Call for Postwestern Deinstitutionalisation

Call for Postwestern Deinstitutionalisation

A Poem by Sam & Gavin Khan-McIntyre


e own the phone We do not want two members
Of your hospital staff to listen in to out valid for over two years, invade our intimacy and abuse our human rights. For no reason. It makes my world cry
to have no privacy,to have no visits either,as as if we don't know what we're doing, just because they don't. We're not imbeciles,they treat us as such belittling dehumanising taking our freedoms and attention.

We have requested our freedoms to be reinstated even you getting out of the hospital grounds if Roseberry Park after over two years but no, they throw yet another filthy psychologist at you to belittle they do more harm than good such as that Clothier we took you off again they pester you
What do they return in return?! Nothing.

Just false promises of off the grounds and unescorted leaves and unreasonable lies such as you'll get out if you comply with meds which you've done already Our every moved move watched, they don't let people be together therefore easier to control for their imperialist Western brainwashing techniques to harm people into submission for their hypocritical god Hypocrites and for their unacceptable institutionally rascist ways to be accepted by us; their profiling targets with meds as their weapons of control for money they make via using us.

Am not a bank I told them before they put me in seclusion for two weeks without any reason, to make me angry and justify their abuse after they broke down the door, for no reason the Darlington and Middlesbrough police manhandled me shouting my innocence into the back if a tiny caged van slipping around in a hard bench with no seatbelt after they handcuffed and assaulted me and expected me to enjoy their pulling my arms of of my shoulders and manipulating my body taking my jacket leaving me could for two days without food,(my arms,shoulders still aching months later)and subsequent months incarceration.

With a Dr Mahat Mohammed Chan a whites rascist sucker up for our money and long holidays to Malaysia and staff at Longview Ward at Hopewood Park in Scumbderland and Gavin at Roseberry Park in Middlesbrough.

They no longer have a leg to stand on as we have taken steps to take them and their police cronies to court.

© 2022 Sam & Gavin Khan-McIntyre

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