"Between Lines and Life: Confessions of a Freelance Writer"

"Between Lines and Life: Confessions of a Freelance Writer"

A Story by RCT

"Between Lines and Life: Confessions of a Freelance Writer" is my journey through the ups and downs of a writing career. As I reflect on the challenges I face—financial uncertainty, societal


At times, backwards, when I contemplated the crises and difficulties of my life, I would sit alone, cry, and give a deeper meaning and higher purpose until all my life passed by. Does then cease to be my choice when I pursue my career as a writing freelancer? Writing has turned into an art of mine, and the journey has gone further than I could only imagine as being just a professional hobby. It has been a lonesome drill in the face of societal norms and self-inflicted suffering.

Instead of many of my classmates and family members' children who have gone on to the traditional jobs which are more stable and better paying keeping them company and enabling them to go to parties while family and other friends are around and living a peaceful lifestyle, I have opted for a different way. I rather admit that I sometimes envy those paths that they have chosen because each one of them creates a perception that I might have taken the wrong way. This all-encompassing nature of the task is amplified when one understands that they are financing their goals while I am still on the path to achieving my own. I have selected a way that is mainly dismissed or ignored by most.

Sometimes the doubt creeps in, whether will I ever reach success and acclaim and Whether society is ready to accept my choice, remains a mystery to me. This constant desire for belonging is the root of all these upheavals, as I fall victim to a song of self-doubt over and over again for having traded an acceptance for this career.

Even today, I find myself sitting alone and crying. I wonder if I will ever be able to do something meaningful for my parents and life partner. Will they ever feel proud of me? Perhaps not.

Relationship Strains: Balancing Dreams and Love

The situation where I don’t have a steady income is often accompanied by challenging situations which I have fought or struggled with in regards to my relationships. This financial unpredictability has had a strenuous effect on me and prevented goals not only with my dreams but also with my partner and daughter too. I have been the most stressed out during the periods when this situation impacted my family relationships.

At first, my wife was all in favor of my decision, however, as the days went by she started to ask questions and they had their doubts about career.she asks me what is keeping us from plunging into the consumer lifestyle of other better-off people: decent salaries, expensive cars, upscale clothes and the like. Such situation made me realize that I was unable to accompany her wishes and the requirements of my brother, parents or even friends. As a result, it became apparent I was not strong enough to accomplish in the eyes of my peers and family members. It is frequently asked whether I can offer the companionship of abundant material wealth to my beloved ones.

This disparity between me and them with the limited perceptions of success and security has brought me deep pain and unrest. While for myself I get gratified through artistic act, the partner has more priority to him/her one that is stable and has material gains. It is not only about the divergence itself, it is about the transformation that it made to me, whether my dreams expect too much for me, and who can I rely on when the tough time comes.

Personal Sacrifices: The Loneliness of Unfulfilled Celebrations

One of the profound impacts of pursuing this challenging career path is the long series of personal sacrifices I have made, which connect not through financial means but through deep emotional investments. Often, I quietly pass through the birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays of my relatives, siblings, and partner. These occasions go by with my presence feeling more like absence. I am unable to give them gifts or bring joy to their faces during happy celebrations. I wish to give them so much and do more, but due to financial constraints, I hesitate to show myself before them.

Sometimes, in such moments, I retreat into solitude and allow myself to fully experience the weight of unfulfilled hopes and genuine gestures. I console myself by saying, "It's okay, if not this time, then next time." But how long can I continue to deceive myself into believing that I have chosen the right career path? Sometimes, I wonder if my loved ones, my siblings, and my family think that I should be able to give them nice gifts like others and share in their happiness, yet I am unable to do so. I become intensely self-aware and ponder: Did I make the right decision?One of the profound impacts of pursuing this challenging career path is the long series of personal sacrifices I have made, which connect not through financial means but through deep emotional investments. 

Often, I quietly pass through the birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays of my relatives, siblings, and partner. These occasions go by with my presence feeling more like absence. I am unable to give them gifts or bring joy to their faces during happy celebrations. I wish to give them so much and do more, but due to financial constraints, I hesitate to show myself before them.

Emotional Toll: The Quiet Struggle

The most grueling part and often the most unnoticed and secret one is usually the sincere and the most soul-piercing one. One can easily find a couple of times, where I have doubted, and then everything became uncertain to me. This situation made me reconsider all my decisions. I wonder then did I select the path or was it a destiny? Understanding the unusual route of this journey, I have mutilated myself a few times while smiling on the others' faces, I was all happy alone. "Yes, everything will be all right..." is a reply I make as if I am confident, but only I am fully aware of the solitary nature of my steady stream of tears. 

The fear of failure, a labour of being myself and the pressure of moving along by keeping a ghost eye of society on me at every step I take�"these are part of my battles with self-doubt, social norms, and my limitations. But even in times when I feel my most down, I have found this to be exactly when I draw strength and determination from my craft to continue to be authentic. 

What eventually will guide me to success? Will these assets be the ones to be responsible? Lovely, can I live, like a normal human with my beloved family around me, comfort, happiness as well as no hesitation and no tears?

