in beauty...

in beauty...

A Poem by Schlechter Kornwurm

ummm...keep being beautiful...all of beautiful people....and to you ugly ones,...may you continually strive to be as beautiful as we...


can i write another phrase,
a page of thoughts
a line of prose,
would the words flow?
who knows..

lyrics of song
no longer flows
the irritable nature of one,
causes the pain to grow,
the two sitting aside me,
move me to repulsion,
the smell,
the stench,
the hideous agony,
in praise i delight that i am not them,
for if i were them,
i would that angels remove my bowels,
that i become despised by all,
i would that i be not fit to procreate,
my lips forever sealed, whipped
my wounds never healed,
for to be them,
i could never be,
for beauty is me,
in light i was formed,
by aphrodite's touch i was born,
for devils must have born them,
cursed be them,
their hideous facial warts,
their monstrous smatter on society,
who do i praise in thanks?
is it the gods that bless me,
depise the other,
for the inner beauty inside?
we look upon the appearance,
not ones inner beauty,
for that is but an afterthought
could we the beautiful,
embrace those who lack our shine?
could prince charming,
in all his majesty,
look with lust upon the queen witch,?
do we appreciate who they are,
or pray for their souls,
to be reincarnated into birds,
who might soar above us,
looking down upon us beautiful people,
those of us who create,
who dont cause our hearts to melt with sadness
those of us who love humanity,
who rely on the beauty of others to sustain us
for we are a visual society,
what would you rather look upon,
a monarch in full bloom,
or a moth in its drab?
there is the cursed in every species
and we have found ours..

oh to be surrounded by beauty,
for even tho the beholder defines it to himself,
there is the beauty and the beast,
may you all be beautiful to yourself...

© 2008 Schlechter Kornwurm

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Added on August 6, 2008
Last Updated on August 6, 2008


Schlechter Kornwurm
Schlechter Kornwurm

in the city of love..., Azerbaijan

everything turn grey when i dont have at least one mark on the horizon, life then seems dead and depressing; I cannot stand honest men, they must lead lives full of boredom.... more..
