Prelude to Heaven

Prelude to Heaven

A Poem by Patricia Wedel

Christmas Eve melodies of memories

Afternoon tea and ginger snaps 
with a Kitten on my lap... 
purring peacefully 

A book marked with dreams and 
the whisper of pleasant things... 
with the flutter of angel wings 

The music of a violin with 
a bow tucked under my chin... 
playing memories of my long ago kin 

A fire burning apple wood 
where an angel once stood... 
watching over hearth and home 

A little lamb from a nativity scene 
where wise men traveled from afar... 
following a bright star 

A stairway to heaven with the 
light of the moon and falling stars... 
where bluebirds sing lullabies 

Family gathered around the hearth 
with homemade cherry pies... 
and cheddar cheese doing as we please 

Presents under a Balsam fir tree
a sweater for grandma... 
a rocker for grandpa 

A litter of puppies to give away 
a twinkle in the eye of the beholder... 
A Merry Christmas to all and to all a 

© 2017 Patricia Wedel

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Hey, I just got a tiny whiff of Christmas tree pine needles & plum pudding in April...can't tell ya how hungry these fun, family festive words made me feel either, a most magical read indeed.. oh' plus I got a nice warm glow come over me... Thanks Pat......

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

6 Years Ago

dear Neville... how perfectly pleasant to know you found”Prelude to Heaven” to be magical with a.. read more

6 Years Ago

It was delightful Pat........


what a beautiful poem. Made me feel right at home and cozy. Loved the imagery and the sense of peace and safeness it brings. thank you

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

6 Years Ago

dear Ren Grace... thanks for stopping by...
and leaving your heartprint. I will be reading .. read more
I have been absent for a brief while and missed this...what a beautiful poem! Shimmers with nostalgia and beauty...a little late but Happy New Year to you hon...I so enjoyed this piece...

Posted 6 Years Ago

Patricia Wedel

6 Years Ago

dear Poppy... you are a breath of Spring
with your lovely review. We have russet breast Rob.. read more

6 Years Ago

How beautiful! I saw a robin this morning here also...birds are a blessing to watch :) Much love to .. read more
It is lovely to read a poem about happiness .. and all the things that make one happy. You painted a truly beautiful scene.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

6 Years Ago

dear aunt Astri... sorry for being so long to respond to your loving review.
Patricia Wedel

6 Years Ago

Hi aunt Astri... we are in the process of moving and my phone kept messing up. Anyway I appreciate .. read more
Just wow. Beautifully crafted words. Great job.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

6 Years Ago

dear Sanat... thank you for your kind review. May your New Year be showered with blessings. truly,.. read more
Aw I'm thinking. Give me one those puppies.
What do you do with all those sweaters.
Hope the year is going well for you..

Posted 6 Years Ago

Patricia Wedel

6 Years Ago

dear Paul... you ask, "What do I do with all the sweaters I receive as a present each Christmas?" W.. read more
Paul Bell

6 Years Ago

Nice one, Pat.
what a delightful, sweet poem Pat, filled with the aroma of dreams and happenings reminding me of that famous Christmas story/poem and the line: "and sugar plum fairies danced in out head".... thanks for the "gingersnaps".... it's been a very difficult holiday season for me for many reasons, so your poem was welcomed relief...

may your new year be blessed with joy!! HAPPY NEW YEAR PAT!!!

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

6 Years Ago

dear Redzone... I am honored by your review. I am sorry for your loss and setback. We also have su.. read more
Patricia Wedel

6 Years Ago

dear Redzone... may the New Year be a blessing in many ways for you... with each feathered friend si.. read more
Sorry i missed this magnificent poem.
Best regards to the New Year. Hope we will continue strong in poetry, too.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

6 Years Ago

dear Sami... so charming to hear from you. My poem
reflects the Hope of a New Year filled wi.. read more
Sami Khalil

6 Years Ago

Same to you. Peace, love and poetry...
A lovely scene described throughout, Pat.

It is always interesting to read about the different traditions that people hold to heart at times of celebration. And your descriptions of Christmas here make this reader's mind fill with wonder.

I sure hope your Christmas was as joyous as you have written it to be. Happy New Year, Pat. Best wishes for 2018. May it be a year for you filled with happiness and good fortune.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

6 Years Ago

dear Doodley, so charming that my poem filled you with wonder... even though our world still has set.. read more
A sweet and wonderful poem shared dear friend. Thank you Patricia for sharing the amazing and hopeful poetry.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

6 Years Ago

dearest Coyote... how delightful to read your review of Prelude to Heaven. May the New Year be full.. read more
Coyote Poetry

6 Years Ago

I hope you great happiness and successful 2018 dear friend.
WOW! WOW! And WOW! This is one of the best Christmas verses I've ever read! I love it! I love the way your message meanders awhile before revealing the Christmas themes. I love the way you harken to so many pleasant remembrances, yet without including anything predictable for the holidays. I love the haphazard rhyme scheme. It's all just a lovely tangle of sweet sensations! *smile* Fondly, Margie

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

6 Years Ago

dear Margie.,, I am "twitterpated" by your review. So fun and down to earth expressions. I do have.. read more

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25 Reviews
Added on December 25, 2017
Last Updated on December 25, 2017


Patricia Wedel
Patricia Wedel

Keystone, WV

Life is like a River that includes the sound of Warblers among the trees laden with happiness and tears... Wings take us to places we discover and people who write the Music we love to hear... quietly.. more..


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