Pick @ this Hole

Pick @ this Hole

A Poem by Psyche

I spent time in a mental facility, it was after a suicide attempt. Don't worry I wasn't serious about it, I just was so desperate for help that I faked a suicide attempt to get it. Doesn't make sense does it? Well it did to me at the time. So this was wri


I pick @ this hole on the wall

and I wonder if

I'll ever get out @ all.

My sanity is wearing thin,

and depression is starting to kick in.


in this place

I'm all out of sorts,


and scratched,

with a temper so short.


is all we wish to be,


from this captivity.

The double pane glass,

keeps us in-

but who saves us

from THEIR original sin?

The locks and deadbolts

are all in place,

to let us roam

in this constricted space.

In a cage,

is all we are.

But our minds roam away,

someplace real far/

Where fancies of flight

and daydreams galore,

our eyes are seeing

a beautiful shore.

Where mermaids and fairies

do exist.

and waves roll in,

spraying us with a fine soft mist.

Do you now know

and get the gist-

of what it's like

to trully miss?

The world outisde races by

without a care-

for us inside.

© 2009 Psyche

Author's Note

Please pay no attention to the playschool rhyming. To evaluate me when I first came in they had to take me off my medication for three days. They also stuck me in a semi-small octagon like structure with about fifteen other bi-polar and schizophrenic "crazies" and I had a roomate that snored, talked, and farted horrendously in her sleep. I cracked on day three and started screaming and throwing things. When they sedated me I wrote this. And after they started me back on meds. I was much much better, at behaving AND my writing... this is merely meant more to show you what it's like inside a mental insititution.

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WOW you see movies and I even visited a friend in one , but you
really never know unless you been there yourself right?
Anyway I enjoyed reading this even with " Playschool Rhyming "
Thanks for sharing .


Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 31, 2009



Las Vegas, NV

Masters in Psych. and love to read and write. Started out with prose and poems and worked my way up to short stories. But now I am on the big ball, working on my first...well...I guess you could call .. more..
