Dancing In A Nightmare

Dancing In A Nightmare

A Poem by Raven Starhawk

I roll up in a chamber of horrors
I rock the revulsion of my mind haunts me evermore
Sealed beyond the door is a world that slithers
A Maze of corridors twisted a turn
Reality shifts and within formats maimed creatures
Some suffer silently
Others scream until hoarse
Haunted entrapment for all eternity waits for me
In hell there is always room for one more
Rivulets glide along narrow embankments
Pieces of glass twinkle under a moon's shimmer
They lay sprawled across tar and cement
Racing strips collide with blurred jags
Viper fangs sink deep into flesh
All drifts away as the light fades in my eyes

© 2015 Raven Starhawk

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lovely penned words flow so fluently from you sharp pen.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I feel the sorrow I feel this despair, living in a private hell. I like it, your imagery, your word choice. You are in my book, a first class poet, even your name screams poet! I'm an amateur poet, and I have posted a few poems, If you have time could you review some, I would really love to hear your input!

Posted 13 Years Ago

wow:) this was truly mesmerising:) great words and greater feelings:)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow! Nice write, such immense and spine-chilling lines. The imagery is great.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on June 18, 2011
Last Updated on July 18, 2015
Tags: nightmare, horror, rejected