that the traveler did not know that the room belonged to her sister and not her.  All of the servants agreed, for they knew what would happen to them if they disobeyed.  Princess Selene laughed with glee with her plan;  to trick the traveler and humiliate her sister and get the bobbin of gold in one fell swoop.

                        Upon midnight, the traveler arrived and the maid led him to the young princess' room.  Princess Luna was fast asleep, the covers over her head to hide her face.  All eight of her ladies-in-waiting were sitting around her, each holding a lit candle and trying to hide their exhaustion. 

                        "What's with the ladies," the traveler asked curiously.

                        "They are to protect Her Highness in case you do break your word and try to harm Her Highness while she rest," the maid answered.

                        "I suppose Her Highness has no trust that I would not be a pervert."

                        "Your request does invoke suspicion."

                        "I guess so."

                        The traveler curled up by the foot of the bed and fell asleep.  The ladies-in-waiting did their best to stay awake, eager to protect their mistress should the traveler prove to be an enemy.  However, the days spent slaving over Princess Selene's orders without Princess Luna's knowing, especially of hours before, had made them so tired that they fell asleep one-by-one.  Their exhaustion made it impossible for them to wake in time to awaken their mistress at the appointed hour of dawn, nor to awaken the traveler and usher him out.

                        King Marcus was very irritated the next morning when Princess Luna did not come down for breakfast.  Princess Selene couldn't keep her excitement contained, for she knew that her father hates tardiness.  The king questioned the servants where his young daughter was and, when he received no answer, he stormed upstairs and headed to Princess Luna's bedroom.  Not wanting to miss the show, his eldest daughter followed right behind him.

                        Meanwhile, Princess Luna awoke to sunlight shining upon her eyelids, the covers having fell from her face sometime during the night.  She sat up and stretched, taking in her surroundings for a moment before her eyes widened and all traces of sleep dispelled from her in an instant.  Surrounding her bed were all of her ladies-in-waiting, deeply asleep and appeared to not be awaking anytime soon.  What's more, at the foot of her bed was a stranger she had never seen before, slowly awakening from his slumber.  He wore strange and worn clothing that were covered in dirt and other kinds of filth, a strange cap upon his head that fell down his back yet allowed his light color bangs to peep out.  He looked around in confusion before their eyes met, each a mirror of fear and shock.

                        "You're not Princess-"

                        "Who are you," Princess Luna cried out, cutting him off, "and what did you do to my ladies-in-waiting?!"

                        Suddenly, the door burst opened and barging in was King Marcus and a smirking Princess Selene.

                        "Oh ho," the king angrily boomed, "So THIS is your type!  What a wretched daughter you are, sleeping with filthy commoners and your own servants!  Get dress!  I will meet out your punishment in the throne room!

                        "You leave at once commoner," he turned to the traveler, spitting out the word 'commoner' like a filthy word, "If you are not gone within a few minutes, I shall have the guards throw you out, if you are still alive after they beat you for soiling my daughter, a princess of this realm!"

                        With that, King Marcus stormed out of the room, leaving a grinning Princess Selene alone with the frightened princess, the angry traveler, and the suddenly awake ladies-in-waiting.

                        "I shall escort you out," she told the traveler, "We still have some business to discuss."

                        Reluctantly, the traveler followed, casting a sympathetic glance to Princess Luna before leaving.  The young princess got dress with the help of her frightened ladies-in-waiting, still confused and scared of what her father had planned for her.  They arrived at the throne room with a few moments, the High Council chatting with King Marcus over different matters.

                        "SILENCE," the king roared, then glared at  Princess Luna, "To think a child of mine would allow such filth to lie so close to her as to poison her!  I will not be related to such a  vile creature!"

                        "But Father-"

                        "I will not hear it!  As of today, you are stripped of your title as princess, your servants, your possessions, and citizenship.  You are hereby banished from the kingdom and all the provinces henceforth!  Be off the island in five days, or else the guards will throw you in the dungeons and you will be executed!"

                        "Please reconsider Your Majesty," one of the ladies-in-waiting cried out, "Lady Selene ordered us to let the traveler in without Lady Luna knowing!  It was not Lady-"

                        "A true monarch would know who to trust under her rule, and a true servant would take order only from their master.  It is further proof of how Luna is not fit to be royal blood, and all of you are not fit to serve the royal family!"

                        "Strip me of all I have," Luna declared, feeling a small bit of courage for the first time in her life, "but please spare my servants.  They have nowhere to go and are not responsible for-"

                        "Silence, commoner!  They are no longer your servants.  They will be punished accordingly.  Learn your new place quickly, for it may spare you life.  Now be gone before the day is out!

                        "Oh, before you do, strip out of that garment and those jewels.  They are not fit for one of your... status.  The head maid will give you attire that is more... proper."

                        Some of the servants and members of the High Council snickered while the ladies-in-waiting began to cry.  Her bravado long gone, Luna slowly followed the head maid out, her eyes full of despair yet not one single tear fell.  She was dressed in a thin cotton dress with a wood shawl, an old cloak and worn cloth shoes with thin leather soles that once belonged to the head maid's daughter long ago.

                        "Here," the head maid gave the former princess a pouch, "This should be enough until you reach the mainland.  I also hid your precious heirloom in a  pocket of the cloak.  I'm sorry I couldn't do anymore than this.  Your mother in Heaven is weeping for your misfortune, but I hope this is more than enough to repay the debt I owed to her.  I only wish I could do more..."

