Awkward Timing

Awkward Timing

A Story by [Mackenzie]

My fingers linked with his, and I could really feel a connection between us. Like we were made to be together. He tried to make conversation; he seemed a bit uncomfortable.

“How many people have you told about me?” he murmured. His words were careful, like he didn’t want to stop the sweet electricity that flowed between us.

“One, or two, or none,” I whispered, softer than him. My reply was a bit jumbled because I was lost in his eyes. Big, brown, soft eyes, that seemed to hold the world in their depths.

His hand slipped from mine suddenly, and he turned to face me fully, instead of watching the sunset. He sighed and shifted uncomfortably. Then he said something that jolted me awake and made the electricity jump and stutter and die.

“For god’s sake, Melody. I’m not even real.”


© 2009 [Mackenzie]

Author's Note

If you totally don't get this... This girl, Melody, is in love with James. Problem is, James is her imaginary friend.

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Oh, very catchy my dear!
The only thing I didn't like was a small gramatical error, "Like we were made to be together", is a sentence fragment. I would combine it to the previous sentence with a comma.
It kinda stinks that James is her imaginary friend, but I could see this going back in time to relive those memories Melody had with him. You had me entranced, please write more based on thus, if the creativity bug bites you!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 7, 2009
Last Updated on November 7, 2009



Auckland, New Zealand

My name's Mackenzie, but I'll sign my reviews as Mackeznei because it sounds oh-so-much-cooler. I'm thirteen years old, living in the wonderful country of New Zealand. Oh and I'm a guy now! Unofficial.. more..

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