![]() BreakingA Poem by NicoleHow long? How much longer before I break, .......................Most literally? ...........................................................I’ve l a c e d myself with r i b b o n s , .................................As one might l a c e a drink with alcohol p o i s o n. ......The only difference being that I show no symptoms. ....................................................................................................But, I am a f r a i d , .........And I grow e v e n m o r e f e a r f u l as my veins b r u i s e , ......................................................................And my skin b l a c k e n s . So how long? H o w l o n g before the patterns t e a r my s k i n ............................................As easily as scissors through c h i f f o n ? For h o w m u c h l o n g e r will they insist on drawing their dress patterns upon my body? I am no mannequin, and they do not hesitate to remind me thus. When the problem is c h r o n i c and there is no cure, You won’t stop f a l l i n g until you’re down on the floor. The ground is cold and you’re on your own. You must help yourself up, in rock-bottom land. There is no one around; you’re your own helping hand. And only after you s w e a t and break your b o n e s trying to master that 90 degree angle, All made up of rocks and broken glass, Will you realize that y o u w i l l a l w a y s b e b r o k e n . Only once you’ve had to wipe sweat from your brow, Will you fully feel g r a v i t y , and understand how. And then, And only then, Will you be allowed to a s k y o u r s e l f t h e q u e s t i o n ;
W h a t d o y o u d o n o w ? © 2012 Nicole |
Added on November 30, 2012 Last Updated on November 30, 2012 Author![]() NicoleAboutI'm not a normal person. That'd be too easy. "Imperfection is beauty, maddness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." They tell me I wouldn't last one d.. more..Writing