A Story by Salome Alfdis Lokidottir



Somewhere Behind Black Eyes Part 12

A Story by Salome Alfdis Lokidottir


Somewhere behind black eyes is inspired by the stories, pictures, and urban legends these beings come from. Though many might want to call them demons.


Somewhere behind black eyes…

I woke up to one of my neighbors stomping upstairs; then I could hear my neighbor, whom I rescued from Zoeae, listening to his TV loud and sleeping well that night. I never do. I have nightmares. Every single night most common ones are family issues, mom and dad fighting. Fighting with me. I get so caught up in it after I have had these dreams. It used to be that I would wake up and sludge the apartment, make myself go get something to drink. Being single has its perks, especially when you go inside the refrigerator and drink directly from the gallon. It was usually either milk or it was orange juice nowadays. The kitchen was in disarray. The living room was like a crypt. I had not gone in there since Zoeae consumed my kitty's frequency. I guess the PTSD of the event stemmed from my vivid visual memory of her holding it, what she had stated afterward. The reason being, there was no blood after he had died. His sunken eyes head, the tongue was hanging from the corner of his mouth in a lavender color.


In the morning, I would sleep. In the afternoon, it was a hit-or-miss thing. I never set the alarm. I would wake up in the evening, which in my opinion, would seem darker than any I remembered in my past. It occurred to me the current times seemed darker than the times in my youth when I was being stalked by these things. I felt as if I grew up with them and felt estranged from my own family. My stepmother was ever patient and understanding in the best she could. 

Even then, the black-eyed ones would reside in the corner of my room, which was the one with the most shadows. Zoeae was welcomed more, I guess you could surmise and would be sitting in my grandma's rocking chair. 

Zoeae was not moving this morning. She did not close her eyes and go to sleep. She never closed her eyes to go to sleep, even when she first lived with me. I had her sleeping on the couch. She had laid there with her eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling for the first week. When I knew she was doing it, I had wondered what she could be thinking about? What may have been pondering all night long? Then my mind would float to wondering why her eyes never got dry? Should not blink; she blinked when she was awake but did not blink when she was supposedly asleep. I could usually tell when she was awake because she would start flashing. I sat up quietly in my bed. I watched her for a few minutes squinching my eyes because, like I said, the shadow part of the room was where she was stationed. She was not blinking, so I suppose she was probably asleep. 

I got up out of bed and threw my legs over my mattress. I put my feet on the floor it all became clear! Crystal clear! What we had done the night before. We had destroyed three demons! You could call them demons in human form. Preying on children. I know where every single pedophile within the area code is located. I knew their names. I knew their addresses. I knew their phone numbers. The phone number was never necessary for me to use, but I always checked out the house before we went nowadays. I got to the point where it was more manageable now. 

Last night we hit three residences. We destroyed three of them! Which I considered quite an accomplished night. Rudy Edwards, who lived in Winchester, was washed out. Zoeae did it as a quick in and out. He brought Zoeae into his home, welcoming her wanting to come into his house. 

James Talisman had a wife, and before we could hit his place, we had to make sure she would not be anywhere around for this one. We had to wait weeks. And I had to watch his home very closely, learn his routine a little better than I had the others, and even learn the wife's routine. I had to rate when she was going out of town, then endure the length she would be out of town. She had been gone for a week. I had revered her reaction would now she had come home and found her husband dead. Sometimes, I had to push out on my mind what they would be seen like and what their bodies would look like decomposed. Their bodies decayed after the black-eyed child was done sucking the frequency out of them. There were other things I had to start referring to them, like IT. Unrewarding in any way, shape, or form, they had been a natural person with emotions. It appeared in everyday life possible. They could gain admiration in their ordinary day or collectively in their lifetime. I had blacked it out and trained my mind to never go there. 

After was Andrew Camden. Andrew Camden lived by himself. He had been there a significant length of time. Vandalizing his car and his home. I am not a person to just take someone's word for something. When they start judging another person, I look them up to make it unquestionable he was worthy of being a target. Unfortunately for him, he was a prime target.

