Idle Words

Idle Words

A Poem by Philip Wardlow

A poem about realizing the futility of a relationship


You sat and you moped,
propagating a litany
of foul insecurities
that led me to
conclude a dissolution
to us.

A resounding end to
something that never
should have begun.

But sex has a way of getting
in the way wouldn't you agree?

It deludes
It fools you into thinking
there is a chance at something
greater than the wetness that develops

I am the greater fool because,
because you had it all figured out
since the day we met.

You knew it would end.
Hoped it would I'm guessing.

Because arrogant idle
words were the only
truth thing you ever
flung my way
that I could
hold onto
and know.


By Philip Wardlow 2013

© 2013 Philip Wardlow

My Review

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I think the "sit" in the first stanza should be "sat" and you end the piece with a preposition...everything in between is money ;-) Good stuff.


This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

Philip Wardlow

11 Years Ago

Thanks Kimmer....Yeah I suck at catching tense in my in poetry and my stories...I know the "rule" of.. read more

11 Years Ago

My absolute pleasure. I look forward to reading more of you.

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1 Review
Added on February 14, 2013
Last Updated on March 25, 2013
Tags: relationship, love, friends, friendship
Previous Versions


Philip Wardlow
Philip Wardlow

Grand Rapids, MI

I went back to college and took creative writing and english lit courses along with participating in several writing groups to hone my skills as a writer. I am into writing Horror stories, fantasy, .. more..