                        "I know.  This is more than enough.  I thank you for everything.  Please stay safe, both you and everyone else here."

                        "Be safe, my lady."

                        Luna opened the door and stepped outside, no one recognizing her in such an outfit.  She heard her sister's voice and turned her head to see both her and the traveler arguing from a short distance.

                        "You tricked me," the traveler accused.

                        "You said your price was to sleep at the foot of Her Highness' bed for the bobbin of gold," Princess Selene pointed out, not at all feeling guilty for her trick, "You never declared which Highness whose bed you wished to sleep at the foot of.  Therefore, you were not tricked."

                        "You sister is being punished for your trickery."

                        "And I should worry?  The brat never learns to be cautious, even around her own kin.  She deserves whatever fate is bestowed upon her.  Now, for the bobbin..."

                        The traveler scowled, but handed the bobbin of gold over.  Princess Selene squealed, and ran back inside the castle without a backwards' glance.  The traveler sighed, then turned to leave when he saw the princess he woke up next to walking away.  He found it odd for her to be in commoner's clothes and not having any servants or guards around, but upon seeing her leaving the kingdom did he understood.  What kind of king would banish his own daughter, when she wasn't at fault?  He decides to follow her, a pang of guilt in his chest for being part of the cause of her banishment.

                        Luna followed the dirt trails left behind by travelers, ignoring the rocks that pushed through the soles of her shoes and hurt her feet, until she arrived in a village before dusk.  The traveler watched her requested a simple room and a small meal for the night.  He thought for certain that she would request the best room and a large meal, especially the meal since she may not have eaten since yesterday.  He was truly curious of that strange princess.  He requested a room and decided that he should keep following her.

                        The next day, Luna bought a bit of food and began traveling again.  She had no idea that the traveler was following her, keeping his distance as he observed her.  Unlike other royals that he had heard of, the former princess carefully spent her money, staying in the simple rooms of the inns she stopped at and buying just enough fruit and bread to last her until she reached the next village.  He was impressed with her.  They soon reached a village port, where he saw her looking troubled as she talked to a ferry man for a trip to the main land.

                        "I'm sorry miss," he told her, "I won't be taking anyone to the main land until tomorrow.  The fee will be five coppers, and I will need that before we depart."

                        "I understand.  I will be here tomorrow."

                        "Be early.  I won't wait."

                        Luna left the port, but she didn't go to the inn or the food stands.  Despite her careful spending, five coppers were all she had left.  The simplest of things were expensive, the fancier things with a hefty price tag that only the richest nobles could afford.  Staying in the village port to make a bit of money was out of the question, for she would be arrested if the royal guards found her here the day after tomorrow.  She did not want to part with her precious heirloom.  It meant so much to her, and to sell it would break her.  Without a choice, she had to go without a room or a meal that night.

                        Luna went to the outskirts of the village port and curled up next to a tall tree as night arrived.  She buried herself into the cloak that barely kept the cold away and tried to ignore the growling of her belly for food.  She did not know how the poor can managed it, for she found it be unbearable. 

                        Since birth, she didn't went without, even when her sister was at her worst.  She remembered her late mother's sweet songs and pain hit her heart.  She missed her mother dearly.  Her father she never became attached to.  Always favoring his first daughter, he was more of a provider to Luna, nothing more.  Perhaps that was why he hated her so, for she did not show him enough from all of her attempts to bond with him of any love she had for him.  It had at one time made her sad that he would not acknowledge that love, but that was a long time ago.  A single tear fell down her cheek before exhaustion finally claimed her.

                        Moments after she fell asleep, bandits attacked her and demanded everything she had.  Luna was so frightened that she did not move or speak.  The bandits grew angry and the leader took out a knife while his men held her down.  She tried to scream for help, but they covered her mouth to silence her.

                        Suddenly, the bandits cried out as they were attacked, their victim unable to see who came to her aid and curled up in a ball.  Screams, curses, and clangs filled the night air before the leader ordered a retreat and the bandits scattered into the night.

                        "A smart traveler knows better than to sleep out here all alone.  You have no guards to protect you now, so you best learn how to avoid such confrontations."

                        Recognizing the voice, Luna lifted her head to see her savior to indeed be the traveler that slept at the foot of her bed days before.  He lit a lamp to give them light and he sat by her, cleaning the blood that dripped from his sword.

                        "Have you been following me," she asked, pulling her cloak tight around her.

                        "What do you mean?  I'm merely heading back to my kingdom.  Thanks to your wicked sister, my bobbin of gold is gone and I no longer can afford to continue my travels."

                        "You and I are both the victims of my sister's wickedness.  My father had stripped me of my title and possessions, and I must leave the island by tomorrow to avoid being thrown into the dungeons and executed."

                        Executed on top of banishment?  He had heard the rumors, but still...

                        "May haps the reason other than my visit for your banishment is your reaction to the suitors that sought your hand in marriage?  The prince of my kingdom thought you to be obscenely harsh."

                        "Again, my sister and her wickedness.  No matter how secretive I was, she always tore my letters of response or apologies apart, and sent such disgusting letters with my own seal in their place.  She claims that I am too soft to give a proper response and I should be more demanding.  If only I had a letter of her own writing, I can prove how her handwriting and my own differ, proving my innocence."

                        "And your original response, if I may ask?"

                        "... I don't think that it matters anymore.  I wanted to thank him for the gift he sent me and if I may visit his kingdom to speak to him in person.  I wanted to get to know him and meet royals other than those of my family.  I... I wanted to travel and see the different kingdoms and make friends.  I tired of living in the castle every single day, watching everyone know how to cook and clean while I simply sit and either read or sew.  I... Do ignore me.  It seems I am full of complaints for one that did not do without most of her life."

                        "It is not unusual.  It seems royals complain despite having anything they could want."

                        "It matters not to have everything if what one truly wants is out of reach.  I try to merely accept what I have and be grateful, but not all the finest jewels and dresses didn't appease me."

                        "Even so," the traveler put his sword away, "you are still foolish for sleeping out here like that.  Why did you not sleep at the inn?"

                        "I only have enough for either the ferry or the inn.  It was one or the other.  No matter how careful I spent the bit of money I was given by the head maid, things just seemed to be expensive.  Or perhaps it's just me..."

                        "No, for I've seen it too.  The prices around here are more so than in other kingdoms.  Once you reach the main land, you'll have nothing and must beg for food with the closest town miles away.  What then?"

                        The former princess did not answer.  She knew not the lay of the lands beyond her own, for her tutor only taught her the layout of the island and of the province islands nearby.  Her stomach decided to remind her at that moment that she had no dinner that night, causing her cheeks to color in shame.  The traveler sighed.

                        "I tell you what.  I will help you.  I will take you to my kingdom.  You will stay with me and earn your keep."

                        "But I-"

                        "You don't have a choice if you wish to live to a ripe old age.  I repaid my debt of having you banished by saving your life from those bandits.  I could easily leave you here for death or worse, and I'm feeling generous.  Do not let pride get the better of you."

                        "It's not pride," Luna muttered, her shivering becoming worse before she could finish.

                        "Come here," the traveler pulled her to him, ignoring her small cry of protest, "Princess, you're like ice!  These clothes are far too thin for sleeping outdoors!"

                        "They're all I have," Luna mumbled, resisting the urge to bury her head into the warmth of his chest.

                        "Here," the traveler situated them to lie on the ground, "Sharing body heat is the best method when sleeping outdoors."

                        "Didn't you say that sleeping outdoors is a bad idea?"

                        "It's too late to get a room at the inn, and the bandits are gone.  Sleep now.  I'll protect you."

                        Luna tried to say something but a yawn escaped her lips.  She had no more energy for anything and promptly fell asleep.  The traveler chuckled and reached over to blow out the lamp before falling asleep.
                        The next morning, the traveler and Luna awoke early.  They returned to the village port, where the traveler bought some fruit and bread before they headed to the ferry man.  Upon seeing them, he stated his price to be six coppers for the both of them.  Luna looked confused, but the traveler chuckled and paid the six coppers.  Once on board, she tried to give him the three coppers for her fare, but he declined and handed her some food to eat.  The ferry took a day before they arrived upon the main land.

                        Luna stayed with the traveler, following him to his kingdom.  She started to notice things about him she did not before.  He was young, a few years older than her at best.  He had the start of a beard grazing his sculpted jaw, his eyes full of wisdom and a youth that had yet to vanish.  His clothes barely hid the immense strength she had felt days before.  She blushed whenever she thought about it, but had to remind herself that she did not know him well and he did not find her attractive at all.  The only thing he felt for her was pity and a sense of obligation to help her.  She was, after all, a helpless and useless former princess that didn't know how to fend for herself.  What common man would want with her?

                        "We are here," the traveler said after a few days' travel, both of them staring at a large castle by the lake in the forest, "There lies the castle of my kingdom's royal family."

                        "It's a beautiful castle and land," Luna commented in awe, "More beautiful than any painting I've ever seen."

                        "Come.  My home is not far now."

                        They continued through the forest until they reached a small hut near a dirt road leading into town.  They went inside to find the place full of dust and the furnishings old and simple.

                        "It may not be the lavished castle you're used to," the traveler explained, "but it's my home and I expect you to treat it respectively.  Now, we need to get the dust clean, a fire started, and the evening meal cooked.  I shall get the firewood.  You start the cleaning."

                        "I understand," Luna replied.  She took a broom to sweep as the traveler gathered firewood.  Upon his return, he taught her how to start a fire and cook their small meal before they went to bed.  The traveler awoke her the next morning to do the housework.  Luna was a fast learner at the chores she did almost every day, doing so without so much as a complaint.  The traveler was impressed. 

                        "Our provisions are running low," he told her one day, "We will need to work to buy what we need.  Begging will only do so little for us.  I will head to the nearby village to work, but what to find for you..."

                        "I shall go into town and search for work," Luna placed on her cloak and headed for the door.

                        "Do not stay out too late.  Bandits come out at night."

                        The former princess traveled to town, finding herself overwhelmed by the bustling activity around her.  What could she do?  All she knew was how to sew and stitch small patterns, but not how to make clothes.

                        "Hello there."

                        She turned to see an elderly woman with a basket of bread on one arm waving at her.

                        "H-hello," Luna stuttered in greeting.

                        "I haven't seen you before.  You must be new to our fable kingdom."

                        "Y-yeah.  I just moved in a few days ago."

                        "No need to be so shy.  Everyone's friendly here.  You're going to love living in our kingdom.  Here, have some of my husband's fresh-baked bread.  It's the best in town."

                        "I thank you, but I do not have any money.  I just came into town to look for work."