     I qualified at some point in my life. Considering how trauma had been in my childhood was considered emotionally disabled, I went to therapists and social workers. Then when the nightmares started, they absolutely kicked in. Haunting me because I did not have anything to do the next day. I decided it was constructive to just keep to myself and even appear busy. If you had any questions, ask how many hours I worked and then return to Zoeae and prepare for our nightly hunt. Now you know I don't have employment, and I don't need it all. I needed to feel like I was making a difference in this world. I thought it would be so much more gratifying. The gratification could peak huge I imagine if it wasn't that I was even more tired than I used to be, wondered how much of my frequency Zoeae was able to take 

I looked at her as more straightforward. She was a child in my charge. My niece, like I told my neighbor, she was. Looked over across the room at her in the rocking chair she was sitting in with her eyes still wide open unblinking. I looked at her as if she might be a doll haunted doll. I don't even know what time it is; I guess I should figure that out and then figure out the weather the list has gotten longer.

I have to be sporadic. I can't work on the targets closest to my house spread out. I had to jump around in different areas of their neighborhood because if I did it the other way, the police might find me, which amused me. When I thought about what they would come up with. If they ever did find out it was me, could I really explain to them? Yeah, it was. Did she feed off human beings that she fed every night of their fear frequency? One or two I saw on TV that was reported as being dead. When we first began our excursions, they started to drop off these pedophiles who were dying. It was almost like the police didn't care! One had a wife. She would, of course, go in an uproar and try to get the police to help her. They didn't help her much. Those were usually the wives. they didn't know about their husband's pass, possibly even their presence of pedophilia 

James had a couple neighborhood kids come over the week his wife was out of town. I knew he was still doing it because their demeanor was exactly like when the child would leave the house. 

OK, I need to stop thinking about all this. I got to get up, I've got to get showered, dressed, and I need to get prepared. 

I guess I don't have to feed my cat anymore since she provided for him one night when we couldn't get out to hunt the guy who was our target because he wasn't even home. 

Yeah, I learn as I go. I remember a cycle. It's why every single plan is precise strategic, and covert. 

I think I'm going to take a shower this morning afternoon, whatever time of day it is. Then wake Zoe unless, of course, she wakes herself. Which I've never seen her do. I wondered about that too! Why doesn't she wake herself up? Perhaps, she saves frequency by shutting herself down, like saving on a utility bill by unplugging things? You're not using. That's the only thing I came up with. The history of her people, so to speak, and the first months I had her, I tried to get her to divulge. She wouldn't want no refusal on her face, no anger, frustration, sadness, nothing, just a deadpan look. She never told me anything. 

I researched online, and many people had said that they had Black Eyed kids in their homes, but I knew they were lying. If a black-eyed kid was given permission to cross the threshold of someone's home, which was the only way they could enter it. That person was dead within seconds. Longest been minutes, they never survived the people who said they did for lying another way. I knew when people were lying on these creepypasta stories about black-eyed kids. When they outed themselves on what they did for a living, many targets I noticed of the black-eyed kids were people who were in jobs big-time jobs. They had to train their selves. They didn't have fear. Well, that was the purest frequency. They could get was from a type of person. Someone is a police officer, an FBI agent, anyone who was put in a military position. They had been trained to fight. The black-eyed kid had to do one first goal to ask if they could come in. 

Like I said, they couldn't go in there because the higher power, some call him God gave all humans freedom of will. Just like in the folklore vampire stories. They weren't allowed to go in unless they were invited. If they couldn't get in the house, the second goal what's to derive some fear frequency from them the whole time they'd be looking down until they were denied access. Then they would look up into the faces of the adults. Black-eyed kids having the deep voids for eyes. with pull up your frequency would fear out of the target even if it was a small one, it was something. If I was to be comical about it. I would say it was like them eating chips or a Lunchable. 

Enough of that; it's time to get up and go take a shower. Now I think we're only going to be able to hit one or two tonight. Because I am really starting to feel drained. Doing this just about every night.

© 2022 Salome Alfdis Lokidottir

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Added on April 13, 2022
Last Updated on April 13, 2022
Tags: #Springfield #Missouri #65806 #L


Salome Alfdis Lokidottir
Salome Alfdis Lokidottir

Springfield, MO

I'm obsessed over the Black Eyed Kids, so I write short stories to surmise what they might be. more..
