The Half Empty Glass

The Half Empty Glass

A Story by Rachel Pickhardt

Short, Short Story about a half empty glass of water.

"A half empty glass of water" a man whispered to his wife
"Whats that?" she had grunted, eyes hovering over her fork in a state of near unawareness, preparing herself for a petty argument.
"They gave me a half empty glass of water" he continued, in an even lower voice, for he didn't desire for any of the other patrons in the restaurant to hear him.
"What does it matter if it's empty" said the man's wife "You never finish the water anyway" 

© 2010 Rachel Pickhardt

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Wow, the amount of ire brewing beneath this simple conversation. There are definitely some larger themes being explored here. The eyes hovering over the fork are a delicious detail. Well done.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 28, 2010
Last Updated on June 12, 2010
Tags: Cliche, Short Story, Half Empty Glass


Rachel Pickhardt
Rachel Pickhardt

Location: The House on the Left... No that's my Neighbor's Driveway - Oh well, I'll just walk the rest of the way, WI

Not too much to say about me. I've achieved nothing interesting in my lifetime. I haven't done anything interesting in the last 17 years I am a writer, a painter, a reader, and possibly crazy. whe.. more..