Financial Instability: The Weight of Uncertainty

Being a freelance writer, the most appealing thing is income is also my toughest challenge as it is unstable. There are periods, when we have to work more than usual, and there are those too, when there is just nothing to keep busy with. Unlike normal jobs, we can’t rely on a stable income since it may be weak sometimes. It's a strange story of being a financial king and a beggar in the same life. The other times it's being a king of finances and a king of rags at the same time because you are rebelling against society by pursuing freelancing. 

This factor of unpredictability wreaks havoc on all aspects of life by toying with first your budgeting, then your savings, and eventually your necessities of life. This is not buying luxuries and avoiding to meet up necessary expenditures are the means of supporting your creativity. How long can I go on suppressing/depriving myself of essentials?

The financial burden can be extremely strong for an aspiring writer, which leads to constant irritation and anxiety. A wise choice of working routine is needed in this case to make our writing productive. Freelancing raises a lot of questions and conundrums even for pros. According to our community people have to be regular employees, and employing them would appear to be some extra responsibility. When the worker gets caught in difficulties, the employer may think "You have chosen this career so it is your problem to deal with it."

Professional Validation: Wrestling with Self-Doubt

Very often we receive calls from the human resources staff of companies with whom we have applied for job interviews or who seek our writing services, typically jointly called the content department. It is repeated that ‘we are not asking for a freelance writer‘, as soon as we have mentioned that we have been a freelance writer for a few years or that we have done it for a long time. But what if they did not offer us work? How would we succeed in labelling ourselves as a salaried establishment writer instead of being unemployed? Freelancers often experience these problems, especially those who work in creative professions where apart from income they need also to seek personal professional recognition.

In contrast, carefully wielding words, the freelance writer, quite often, experiences self-doubt and impostor syndrome, which results from the fact, that there is no regular feedback and recognition. The inconsistency in the validation process takes the form of doubts and leads to the reduction of self-confidence and the inability to make decisions. Overcoming the urge to get external validation is not only a challenging aspect but for a freelancer, essential to realize self-worth and move forward in their careers with confidence in their ability.

Social Isolation: The Loneliness of Solitary Work

The mind of the creative person which almost can produce a masterpiece inside anywhere is believed to be in a special place which may be our room or a cup of coffee that is like home to us where we can work alone with our partner. But, it is very difficult for a person to work in such an environment, in turn, mental exhaustion will occur (unfortunately, it happens very often). Isolation or loneliness is very common when you are working from home solo (you cannot meet or converse with colleagues or family that you used to meet daily). 

Meaning one to deal with a human being is no longer social. Instead in a work environment, life and work become one. Sounds so familiar? They started to think that way in their heart�"all those negative thoughts like how they did not have the capability, how the future can be avoided and how it will tear them up from the inside out physically.

Achieving work-life equilibrium involves deliberation on the part of the individual to involve both these options, which are the participation of voting and staying connected with the family.

Health and Well-being: Neglecting Self-Care

It happens very often that a freelance writer leaves himself far in the dust of the routine when working on a task. Consecutive work for long hours, unstopped deadlines enforced, and the seated and in-one-place nature of the job end up being taxing to the body and the mind's health. With the advent of meeting deadlines, it is catchy to give up exercise and proper eating, which in turn increases the risk of stress-associated diseases and mental issues.

With the nods of approval "Wow, you're doing fine working from home," in fact, it's usually a great challenging situation for freelancers to stay active and have good health during this stressful period. This is the usual blockage which we creative brand experts are undergoing spending lots of time by ourselves.

Conclusion: Navigating the Complexities of Freelance Writing

If I were to capture my whole idea in a couple of words, the life of a freelancer who follows his dream career as a writer is filled with a lot of unrecognized and underrated perils that a few of us writers can only get. Financial inefficiencies, familial pressure, dealing with expectations, navigating kids’ relationships, social isolation, or health problems�"they all come to get us. We have to come off a beaten path by rethinking traditional norms in our society and be willing to lead the way to a healthy self-reliant living. Although admittedly at times, these struggles will be inevitable, we must teach ourselves to regard these as the backbone of an inner-evolutionary process that ultimately gives birth to our true selves and our desire to express our artistry through all possible channels.

While I still face many obstacles, I will refuse to give up and keep my courage up in this journey ahead just like me who always carry a pen in hand and a heart full of hope. Although there are too many at once, I proceed and will always face them even more in the future, I have been resolved for them. 

Amidst all these challenges, however, I have decided to stick to my commitment and remain dedicated to my writing, innovation, and life itself that can be lived under my passion. I am aware that the journey is not easy but it is this inner passion for writing that drives me to serve as a freelancer, which allows me to showcase my creativity through storytelling. Undoubtedly, such a commitment to exactly that before the curve and obstructions will ultimately turn the career around.

Moreover I hope that my fellow freelancers and myself go on and on touching different surfaces in our own unique way which will be the most prominent for us.

© 2024 RCT

Author's Note

It's My Personal Story, please ignore grammar problems

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Added on April 6, 2024
Last Updated on April 6, 2024
Tags: #FreelanceWriter, #WritingJourney, #StorytellerStruggles



Haldwani, Uttarakhand, India, India, India

I am a professionally trained and versatile creative content writer with over 3 years of experience. I have helped numerous clients with various types of content, including articles, blog posts, socia.. more..