                        "Oh dear.  You came here without a position?  Well dear, I might be able to help you out.

                        "You see, my husband's last assistant left us after we found him stealing our wares.  Can you knead dough?"

                        "I have not tried, but I would love to learn how."

                        "Ah, a youth wanting to learn is so hard to come by these days.  You are a rare one indeed."                    

                        From that day on, Luna began making bread as the baker's assistant.  She received three coppers and a few loaves of bread as payment every day.  The traveler told her that he had gotten work as a wood cutter and would bring home a few bits of meat and a couple coppers.  They would save the coppers if they can and make their meals of the bread and meat, sometimes finding fresh berries in the forest that weren't poisonous. 

                        The townspeople became quite curious of the former princess, who looked so happy covered in flour and smelling like buttermilk.  They had never seen anyone so happy and hard at work for someone her age.  Most youths would rather be out and playing instead of learning to work and earn their keep.  Luna even earned a few admirers, but they were soon chased off upon learning that she was living with the traveler.  The traveler himself was happy to see his charge hard at work and looking like her spirit was carefree.  They spent their evenings talking about their day while having their evening meal before going to bed.

                        A few weeks later, the town seamstress came by and took one look at Luna and declared loudly:

                        "You!  You are the one I need!"

                        Luna looked confused, but soon found herself at the seamstress' shop and being measured for a dress.  The seamstress had been in need of a model to help with her dress ideas and Luna happened to had the perfect body shape for it.  She paid the former princess six coppers and a few scraps of cloth for each session, which did not interfere with her job with the baker thankfully.  Luna felt so happy with her string of luck and she thought to make a gift for the traveler for bringing such happiness to her.  A new cloak, perhaps.  His own had a few holes in it.  As she pondered on the color, a sudden thought struck her.

                        She did not know his name.

                        "What's that," the traveler blinked at her during their evening meal, "You want to know my name?"

                        Luna nodded.

                        "Heh.  We've been together for a whole month and now you ask.  You know, my rude princess, I don't feel incline to tell you, especially since I don't know your name either."


                        "Huh," the traveler looked up and began to regret his earlier words.  His companion was staring at her meal sadly, almost as if she was deciding whether or not to finish eating.  Why did he do that?  That's right.  He was falling for her each day, and he did not want her to know.  Still...

                        "I am princess no longer.  The king of my former kingdom stripped me of that title, remember?  I am a mere commoner, like you."

                        "If I recall there was a rumor going around that your former king is not of royal blood at all.  That the late queen was tricked by a commoner to marry her."

                        "... 'Tis true.  My father and sister did trick my mother.  I overheard the High Council under my mother's rule speak so when I was young.  My father was so kind, but quickly changed after my mother's passing.  The High Council sought out his kingdom and family to find out why, only to learn that he had tricked us all.  They said that he was a simple commoner from lands unknown and that he pretended to be a prince, my sister a princess, in search of a bride after his late wife's passing.  They had talked about finding a way to usurp my father and sister while I remain to take the throne, despite my half royal and half commoner blood. "

                        "What happened?"

                        "I don't know.  The High Council disappeared and a new one took its place one day.  They never spoke of removing my father and my sister since.  In fact, they seemed to only agree to whatever my father tells them."

                        They both fell silent, the crackling fire the only sound in the small hut.  They cleaned their plates upon finishing and laid down in their beds of straw, Luna cursing herself a fool to think she could be anything but a bother to the traveler.


                        "Huh," she sat up to look at the traveler, who had his back to her.

                        "My name is Link," he repeated, "and... I'm sorry for earlier... Luna."

                        The former princess could not believe her ears as hope filled her.  Her traveler had a name.  Link.  An unique name, and somehow suited her companion.

                        Upon asking the seamstress how to make a cloak the next day, the seamstress handed her a few folds of thick wool to Luna and told her that she would teach her.  Luna tried to pay for the cloth, but the seamstress stated that she had no need of it, as she found out her model had been playing with her daughter during her lunch breaks while she had been busy.  The seamstress considered the cloth and the lessons as a form of payment for watching over her precious child. 

                        They worked together, Luna guessing Link's measurements.  Her years of sewing small latches came in handy as she learned how to create a hood and how much length she needed for each section of cloth.  After a few weeks of trail-and-error, they had the cloak almost finished.  They kept the cloak at the shop, waiting for Link's return from his latest travels to present it to him.

                        The rainy season had arrived, the skies covered with dark clouds almost every day.  Luna was on break from kneading the dough as she looked outside.  Today was the anniversary of her mother's death, a day that filled her with sadness and longing.  She wanted to visit her mother's grave to tell her all that had happened to her, but she could not.  The grave was back in her former kingdom, and she was not allowed to return.  All she had left was her heirloom, which she rarely took out.  She was afraid that someone would steal it or recognize her former status.  Her former kingdom was not liked by many, and she did not want to lose the friends she had made here upon learning the truth about her former status.  The need to see the heirloom, however, was great today.  Perhaps a quick look would satisfy it.

                        "A hah!"

                        Luna looked up in horror and shock to see Princess Selene in the bakery before her, flanked by two soldiers from their kingdom.

                        "Who would've thought that you were so wicked," Princess Selene announced loudly with sinister glee, "Not only do you let filthy commoners sleep at the foot of your bed, but you are also a thief!"

                        "I am no thief," Luna defended as the baker and his wife walked up to them, "If any be a thief, it's you!"

