There Is A White Girl

There Is A White Girl

A Poem by Phibby Venable

There is a White Girl
There is a white girl on this mountain
that hungers for a nightingale
because it has a pretty name
She loves the white laurels
that believe they are a color,
that believe they enhance the vivid
burst of paints & pansies
Everything that is wild & thinks free
is nurtured here in its own nest
Everything that flies or stomps,
rages, lusts, speaks with intensity
is faithfully flung upwards
There is a white girl on this mountain
that walks carefully
She is afraid of robots & the blind
She is weary of the cement of frowns
Some day, when she is in Italy,
she intends to plant a fruit tree
by an open well
She hopes to compare sunrises
and the formation of mountains
But for today, she is cautiously alert
Any moment a corpse tree
could tumble into a darkened crevice
Any moment a piece of love could tear
away from her
 into the fabric of the wind
She wants to land it safely.

© 2008 Phibby Venable

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She loves the white laurels
that believe they are a color,
that believe they enhance the vivid
burst of paints & pansies

great lines here. I really got a good sense with these lines who the white girl was and I loved how you took white, thought of as the absence of color, and showed how important it really is within the color spectrum.. put there it enhance the other colors. Beautiful

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.



Posted 15 Years Ago

With this you created a vivid range of emotions again, this girl is every girl, everything is just a perception. I love your narrative poetry, this is your thing! This is deliciously capturing the reader's imagination.

Posted 15 Years Ago

great poem

Posted 15 Years Ago

What an extraordinary longing.

"Some day, when she is in Italy, she intends to plant a fruit tree by an open well"

Such sophisticated imagery toys with the readers mind. This is a magnificent write.
I have read it five times and with each re-read, some new nugget of poetic genius
is uncovered, that I might revel in your masterful write just a little longer.
I noticed that we are neighbors Ms. Phibby. It's beautiful here this time of year isn't it?

I can't wait to read another piece of your work!

Posted 15 Years Ago

Wonderful flow to this poem. I love the last few lines the you described 'a piece of love' is terrific!

I also was taken by your description of nature.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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the repition of the title works lovely.

Posted 15 Years Ago

She loves the white laurels
that believe they are a color,
that believe they enhance the vivid
burst of paints & pansies

great lines here. I really got a good sense with these lines who the white girl was and I loved how you took white, thought of as the absence of color, and showed how important it really is within the color spectrum.. put there it enhance the other colors. Beautiful

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wonderful, almost crystal in its intensity. Elegant and clean.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I echo Em's first reaction, and oddly enough actually see improvement in your work. (i didn't think there was room)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The pacing of the piece is wonderful, almost valedictory or sermon-like. The notion of the "white girl"--the blank canvas, or devoid of color or life-- seeking beauty in the nightingale, envying the laurels for believing they have color-- is just so well-conceived, so elegantly expressed, that it nearly defies description. Utter magic, nothing less.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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11 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on September 19, 2008


Phibby Venable
Phibby Venable

abingdon, VA

About I live in the mountains of Southwest Virginia. Although my passion is poetry, I recently published a novel called, Women of the Round Tabl.. more..


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