Path to Me

Path to Me

A Poem by Roxxy

On my way to you I dropped something, I think it shattered as it fell.

I told you as soon as I saw you. Your eyes warm held mine.

You took me by the hand and said, "I will help you find it."

Together we retraced my steps. 

Following the same path I took that led me to you.


All the hurt, pain and heartbreak we went through.

An endless trail of things that cut deep inside all over again.

You looked at me, your eyes a deeper shade they were before.

A warmth came over me. It surrounded me and made me feel safe.


Tears streamed down my face and you caught each one with your thumb to wipe them away.

We continued our journey until you pointed something on the ground in the distance. 

Together we ran, still hand in hand, never letting the other go until we reached and saw what layed 

 Skattered on the ground.


For a while we didn't talk, didn't have to say the words we both knew. 

We picked each piece and held it up to inspect.

The pieces were black and dull, cold and rough. 

As we touched them they warmed and started to glow. 


You started placing them together and as you did the object started to change.

It took on a new color; a new form. 

As you pieced together this puzzle like object you would gaze at me and smile. 

Each time I felt something in my chest. 


As the object grew I started to hurt more and more.

I gripped my chest and fell to the ground.

You didn't stop and my eyes never left yours.

You worked and worked so delicately and so determined;

Never stopping until the fragile pieces were done.


You showed me what you held so protectively in your hand and placed it into mine.

It shone so bright; like a star in the night sky.

Suddenly, as if an electric charge went through it;

My body felt different, strange and yet familiar.

For some reason, a smile danced across my face.


I looked in your eyes for some reassurance and it came without haste.

You took my hand in yours with the now bright form in my hand;

And brought it to my chest.

I asked, "What is it?"

You smiled at me as you placed a gentle and tender kiss on my forehead and said,

"It's your heart."

© 2011 Roxxy

My Review

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It made me smile at the journey of picking up the broken peices and truly finding your heart and the one who makes it glow.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 30, 2011
Last Updated on August 30, 2011



I am pretty new to writing. I have always love it as a kid but recently got back into it as an outlet. more..

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