                        "How dare you accuse a royal princess of theft you worthless whelp!  We may be sisters of blood, but you will remember your lower status!"

                         "What does Her Highness mean," the baker asked Luna, seeing fear and shame in her eyes along with a brief moment of guilt.

                        "Before us is my half sister Princess Selene," Luna lowered her head, "I am... was, Princess Luna, daughter of the late Queen Emma and the Current King Marcus.  I was stripped of my title and banished due to Her Highness' wickedness."

                        "You were banished because you let a dirt-poor commoner sleep at the foot of your bed along with your servants," Princess Selene stated.

                        "Because you tricked the poor traveler that asked to sleep at the foot of your bed so you may take his bobbin of gold for yourself."

                        "Enough.  You reek of the filth around here.  Return to me the treasure that you have stolen and I might spare you."

                        "I have stolen not one ounce of the treasure of our kingdom upon my banishment.  Father had made certain of that."

                        "You dare to call the king of our lands by such personal names?!  Your wickedness knows no end!  And what is that sticking out of your pocket?!"

                        Luna looked to her dress to see a bit of a small pouch sticking out of her pocket.  Oh no.

                        "Give it here," Princess Selene launched herself at her sister and the two struggled.  Hair was pulled, clothes torn, and scratches decorated their skin.  The baker and his wife tried to stop them, but the soldiers would not let them pass.  As Princess Selene grabbed the corner of the pouch, she screeched as she felt someone pulled on her hair and dress.

                        "You let Luna go!"

                        Said woman's eyes went wide.  No!  The seamstress' daughter had attacked Princess Selene!

                        "You little brat," the princess growled and threw the young child onto the floor, grabbing a whip from one of her soldiers, "How dare you assault a member of royalty?!"

                        The young girl trembled on the floor, terrified.  Any type of attack on a royal member was grounds for immediate punishment, even execution.  Princess Selene lifted the whip and brought it down hard.  The seamstress' daughter closed her eyes and cried out in fright, but no pain came to her.

                        "Luna," the baker's wife cried out, the child opening her eyes to see the former princess shielding her.  Luna's eyes were shut tight as she gritted her teeth against the fiery pain, the back of her dress cut open to reveal a dark red line upon her pale skin.

                        "Does no one in this kingdom know how to respect royalty," Princess Selene screeched, whipping her sister's back angrily, "You have truly fell from grace dear sister, protecting filthy and disrespectful commoners from their rightful punishments!  I am ashamed to call you family!"

                        "Please stop You Highness," the baker pleaded, watching his dear apprentice losing strength as blood seeped her tattered dress, "She is your sister!  You're killing her!"

                        "I have no sister!!"

                        The whip was suddenly caught before it came down again, and the enraged princess turned to see a knight of the kingdom's royal guard behind her, helmet mask down to prevent his face from being seen.

                        "That is enough," the knight stated, "Any citizen that breaks the law will be judged by the ruling royal family before being punished.  This be not your kingdom, so do oblige by our ways.  Any further insubordination will result in your exile."

                        "Hmph," Princess Selene took the whip back, looking a the pouch in her hand, "I already got what I wanted.  My business is finished here.  Do be kind and get rid of this trash for me.  It will only tarnish your kingdom further.  I have a wedding to prepare."

                        Without another word, she and her soldiers left.  Luna panted for a moment, the pain excruciating, before she lost consciousness.

                        "Luna," the seamstress' daughter began to cry, the baker and his wife carrying their assistant to a bed and tending to her injuries.  The seamstress came by a second later in search of her daughter, and was in tears upon hearing what had transpired. 

                        "I'm sorry," they turned to see Luna awake, having overheard everything, "I know you all hate... my family and kingdom... and I deceived you without-"

                        "Hush now dear," the seamstress lightly scolded, "We now know the truth, and you deceive us not.  You don't have the title of princess anymore, so you are not.  You have saved my daughter, and you have my gratitude eternal."
                        "Rest now child," the baker's wife comforted, "Your wounds need to heal.  We should be fine without you for the time you need."

                        "I'm afraid time is not in our hands," the knight suddenly said, "A situation has occurred at the castle, and the royal family is in need of both the seamstress and this girl."

                        "I believe I owe you my life for stopping Her Highness Selene," Luna bowed her head slightly, "I am yours.  What need would you have of this former royal?"

                        "The young prince is to be wed in three day's time to a princess of the west, but the princess and her seamstress are delayed due to a monsoon.  His Majesty cannot delay the wedding, as guests both royal and noble have arrived for the celebration.  Therefore, my fellow knights and I have been sent to find a substitute that matches the princess' physique and pretend to be her."

                        And so, against her friends' protest, Luna agreed to be the princess' substitute.  She was best suited for the job.  She knew the way a royal must act, and thus would not appear suspicious to the guests.  The seamstress was concerned about the former princess' bandages showing, but the knight assured her that the cloths at the palace was thick enough so the bandages would not show.  There was also the concern about Princess Selene making a scene, and the knight claimed that the ladies-in-waiting would disguise Luna's face with makeup and a thick veil.  In essence, no one would recognize her.

                        With everything planned, it was late into the evening.  Luna was sent home with a new dress and enough food to last a few days, despite her protests.  She reached for her coin purse, but discovered it missing.  The baker believed that Princess Selene may have taken it during the struggle.  The knight said she would be compensated for the loss after the wedding.

