

A Poem by SSII

This is a poem about life. Efil is life spelt backwards.

An unknown word thrown to an illiterate world
Caught by those who call themselves wise
Who shape it and give it to the populous
We receive it with open arms not knowing the nature of it
Just because a man has no wings does not mean he cannot fly
We appoint rulers and let them measure us
Our wealth,  family
What we live for benefits them not us
Both rich and poor we stuck in the same time glass
Difference been you in finer clothing
Your tears are as real as mine
My problems are the same as yours
We pass on and leave offspring
As summer arrives on an unchained bike
And cycle again we will
Because the so called wise still tell us its "Efil"
A word neither of us truly knows

© 2014 SSII

Author's Note

This is a poem about life. Efil is life spelt backwards. The beauty of the poem is it summarises life in 17 lines covering all aspects of life. On line 17 these are the thoughts of one who has lived and looks back at what he has achieved, wealth, power and discovers that after all he did he truly accomplished nothing, nothing to take with him to the grave and after deep thoughts he comes to the conclusion which is line 17

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Added on May 27, 2014
Last Updated on May 27, 2014



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