

A Poem by QuietPoet

Me and JadedSparrow wrote this together. It is our second poem. I hope you like it. It is 2 different stories and 2 different people into 1 poem.




I imagine the earth felt as I do now;
When her oceans, seas and rivers rebelled against her shores.
I feel consumed in the madness of my breathing,
And I grow dizzy with the booming thunder of my heartbeat.
I see me as an adventure
I’m bursting out of my cocoon
Wanting nothing more than to be happy
And letting go of what was the past
I feel my lips begin to quiver and my body start to tremble,
For the plague of tears has once again befallen the lands of my eyes.
Fatigue takes it toll and my legs begin to weaken.
There is no set path; I’m just following my heart
Searching for someone to look deep inside my soul
Allowing the wind to blow my hair into the mystery
And lifting my hands in the air to feel free
In the arena of my mind, gladiators battle with a fury that splits my sanity in two.
When the dust from the melee dissipates,
It is the void which has conquered my hope and optimism.
It is agony who stands victorious after slaying my tolerance.
Yes the battle is indeed over and the victors gloat as they claim the bounty of my life.

© 2008 QuietPoet

My Review

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Featured Review

You two write so well together! This is magnifcent!
Though I was hoping for a positive outcome .. lol.
See, I felt the poem as I traveled along through
life's battles, desires and hopes. I thought to myself,
self -- you know this journey, you're taking it! :)
So, when its ending was tragic -- well, it was a bit
disheartening -- yet fitting for the way you laid it out
and certainly gave me the will to strive harder so that
I won't own this same ending..

Exceptional work! Bravo to both of you! :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


i wish i could get the part at the end death dosent feel right in the poem but it works

Posted 15 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A very nice collaboration. Fantastic. Thank you for sharing. Debileah

Posted 15 Years Ago

This is really really Cool! Such imagery! I love the powerful words used in the 2 part poem. So, tell does two poets get together and write one poem that actually makes sense? It was neat. Cheers, lea

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You two write so well together! This is magnifcent!
Though I was hoping for a positive outcome .. lol.
See, I felt the poem as I traveled along through
life's battles, desires and hopes. I thought to myself,
self -- you know this journey, you're taking it! :)
So, when its ending was tragic -- well, it was a bit
disheartening -- yet fitting for the way you laid it out
and certainly gave me the will to strive harder so that
I won't own this same ending..

Exceptional work! Bravo to both of you! :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thanks again for working with me...I hope everyone enjoys this one as much as our first one.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 22, 2008



Las Vegas, NV

Hello, my is kylie, I havent been on here for a long time, i haven't written in years so bare with me. Reading all my old stuff brings back a lot of memories. I have a husband and twin girls, i would.. more..


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A Poem by QuietPoet