Stood Over

Stood Over

A Poem by Rommel Martin

Some people’s stomachs can’t handle the end

I’ve swallowed my wants and extended my needs

Letters saved and thoughts enclosed 

Years have passed but as read

it was what I used to want most 

The struggle is so divine;

speech tainted and pounds on the wall

I was man made and continue to be reborn

with each kiss began my birth

Hollowed out each time,

pots filled with corpses that have decomposed

Hands so dirty, sneak some seeds into me

Flourished dreams and so called affection

Tomorrow’s so soon and here grows a fool

Unearthed and awoken, put me back under

Miracles covered in dirt, all end up stepped all over.

© 2013 Rommel Martin

Author's Note

Rommel Martin
Open to all criticism

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I really love the descriptive and vivid details in the poem...I'm a sucker for imagery.
This person coming to terms with death and accepting the inevitable seems very wise.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Rommel Martin

11 Years Ago

You're very kind, I'm glad for the feedback! I'm new to these parts and showing my writing.

11 Years Ago

Same here; It's been about a week. It's really cool to get checked out and get reviews when you're n.. read more

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 16, 2013
Last Updated on February 16, 2013
Tags: poetry, writing, poet


Rommel Martin
Rommel Martin

Miami, FL

I'm Rommel 21 and from Miami Fl, my words are slowly learning to stand still. I come from a very music inspired place, always including lyrics as an inspiration. I've slowly been coming to terms with .. more..
