One Place Away

One Place Away

A Poem by Rainbowco

Anti-Romantic Prose



One Place Away
by Rainbowco
What words would you wield
To hold me here firm, cemented,
Strapped to the grinding wheel
Crushing spirit into fine grain.
From the start, you would tame me,
As a stallion ridden into the ground,
Taking no heed of my warnings
That I would always be
One place away
From the place
I was meant to be.
With such words as love, honor
You tighten the screw endlessly.
You were forewarned from start
With truth that it be my lust only.
No forever promise did I speak
No thief of your heart words
Slyly uttered only that
That I would always be
One place away
From the place
I was meant to be.
Now we drink the bitter draught
Brewed dark and deathly strong.
Bound together for all eternity
Hapless creations of our making,
Harping of loveless circumstances
Created through human lust and deceit.
Choking on the very thought
That we will always be
One place away
From the place
We are meant to be.

© 2008 Rainbowco

Author's Note

Review as you will. Thank You

My Review

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It is more a piece of realism than anti-romanticism. It tells well the tale of a relationship that should not have lasted but did, leaving two people where they were not quite meant to be - through decisions both made and not quite...

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 13, 2008



Denver, CO

I'm Found, I'm Lost, Or I'm somewhere in between. I'm Here, I'm There, Or I'm somewhere inbetween. I'm Young, I'm Old, Or I'm somewhere in between. I'm Happy, I'm Sad, Or I'm somewhere in between. .. more..

Leaf Leaf

A Poem by Rainbowco