

A Poem by poetforlife

For my Brother whom I love dearly


Born we were as siblings,

not by choice, we two

We were not raised together

but we're alike me and you.


You are my closest friend

we talk of many things

we share our loves and lots of tears

we talk about our dreams.


I love to grab the phone

and just give you a call

You tell me what I need to hear

You seem to know it all.


We love to laugh and have good times

dancing and acting wild

So many years have passed us by

wish I'd have known you as a child.


But it wasn't meant to be

that's why we're in this place

It makes your sister happy

to see your smiling face.


Fate does lots of things

it made us siblings, you see

but making you my very best friend?

That choice was up to me :)

© 2008 poetforlife

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WOW!!!... ok if you were trying to make a grown man just did damn you:-)...I do not have words my lovely sister...what can I say besides Thank You!!...and know that I love you too...I know for a fact that us not grown up together did'nt hurt how you and I are connected...some siblings can only dream of a brother and sister relationship such as are the greatest big sister a man could ever hope for...and I blessing of a friend that I can talk to about anything....I dont know if I could ever top this one..thank you again sister for sharing your wonderful heart glad you can be here with me to enjoy this great site.....the poeple here are so grand!!! you agree??

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 3, 2008
Last Updated on September 4, 2008



This creative process is such a great outlet for me. You can pretty much tell my whole life through my poetry. I love to write. It is water, breath and air to me. It's the cheapest form of therapy I k.. more..

Crushed Crushed

A Poem by poetforlife