Dear Dad

Dear Dad

A Poem by PadfootBlack

This sorta just came out of me... meant to be rapped.


"You okay?"

Is what you say

But I can't even

tell you

that I've

had a bad day

Cuz you'll go off

About your problems...

But hey,

don't get me wrong

I'm not ungrateful

What you do for me and Dan..

I'm so thankful!

But there comes a time

when you gotta choose sides

You gotta decide

what laws you'll abide

gonna be the working father

who has no time for his kids

pays the rent and for the food

But is so busy he rids

himself of any chance,

any love there might be

whatever relationship there was

is long-since been

erased from their hearts

Or do you wanna be the Daddy

who may not work as many hours

And yeah, may not have as much money

But have the time

to nourish

to love

two lost teens

in a world of hate

of heartbreak and

torn seams

All I want is for you to listen

I know you love me, Dad,

but it making me so sad

that the twinkle in your eyes

is lost to the world

The future unfurls

Your kids are grown

Moved out

No longer Daddy's little girl

I don't think you've heard

A damn word

I've said

This whole year

Seems ever since Mom left

we're a burden

a weight with heft

You say you love us

Yeah, I know you do

But it's getting harder

to look you in the eye

I'm sorry but it's true

I don't feel like I know you, Dad

Please don't get mad

But I'm about to lie to you

Even though I wish you really knew

what I feel inside

But here comes the tide

I'll just smile and nod

Though this whole deal is flawed

Then we can dine

Over a silent meal.

Here it goes, the classic line:

"Yeah, Dad.


I'm fine".



© 2010 PadfootBlack

Author's Note

So... yeah. You really have to read it aloud for it to sound okay. It's a rap. Rythm's not my thing, obviously, but I tried my best.

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I love this ! This is my family except i have a mother.. I understand completly! Thank you so much for sharing and a song that describes my feelings toward them is Just like you by 3 days grace.

Posted 13 Years Ago

good poem....

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very, very good. :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow, this is really powerful.
I feel the pain, longing and anger.
I actually like the rhyme scheme.

Especially when it goes:
But have the time
to nourish
to love
two lost teens
in a world of hate
of heartbreak and
torn seams.

Great job (:

Posted 13 Years Ago

No, you did a good job with the rhythm. I could tell from the very beginning that it was a rap. Very well written. I love how it goes through everything that you feel and then ends with just saying you're fine. Thats how it tends to go. But parents bring it on themselves and then wonder why their children are suffering. Nice work.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow this was great. There was so much emotion in it, and I can relate though my situation is a tiny bit different. But I really liked this.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Just wondering, was one of your objectives to make me super sad? Because this really did the trick. It was personal yet relate-able, poetic and true, and captivating.

It hurts to know so many relationships cannot be formed in honesty because people are always worrying about worrying someone else.

Beautiful write, 100/100!

Posted 14 Years Ago

really amazing. so personal and touching. great language and rhythm.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This mad me sad to read. It's powerful and wonderfully written.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is a wonderful write but also kind of sad.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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23 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 1, 2010
Last Updated on July 1, 2010
Tags: mad, Dad, father




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