Bucna Nights

Bucna Nights

A Story by Revshire

A story about a a young man with magical powers.


My tribe has been living on the land for a few years. I have studied the great stories of the past and the creation of my people. I have hunted and fished this vast world for my entire life. I am a young hunter living in a war torn world. My name is Billo I live with my grandmother and sister. We all share a living space together. During the day I go out with several other men to hunt for wild animals. My sister and grandmother farm the land for giant vegetables and gather various plants. My sister is younger by a few ages. Her name is Dami she is a very caring a kind soul. She had a physic and had long brown hair. My grandmother’s name is Bolmi, she has been looking after us for quite some time.

I and a few hunters took horses to our hunting grounds about 2 miles away from the camp. The men and I would talk able other females in our tribe. Lugo: Yeah Juba is hot but Mory has a nicer butt. Billo: Yeah I agree too. Billo: Hey did you get a chance to see the red star last night? Lugo: I think she has a thing for me. Billo: Yeah right when the time is right she will choose me I know it. Lugo: Have you even talked to her yet? Billo: Yes, sort of no. We looked at each other’s eyes once; I saw the moon in her gaze. Lugo: Yeah that’s not going to work you have to get to know her first you pack rat. Billo: In time she will fall in love with my energy. Lugo: Ha-ha good one brother. Oh s**t look in the distance it’s a giant sloth!  I see him very big and hairy; this fur can be used for all sorts of things from clothes to building materials. Billo: Okay leader Jorge how should we proceed? Jorge: I say we split up into two groups; you two go behind the sloth while the rest of us will take the front, please aim for his head. Billo: Should we use ranged or melee? Billo: Melee just wait for the signal. Lugo: But sir with its long arms it could easily kill us with. Jorge: Trust me young hunter I know what I am doing. Okay let’s move out.

Luggo and I took our houses into the forest area behind the giant sloth. It was a very large male with brownish tan fur .It was eating leaves and grass. We snuck up behind it. We waited for the signal to attack. My heart was pounding.  All at once Jorge and the others shot arrows at the giant sloth. One struck the giant sloth in the arm. Then Luggo and I quickly stabbed the beast. I stabbed him in the back near the heart. Luggo threw his spear into the sloths head. The sloth quickly moved out of the way. Luggo missed his shot. The sloth is now crying out in pain while bleeding profusely. The sloth began swinging its long arms in the air. The giant sloth saw Luggo and came at us. We quickly split up in opposite directions. It followed Luggo. I then went for Luggo’s spear. Luggo ran back around into the open area. With its long arms it pinned Luggo to the ground. It roared with its huge mouth open a great and powerful roar. I saw my chance. I took Luggo’s spear and stabbed the giant sloth in the back of its head. Luggo: Thank god you saved me just in time. I thought it was going to take a bite out of me. Billo: Get up brother that was a close one. We must take out the end trails. As the others arrive I began cutting up the beast to be have its intestines taken out.  Jorge:  You two are very brave young hunters the tribe will be able to feast on this for weeks, come now once you are done removing the entrails we will tie it to the hourses and take it back to the tribe.

© 2015 Revshire

Author's Note

Sorry for not writing it like an actual book. Its a skeleton.

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Added on April 5, 2015
Last Updated on April 6, 2015



Windham, NH

Aspiring professonal writer, looking for work. I am working on a novel trying to finish it by the end of the year. more..
