Reflections of the Sun

Reflections of the Sun

A Poem by Perdition

I tell myself to move on,

But how can I?

How can I watch from these heights? 

My spring-silhouetted eyes

Caged as you walk out into the fire

Your soft rose memory still pondering in the wrinkles of my hand

Your scent, carelessly roaming from room to room;

You will return I say,

You will again climb these stairs like a wave that has freshly washed over the remains of some hapless corpse-

You will return like a morning sun,

Beaming with news from some new night; A moon separate than mine.

Stars that gleam over Antarctica or Peru

Their wings filled with magic 

Their frost pouring flight into the minds of the walkers below

Ah…if it were only true

But I tell myself that this is America and below

My misery I can own the earth

I can stand from my cage-bred silhouette and scream

Out eyes into the shadow

Of the jaws that grind in Ground Zero

I can wash my hands in the blood that silts from the stream of Seattle.

© 2013 Perdition

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Should I say how i feel when I read this one? It's intricate and so beautiful.. a romantic chaos and misery that's so well put gracefully.

The last line seals off the feeling well.. no words more that can articulate this piece convincingly. I see how your writing has changed overtime ...

Catch that early rising sun and put pen to paper and keep giving us a treat whenever you come here, dear poet or we shall all die a miserable

Posted 8 Months Ago


8 Months Ago

Oh good, so no pressure I'll do what I can and thanks for the push and pause as always~

8 Months Ago

Lovely..Thankful already
Interesting poem, enjoyed reading 🙂

Posted 8 Months Ago


8 Months Ago

Appreciated kindly~
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The line "You will again climb these stairs like a wave that has freshly washed over the remains of some hapless corpse" gives such an interesting image. I can see it clearly - in this context, the wave pulling the corpse back into its deep hold as the man so desires here. Your descriptions definitely highlight the sense of longing, nicely done!

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Wow..I forgot all about this one..Thanks for this as there is always one thing that happens when i g.. read more

5 Years Ago

That's a very humble perspective. It's so true how there are moments that are finely timed for us to.. read more
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Lines here feels like heavier on shoulders than we can think....that made you write this outstanding!
"Stars that gleam....walkers below" lines are tragic to me....All by your graceful mind....had a great read here!
Thanks for sharing

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

A thousand pardons "Tahsin.Z" as my fingers do have a way of flying off the keys every now and then... read more

5 Years Ago

That's totally a poetic sign in you!
Actually here some others also gave wonderful review but.. read more

5 Years Ago

It is indeed. Thank you again.
Sorrow deals many a hand, some more than others and it is in that sorrow we find that we can either live in the misery of maybe, what if, and grind our teeth upon the broken bits of heart left behind.... Or we do move on, move ahead, just Move. "Stickin' & Movin'" is what I do best my friend... For the hand I am dealt is on auto pilot stuck in constant attack so I MUST move or be crushed. To remain in the place that was will never bring us to the place that is or could be and the Sun is a precious sight when our Sunrises and Sunsets are numbered. Much love to you my dear friend

Posted 11 Years Ago

There are those certain ones who possess a spectacular melody originating from the secret places only they can hear. When these gifted souls take the time to share with us, our world becomes a little bit brighter and for a brief moment, we too can experience the magic and partake of such ecstasy.

You are a poetic treasure.

Catch up soon,

alisa ;-)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Breath taking. "Your soft rose memory still pondering in the wrinkles of my hand".... oh, in such weight of nostalgia the heart aches as it pours out lucid dreams from the trenches of yesterday.

"You will again climb these stairs like a wave that has freshly washed over the remains of some hapless corpse." Dark, methodical, poignant.. from the great below, I feel your voice echo like some sad madman who spent his in-between searching hallways for a mind. The imagery in this is so surreal, so naturally of your hand that it couldn't be mistaken for anything less of the haunting genius who wrought it. I searched pages for something that would catch my breath and my imagination for at least a few moments, to let me escape, and I found that in you. As I always do. I love your work, but then you know that, don't you? Great write, P, your words are a welcomed oblivion.


Posted 11 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 5, 2013
Last Updated on March 5, 2013




Two quids from the clown of a soul: Keep writing, otherwise I refer to Mr. Cobain below, till then go " to dream of untriangulated stars" Mr. Robinson... more..

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