                        Luna and the seamstress worked on the wedding dress once the cloth was delivered to the shop, being very careful of the details.  The young model ignored the pain of her wounds as best as she could, only grateful that Link hadn't returned yet and questioned her about it.  She did not know how to keep her pain a secret from him or how he would react.  She did not know if her affections towards the traveler were love or not, but she did know that she could not part from him.

                        Upon bidding goodnight, Luna returned to the hut.  Tomorrow was the wedding day, and she hoped that Link would not be back until after the wedding was over.  However, it seemed that her string of good luck had come to an end upon entering the hut.  Link was sitting by the lit fireplace, an angry scowl upon his face.

                        "Rumors have been going around the kingdom.  Are they true about you substituting for the princess on the morrow?"

                        How did he...?  'Twas supposed to be a secret!  If only she had asked the knight of his name, so she may inquire upon their next meeting.

                        " 'Tis true," she lowered her head, "A knight had asked of me to be Her Highness' substitute due to the monsoon that had delayed her."

                        "And you think you can in your condition," Link's voice rose higher as he stood, "The baker had informed me of what had transpired while I had been away."

                        " 'Tis no longer hurts.  I shall be fine."

                        "You fool."

                        Luna closed her eyes, fear and dread filling her being.  She was, indeed, a fool.  She tried her best at every opportunity, and she still angered the one she loved most.  Yes, now at that time she can admit it to herself.  She expected him to throw her out and she had to find a new place to live, just like how her father had.  It was, after all, what she deserved for being so weak and useless.

                        She did not, however, expected Link to walk over and hold her close to him, arms avoiding her tender back with care.  She opened her eyes wide to see his face scrunched up tight, as if he were in pain.

                        "Do you have any clue as to what you do to me?  How much it hurts that I cannot protect you when you willingly throw yourself in danger?  If your wicked sister exposes you, our kind king will be forced to publicly punish you."

                        "I know royals, being one myself once upon a time.  How they eat, how to act, how to walk.  If she were to accuse me, the other royals will find the accusations invalid.  Any other from the kingdom, and they would be the ones to be punished.  A royal's eyes are sharp, so no amount of acting would go unnoticed."


                        "Indeed, I am a fool.  But I am a fool that loves your kingdom so.  That loves the people so.  Above all, that loves you so."

                        "Luna...!  How... Why... I'm just a-"

                        "-a man that has given me more than what this unworthy woman deserves.  I'm a failure as a royal, a failure as a commoner.  If there be of any use of me-"

                        "Stop saying that," Link yelled, forcing her to look into his tearful eyes, "If one of us be a failure, 'tis I.  Not an ounce of your being is malicious and evil like your sister.  You be a rare treasure, a pearl from the deepest part of the sea.  You deserve more than what I had offered, for your soul is so pure and kind.  You need only the strength of confidence in yourself, the confidence that you were denied by those that cast you aside.  With it, you can prove yourself better than them, yet even without it, I still love you for all that you are, faults and all."

                        "" Luna felt fresh tears fill her eyes, a sense of joy warming her being clashing with the guilt of being the source of his suffering.  Link cursed silently for letting his feelings for her slip, but he no longer care.  After her declaration, how could he hold himself back anymore?

                        Their eyes met for the briefest of moments before they closed the gap between them in a kiss.  The former princess knew not how to kiss passionately, but the traveler showed her how.  He refused to release her that evening as they ate their evening meal, both retiring to the same bed.

                        Come dawn the next day, Luna was at the door presenting Link with his new cloak.  The traveler had no words to say at such a well-thought gift, but became confused as he found a pouch in one of the cloak's pockets.  Inside was a beautiful necklace of white gold and diamonds, a blue sapphire teardrop in the center.

                        "This is what my sister desired so much so that she whipped me," Luna explained, "My mother gave me this necklace upon her death bed, and told me to give it to the one I wish to wed.  Upon our vows, the one I to wed is to place this upon my neck as a vow of everlasting love.  It was a tradition passed down upon my mother's family, now to me."

                        "I shall forever treasure it," Link held it close to his heart, "Let this mess be done with soon, so we are to be wed."

                        The two parted with a kiss before Luna met up with the seamstress and the knight, a carriage awaiting them.  They traveled quick to the castle and made their way in through the back to avoid detection from the guests.  They were taken to a room and Luna put on the wedding dress after her bandages were checked, the seamstress making certain that the dress fit perfectly.  The ladies-in-waiting arrived and did her hair and makeup before adding the heavy veil upon her head.  Satisfied with their work, Luna was left alone.

                        "Are you nervous?"

                        Luna looked up to see a tall woman walking in, a page guiding her by her hand.  She was awestruck, for she had heard of the great Princess Alicia of the northern continents, but never dreamed of meeting her in person.  Despite being blind since birth, she proved her worth as a wise and fierce princess.  It was even said that both she and her husband, the elder prince and heir to the kingdom's throne, had constant matches of wit before they were wed.

                        "Your High-"

                        "Do not bow.  The dress will wrinkle and the seamstress' work for naught.  As I have heard, you were once a royal yourself.  That is good, for several of our guests are very critical and will keep watch upon you.  More so will be that dreadful princess that felt in the right to punish you while you were protecting a child."

                        "I shall do my best to hide the common blood within me.  I have a beloved to return to, and failure is an option not."

                        "Good.  If I may ask the name of your beloved?"

                        "Link, Your Highness."

