Do not fight the day.

Do not fight the day.

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

Fighting frustration

Do not fight the day, it is not your enemy
Do not curse the hours, they do not hear
Why be angry with a day that rained?
Was it the dust blown in your eye?
The hours did they make you weep?
it is useless waving arms against shadows
You merely conduct an empty orchestra
Do not lose your temper with frustration
You rage against anger
You scream in a hurricane
Beat your fists against mist
You are better than this
Draw in your anger as you would a trout
Feel your hands shake in its rage to be free
Hold it's furious fight in your hands
This is your real foe
Feel it's anger abate as you subdue it
Now, you are in control
Your enemy is ceding
Take it to the calm at the edge
Feel it's tired body capitulate
Now you can watch its feeble struggle
From your elevated position upon the bank
Now you can study the beauty of your foe
Your anger is hanging helpless on the line
Kneel down. Hold it, take out the hook of ire
Pause upon the bank and then, release it
Watch its race to freedom
Rejoice in its release

© 2022 Bryan Sefton

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Anger and frustration are everywhere today. It could be a number of things, people struggling trying to make do. . The war in Ukraine. Watching people in high places getting away with crimes that the man in the street would be given a long sentence for doesn't help. But When a man in a responsible position says he wasn't watching porn in parliament but studying tractors I just give up.

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

2 Years Ago

We certainly live in challenging times and as for the porn in Parliament, well that takes the biscui.. read more


Anger and frustration are everywhere today. It could be a number of things, people struggling trying to make do. . The war in Ukraine. Watching people in high places getting away with crimes that the man in the street would be given a long sentence for doesn't help. But When a man in a responsible position says he wasn't watching porn in parliament but studying tractors I just give up.

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

2 Years Ago

We certainly live in challenging times and as for the porn in Parliament, well that takes the biscui.. read more
Wise words here Bryan on the matter of anger. Really liked how you used the release of the trout back into the river to let go of the build up. Some fine imagery here. Anger, frustration all negative traits, I'm all for an easy life these days. Prefer to concentrate on the positives of life. We are a long time dead. Have a good Thursday.


Posted 2 Years Ago

Do not fight the day... I believe as we get older we realize that fighting the day (in any way) is useless...
Loved the line "Your anger is hanging on the line."
I love your use of metaphors..the line..the trout, etc.
Lisa, now in Spain

Posted 2 Years Ago

Yeah, anger is our biggest enemy! Very good poem and well expressed!!
The beginning itself - ' Do not fight the day..... superb!

Posted 2 Years Ago

if we embrace anger, we can embrace little else.
I really like "fists against mist"
and the entire "trout" having fly fished for trout...
the metaphors in this are to die for.
rejoice in the release of an anger that is holding us down.
I am reminded of "Cross" by Langston Hughes in which we could summon the idea that
anger is quite a cross to bear...and getting rid of it, allows us to walk freer.
nice work, Bryan.

Posted 2 Years Ago

The theme of this one seems to be non-resistance. When we feed our negative feelings they grow stronger, while our situation is worsened. Let the negatives be what they are without judging them and let them pass. Do this enough and you will attain self mastery. It is the real meaning of turning the other cheek.

Posted 2 Years Ago

This was beautiful to read. Well done work.

Posted 2 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on May 9, 2022
Last Updated on May 9, 2022


Bryan Sefton
Bryan Sefton

Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom

