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Love's Fire

Love's Fire

A Poem by Rainbowco

Celery green leaves of the aspen lit by the fading sun

Shadows moving up the mountain on wings of twilight

Moistly coy the wind sighs across the blue glass of lake

Playing, chasing the swooping larks’ rising and falling

Before settling quietly into the pine boughs scented night


Silence wraps the couple in peace of sunlight hours done

Touching not of body but the mind with words of love infinite

They sit gazing the never-ending heavens as early stars wake

The moonless sky gathering the glow of diamonds sparkling

Revealing the mystery of constellations’ in ribbons of light


Flickering, the fire beckons them closer as night deepens

Warming the chilled air with the sweet smell of pinecones

Crackles and pops of color blaze – calm - then blaze again

Tendrils of smoke rise move apart then wrap once more

Curling round each other as lovers are wont to do


They speak of yesterdays and years of love not weakened

Bonded tightly through joy, sorrow, soul mates atone

Weaving in concert mingling sensations, passion then

Flares riding young horses, wild and free to the core

Unbridled, untamed as the emotions of their youth


© 2008 Rainbowco

Author's Note

Review as you will. Thank You

My Review

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Flickering, the fire beckons them closer as night deepens

Warming the chilled air with the sweet smell of pinecones

A wonderful piece of descriptive writing with such vivid imagery thru~ out
truly beautiful in poetic verse ~
THanks for submitting this to the Love Shack contest~Fran Marie

Posted 16 Years Ago

Your mention of the Aspen trees and night skies of Colorado take me back 27 years to nights I spent gazing up at the night sky while keeping warm near a camp fire as chatting with friend about our futures. My life is little like I dreamed of then; good my life is and better for the memories stashed deep within. Scents and sights seen while out west in the summer of '81 came flooding back while I absorbed your words. I wouldn't mind camping on Long's Peak one more time... but, I'll be content imagining that experience. Thanks for sharing your fine poem, and for reminding me of my good times past!!
Sallie Bear

Posted 16 Years Ago

This is absolutely amazing. Your choice and usage of words left me in awe. Wow. This poem has such a deep and powerful message, and I can relate completely to your words. The descriptions are so vivid and they come alive in my imagination. I love this. Very well-written.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 5, 2008



Denver, CO

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