To Demoiselle Beatrice

To Demoiselle Beatrice

A Poem by Patches I'm not so new anymore.

A letter to the lady named in the title by the Traveling Troubadour-----



My Dear Beatrice

          How wonderful that thou shouldst take the time to write me after rejecting my suite five years past. I am well and fairly comfortable in my role of Troubadour.

Thee asks if I remember thee. Demoiselle no man forgets the companion with whom he embarked on his first voyage into the unexplored ocean of romance.



I remember

the evening fog thickening

obscuring Diana's silver crescent---

the unfasened coral cloak

draped  acrost thy shoulders {such lovely shoulders.}

Thy bronzed circlet tilted rearward

framed thy auburn tresses as would a halo.


I remember

Thee sitting at the marble topped table

in the garden of the chateau reading

Romaine de la Rose by torchlight

thy violet chemise

deeping the color of thine eyes.


I remember

how the smoke from

nearby torches spiraled upward

into the wind and swept acrost

the  paling face of Diana.


I remember

thy limbs crost at the ankles

resting on the opposite bench

beneath the table.


I remember thee

sitting alone

on that raised terrace

waiting for someone

who would never again be me.






© 2011 Patches I'm not so new anymore.

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3 Reviews
Added on April 17, 2011
Last Updated on April 17, 2011