Made For Each Other

Made For Each Other

A Story by Omily

The ending still applies.


Do you ever think people were made for each other? Like, literally crafted to fuse together in sublime harmony when they meet? I do. I feel like that's how it was with you. Our bodies just fit together. When your hands curled fingers with mine, it's like they belonged there, and until then neither of us had known the worth of those appendages. Our lips met as though that's where they were supposed to be. We were both given keys of pink flesh whose sole purpose was to find each other's and to lock in a perfect mold. That's what it feels like. And when I laid on you, I told you, you were so comfortable, like my head belonged in that concave space between your shoulder and your chest.


I think my laughter was pre-matched with your wit. My intelligence was meant to grow side by side with your blossoming brilliant mind. My fluctuating emotions were meant to be stabilized by your calm assurance and sanity, and vice versa. That's just how it is, like we were biologically predisposed to match. If there is a god, he built us to be a pair. I'm not exaggerating. I'm not being romantic. I'm just writing the cold, hard facts like I see them. And they are cold and hard. If I were feeling the least bit of warmth right now, I wouldn't be writing this.


I think your quirks go with my idiosyncrasies like peanut butter and jelly. I know you've never eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. That's a quirk. I love that about you. I wonder if anyone else would be able to appreciate your lifelong unintentional avoidance of peanut butter and jelly like I do. I think your deep understanding and observation of everything and everyone around you is meant to fit with my abnormal empathy. They just work together. It might sound crazy, but I think that we both have very old souls. People like that, when they find each other, are meant to connect so they can kick back with their old souls and apply, together, the lessons they have learned through generations of experience in life.


Everything about us on that higher plane of human existence-- some people would call it love-- belonged together. I think your romantic nature was meant to balance my craving for affection. I think your heart was fashioned to beat against my breast. I think your smile was shaped to produce my genuine, sincere, truly natural happiness.


I think we were made for each other. It was good while it lasted.


It meant something while it lasted.

© 2010 Omily

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This is a brilliant expression of a journey of lovers who have not united in the mundane way, but have found each other in the light and darkness of grasping, surrendering and silent withdrawing. Very intense and redeeming!

Posted 11 Years Ago

This writing is very beautifully written, easy to read and is very sweet... I like the rather sad ending, it made this writing more stronger...

You can express your thoughts brilliantly, well done.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 15, 2010
Last Updated on April 3, 2010



St. Louis, MO

I'm an English major at a university somewhere. I like writing. more..

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