                        "Link," Princess Alicia blinked, then smiled, "A fine name.  I do hope he feels fortunate to have a wondrous woman like you to love him."

                        "Nothing of me is wondrous.  I am just me, and nothing more."

                        "Fine words.  Now, the bridesmaids will lead you out.  You stay behind them.  One the last bridesmaid walks down the aisle to her place, wait a pause for the music to change before walking.  Our customs are similar to the ones from the isles, so fret not about unfamiliar exchanges.

                        "I must be off now.  We are counting on you."

                        "Yes, Your Highness."

                        Soon, the wedding began in earnest.  Luna waited as instructed before heading down the aisle.  She did not let her eyes wander from the young prince that stood by the priest and the knight that had rescued her.  The prince wore a traditional outfit that appeared snug upon his muscular frame, his face near shining from a clean shave.  He eyed the substitute intensely, who did not break character as she stood by his side.  Luna was never more glad for the practices her tutor made her do as a child, the priest reading the prayers and asking if anyone objected before the speaking of the vows.  None objected, and Luna felt slightly safe.  That was, until the prince brought out a familiar necklace and lifted the veil to place it upon her neck.

                        "I OBJECT!!!"
                        Everyone gasped and turned to see Princess Selene standing with a fierce angry look upon her features.  It was as Luna feared.  Her sister had recognized her.

                        "That necklace is a sacred heirloom belonging to my fable kingdom!  It was stolen by my sister before her banishment and I demand that you return it to me at once!"

                        Was the necklace all she cared about?  Did she not know how much she was embarrassing their father and their kingdom?

                        "Princess Selene," the king interjected, "This is a grave accusation that you have made on part of my son and your sister.  Have you proof of you words?"

                        "Indeed I do, for the thief is standing right next to your son!  That miserable wench not only allowed commoners to sleep in her room and dare to steal from her own family, but she dares to steal the prince from his proper bride!  She has manipulated your son and all of your kingdom, Your Majesty, and I do decree that she should be tied to three horses and pulled to death!"

                        Everyone was whispering to each other now, the princess smug and full of victory.  The prince went to speak, but Luna raised a hand and stepped forward.

                        "If I am to be killed for the crime of theft, then you too must share my fate, dear sister."

                        "How dare you!  I am no thief!"

                        "Three days ago, you attacked me at my place of work without evidence to prove that I was a thief and you stole my coin purse from me."

                        "You tricked me when I sought the heirloom with your worthless coin purse and its few coppers, but it matters not now the evidence lies upon your neck!"

                        "You were there when my mother and your stepmother gave me this heirloom upon my neck before she died.  It was not stolen, for 'tis mine to begin with.  By tradition upheld by my mother and her family before, I gave it to the one I was to be wed, and he gave it back upon the time of our vows."

                        "Ho oh! How delusional you are, most likely from spending too much time with that disgusting traveler!  You are not the princess to be wed today, nor are you royalty to own that heirloom!"

                        "Neither are you, as you possess pure commoner blood from our father, I half royal from my mother."

                        "And I will not have you speak so ill of my brother," the knight by the prince's side declared, removing his helmet.  The tall knight-prince- had a sculpted face and hair a darker shade than the younger prince, a slight shadow on the chiseled jaw. 

                        "W-what is this,"  Princess Selene shrieked in shock, "Princes marrying commoners and dressing up as guards?!  Are you to tell me next that the baker is in fact your king?!!"

                        "Perhaps you were wise after all to claim this one as your wife," Princess Alicia commented to the young prince, "For the one in the audience has a vile tongue to speak of us so while she is a guest to our kingdom."


                        "Permit me to explain.  Against my idea of declaring war on your pitiful kingdom for you insolent letters that you sent with your sister's seal upon them, my young brother-in-law decided to get revenge his way upon the author of those letters.  He went to your kingdom in guise as a traveler to ask your father to aid him.  However, you presented an opportunity when your father turned him away, your wickedness leading up to this rightful moment."

                        "What are you babbling about?!  No prince came before me!  I would remember if..."

                        Now that she had a good look at the young prince, his familiar smirk and the hard eyes that glared  upon her, her memory triggered and the pieces fell together.

                        "Wait... you?!  You were the hideous traveler with the bobbin of gold?!  I should've known you to be suspicious, for what commoner would have such a treasure..."

                        "Ah," the young prince finally spoke, "I am indeed the traveler that you came before for a bobbin of gold, Link, son of King Edward and brother to the heir Prince Leon.  It was my intent to deceive you under the impression that you were Princess Luna and teach you a lesson for your haughtiness, but I have no need to anymore.  Thanks to you, I have found my soul mate in the form of your sister here, the true Princess Luna."

                        "Ha!  You think she will have you?!  As humble and weak as she may be, you made her sleep in the dirt and work to the bone for her keep.  All the while you were laughing as you slept in your plump bed and sat about while being pampered by your servants.  No royal in her right mind would have such a wicked one as you!"

                        "I would," Luna corrected, gazing upon Prince Link, "This man gave me more than any title or riches ever could.  He had given me a true family, true friends, and confidence in myself.  He gave me everything when I truly had nothing.  For that, I forgive him."

                        "Hmph," Princess Selene threw her hair over her shoulders, "Then keep your pauper prince and his farce kingdom.  Return the necklace to me, as it belongs in the hands of true royals and not commoners pretending to be royals."

