Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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A Poem by RoseTree

What is a note?

An apology?

An explanation?

A chance to share the blame?

Or maybe to soften the blow?

I don’t know

I’ve never written a note before

There was never anyone to leave it too

I’m still not convinced that there are this time

But maybe, just maybe

I have people now who’d want to read one

But what would I say?

That it is all to much

This world too harsh

That I am tired of battling so hard to end up back where I started

Losing each and every fight with no option but to keep on going

Do they really want to hear that?

Maybe I should say I don’t really want to go

Or is that worse?

That I left them all behind

Went where they could not follow

And it wasn’t even where I wanted to go

But that's the options isn’t it

Here or There

No inbetween

No chance to test the waters

I don’t want to go that much is true

But I’m so tired

I don’t have the energy to stay

So maybe that’s what I should put in my note

If I decide to write one

I’m sorry I chose to go

I didn’t want to leave you

There was nothing you could do to get me to stay

Nothing short of a miracle at this point

Cold, cruel, distant

All the things I didn’t want to be

So maybe no note would be better?

They can fill in the blanks themselves

They can tell themselves the story they want to

That is, I think, the cowards way out

I cannot disappoint them with my reasons if I do not leave any

But that is not a problem for right now

Right now I will keep on fighting

Keep on losing, one battle at a time

While I can keep moving I will

And when I can’t, well

Maybe this can be my note?

© 2023 RoseTree

Author's Note

This one is longer than usual, the words just wouldn't stop.

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Featured Review

I really liked this. I especially like the ending "and when I can't, well - Maybe this can be my note".
I don't think its too long. I'm sure it could be trimmed a little here and there, but the way it's written sounds natural, like the flowing of thoughts in a persons mind; those thoughts are seldom succinct, especially for an emotional topic.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I really liked this. I especially like the ending "and when I can't, well - Maybe this can be my note".
I don't think its too long. I'm sure it could be trimmed a little here and there, but the way it's written sounds natural, like the flowing of thoughts in a persons mind; those thoughts are seldom succinct, especially for an emotional topic.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This was lovely to read! I personally love having questions as verses, it feels action-packed. I found only one typo in "This world to harsh" where "to" should be "too". I have a suggestion, and it would be to eliminate "So maybe that’s what I should put in my note". In my opinion, eliminating that verse would make the last one much more impactful.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on March 24, 2023
Last Updated on March 26, 2023



Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Queer, neurospicy, 24. I want a place to share my poems and get actual honest feedback. more..

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