                        "Speaking of yourself," Prince Leon pointed out, "Rumors have spread of both you and your commoner father tricking a royal into marriage and adoption in bid for her throne.  A witness had confessed of the illicit affair.  Three days ago, I had been returning from a meeting with the other royal representatives when I came upon you trying to whip a young child of our kingdom, our dear bride protecting her from your wrath."

                        "That filthy bat attacked me, a royal princess!  I was in the right!"

                        "Maybe so in your kingdom, but here you are a royal princess in name only.  That means your rights are limited.  You do not possess the right to punish our citizens as you please.  Doing so is an act of war."

                        "Wait just a moment!  My sister is not a citizen of this kingdom!"

                        "But your true aim was the child, a citizen of our kingdom, was it not?"


                        "If you are done with these accusations without proof and insulting my kingdom and family," King Edward stated, "You may take your leave and prevent further humiliation to yourself and your kingdom.  The necklace stays here, as it belongs to the bride and no other.  Never again return to my kingdom, for you are banished.  Take your soldiers and be gone from our lands before dusk."

                        "Hmph.  I could not stay here for even a moment longer with such pigs.  Very well.  I shall wash my hands of you all, for I have my own wedding to prepare for.  Do not expect an invite, for you shall get none.  Keep the damn necklace.  It's already a piece of trash from being tainted by your commoner ways."

                        Without a backwards' glance, Princess Selene took her soldiers and left.  Many of the guests were content that the disrespectful and delusional princess was finally gone.  The wedding continued on, along with Luna's coronation as princess of the kingdom.  The people celebrated with great joy all throughout the day for the new royal couple. 

                        When given the chance, Prince Link pulled Princess Luna aside, so they would be alone for a moment.  It was time to confess everything from his own words.  He owed her that much.

                        "I am sorry for deceiving you," he confessed with guilt, "I had wanted to tell you everything upon my return to you when visiting my family, but my brother forced my hand upon finding you in danger.  You were so happy with the life of a commoner, and I only wanted to let that happiness live a bit longer.  I would've even gave up my own status so-"

                        "I knew."

                        "Beg pardon?"

                        "I knew all along about you being the prince," Princess Luna confessed, "I played ignorant upon learning the truth because I knew not your intent for me.  Were you like my father and sister, who sought my suffering as a form of entertainment?  Or, did you truly care for me despite how we came to be?  The answer I knew not, but now it seemed my curiosity was just rewarded.  Despite the charade, I could not stop myself from falling in love with you."

                        "How..." Prince Link uttered.  He was so careful...

                        "The night that you saved m from the bandits.  Light from the lantern shone upon the crest on your sword.  I knew it to be from your kingdom, and only royals may carry such a crest.  That, and they say in rumors that the young prince loves to travel.  Hard workers they may be, but my ladies-in-waiting did love to gossip."

                        "I fear I was wrong about you," her husband chuckled, "You are not really a mere humble  princess, but a worthy adversary.  Kind, courageous, brilliant, and indeed cunning.  'Tis makes me love you all the more."

                        "And I too have an itch for travel, if you remember that night we first slept in each other's arms.  Truly, I love our kingdom, but I wish to not stay in one place for too long.  Will you have me upon your travels?"

                        "Yes," the prince held his wife, "As many as we can before our duty calls us home."

                        And so, Prince Link and Princess Luna spent the rest of their days traveling to other kingdoms and enjoying each other's company.  They returned upon the coronation of Prince Leon as he became king, joining his council and ensuring the prosperity of the kingdom.  The baker, his wife, and the seamstress were rewarded greatly for their friendship with Princess Luna, despite not wishing for any sort of reward.  The seamstress' shop became very popular with nobles and royals alike seeking her services for their outfits.  The baker gained many young youths as apprentices and his bakery grew quickly, the youths opening their own bakeries throughout many kingdoms and spreading word about the baker and his wife's part in the story of Princess Luna and Prince Link.  They left the bakery to their best apprentice upon their retirement.

                        As for Princess Selene, she married a king and thought to had become rich beyond her wildest dreams.  However, she had been tricked, as the 'king' was, in fact, a commoner that had rallied a group of rebels that overthrew both her and her tyrant father and banished them from the kingdom.  The people of the kingdom declared the commoner their new king, as they did not wish to beg Princess Luna to give up her happiness and return to rule.  The princess did gave her blessing to the new king, who ruled wisely and justly. 

                        And, for a time, peace returned to these great kingdoms.


The End






© 2014 Omegax45

Author's Note

I got the idea from reading the different variations of the Grimm Fairy Tale King Thrushbeard. Thank you for reading.

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A very beautiful story! I noticed there seemed to be a bit of confusion with the tenses and a few minor spelling errors but a great story none the less! Very creative! I was not expecting the part where selene gets taken down! Excellent! I'm sorry it took so long to read this! Very good! I look forward to reading more of your works!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

No problem. I thought I had gotten the errors ironed out, but I will recheck again. Once again, th.. read more
I really enjoyed myself with this read. It's a great story and it really draws the reader in. Nice job!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you very much.
Fallen hero

11 Years Ago

I'm just saying you are really gifted keep it up.

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2 Reviews
Added on October 10, 2013
Last Updated on January 19, 2014
Tags: kingdoms, fables, princess, king, traveler, banishment, love, journey, deceivement




I have published my second book in the series after three years: Hell's Detective: Lust. It is available now on Amazon Kindle and soon to be available as a paperback. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Omegax45

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Omegax45

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by Omegax45