The admirers' Secret

The admirers' Secret

A Story by sheeshee

Copyrighted 2017
Rights belong to Shana Adams

My name is Ava. I am 24 years old and if you've found this that means he has found me. 


"I really didn't feel like going to work today." For some reason I knew it was just gonna turn out to be such a s****y day. *buzz buzz buzz* my alarm goes off for the third time . "Guess its time to get up." I walked into the bathroom turned on the shower as hot as it could possibly go because if I was going to attend this day then I mind as well relax while I can. After I get out the shower I walk into my closet to see what I have to make myself look presentable. I found a light grey pencil skirt with a black sleeveless button up. "Guess this will work." I pinned back my hair and lightly curled what was left hanging down. I slid on my black pumps grabbed my purse and  headed out the door towards my car. Fumbling for my car keys I notice something under my wipers. "The f**k is this s**t." I look at my windshield and there's a piece of paper. I rip open the envelope and its a note "I'm watching you." My breath gets caught in my throat and I slowly start looking around me but there wasn't a soul to be seen. I quickly climb into my car and lock the doors as fast as I could. "Who could have wrote this?" I whisper to myself.  I drive to work and practically run into the building. Frantically looking around me and I walk into the door i crash right into James, My boss. "You're late Ms. Monroe." That seemed to be the only thing he was worried about. " I know Mr. Watson, but I-" "You know what happens when you're late Monroe." He said to me in such a stern voice it shook me. "I know Mr. Watson. It wont happen again, I'm sorry." For some reason I felt really Disappointed. I walked over to my desk and started my s****y dead end job. Right away the phones starting ringing off the hook "Thank you for calling The office of Dr. Watson how may I direct your call?" The woman on the other end of the phone wasn't very polite. "Put James on the phone now!" " I'm sorry ma'am I can't do that unless I know who is calling and where they are calling from." I said holding back my anger. "This is his wife now put him on the damn phone!" She shouted. "Please hold" I said and quickly pressed the hold button before she get another word in. I walked over to Mr. Watson's office and knocked on his dooor "Mr. Watson, your wife is on line one and wishes to speak with you she doesn't seem to be too happy." He could see the frustration in my face. "Tell her that I'm in a meeting or something!! All do respect sir, it seemed urgent I really think you shou-" "What did I just say Ms. Monroe"!! He said said with a clenched jaw. "As you wish sir" and with that I walked back to my desk, told his wife what he had told me to say and she just hung up on me. "I really can't wait to get out of here". I continued about my day praying that it would just go by fast if I kept myself occupied, but it really didn't make a difference. Lunch time soon approached and I was relieved to finally have a break. As I walked down to the cafeteria the mail man was walking through the door. "Hello Ms. Monroe" He said cheerfully. "Tommy, how many times do i have to tell you. Call me Ava." I said with a laugh. "Wow, That's a pretty big bouquet of flowers where are they going." I asked questionably. "Actually Ava, They're for you." Now I was really confused. Who the hell would send me flowers? I looked for the little card that was inside of the beautifully blossomed lily's, picked out the envelope and it was labeled"My Ava" I didn't want tommy to notice the fear I felt inside of me so tried my hardest not to look too scared. I slowly opened the envelope and inside was a note that said "Remember, I'm always watching. Be good." My heart was beating a mile a minute. Who is this freak?! i looked up at Tommy and asked "Do you know who sent these to me Tommy?" "No, but whoever it was must really like you." He said with a smile. I gave him a nervous laugh, thanked him and quickly walked back to my desk. Suddenly I wasn't hungry anymore. I walked to the trash can and tossed the flowers into the bin, knocked on Mr. Watsons door, and told him that I had a family emergency and I had to leave early. He wasn't too happy but he allowed me to leave. I jumped into my car and sped off, got to my house unlocked the door and quickly locked it as soon as i got through the door. I never felt so scared in my entire life. I kept finding myself looking out the window whenever a car or a person went by. Who would do this to me? What did they want from me? I had so many questions but I was afraid that if I kept asking them, then I would start to receive answers and they weren't going to be the answers I wanted. I kept telling myself that it was just someone trying to scare me and that it wasn't anything to freak out over. I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen to find myself something to snack on. Before I knew it i was waking up on the couch. I don't even remember falling asleep I just knew that this was one of the most exhausting days I've ever had. I picked myself up and walked upstairs. I got changed into a tank top and a pair of sweats and laid down in my bed but i couldn't go back to sleep. All I could think about were them stupid a*s flowers. I hate lilies. I must have dozed off because I woke up to my alarm going off for work. "ugh, not today." I whined. I turned off my alarm and called my boss. "Hi Mr. Watson. I can't make it into work today my mother has been admitted to the hospital for surgery and I need to be with her." I lied. Of course he was angry but he gave me a pass. I hung up the phone and flopped back onto the bed. I was terrified to leave my house. What if they were outside waiting for me? What if they planted something in my car to kill me? What if that's what they wanted?..... To kill me!!! Then the worst thought of them all crossed my mind. What if they were already in my house because they knew I'd be too scared to leave? I jumped up grabbed my phone, my purse and a hoodie and ran out the front door. I didn't even bother getting dressed or brushing my hair. I called my friend Alison and told her that I was coming to her house because I didn't want to be alone. She didn't know why but she said it was okay. I reached Alison's house, threw my car in park, shut it off and ran to her front door. I barged right in without knocking. "Ava what the hell is going on with you" Alison shouted. I quickly explained everything to her as best as I could without sounding crazy. When I was done she looked at me with fear in her eyes. "My god ava, who would do this to you?" she asked. "I have no idea. I wish I could tell you but I really don't know who it could be." I said as the tears started to well in my eyes. I was petrified. "Well he have to go to the police!" Alison said but for some reason i didn't want to. I just kept saying that it was all a joke that someone was pulling a prank on me. I didn't want to believe that someone was actually watching or stalking me. I tried to catch my breath but between Alison yelling at me to go to the police and the images of yesterday still running through my head, it felt nearly impossible. I had spent the whole day with Alison and before I knew it it was already dark out. I knew i needed to go home and shower but I couldn't get myself out her front door. I sat there for about another half an hour and finally got the courage to walk to my car. I drove home and again, I locked my front door behind me. I was so paranoid that I even Locked my bedroom door and the bathroom door while I was in the shower. I just sat there with the water running down my back. I didn't know what I was going to do or how I was going to handle this situation. It felt like hours that I sat in the shower. My water started to run cold so I guess it was time to get out. I shut the shower off and went to reach for my towel but I couldn't find it. I peaked my head through the curtain and my towel was on the floor. I stepped out of the shower and bent over to get my towel. As I stood up I went to look in the mirror and My entire body froze. Written in the fog on the mirror was the message "You tell, you die!" I don't understand it! I locked the door, I locked all the doors! I peaked my head out of the bathroom door into my bedroom. My stuff was everywhere. All of my clothes were thrown all over the floor. My belongings on top of my dresser were destroyed. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. I just stood there and sobbed uncontrollably. It finally sunk in someone was out to get me. What was I going to do? I don't want to live in fear but if I take the risk and talk to the police, I risk my life. I picked myself up off the floor, found a pair of sweats and a tshirt and started to put my things back where why belonged. After about 2 hours my bedroom was finally back to normal. I walked out into the kitchen to fix myself something to eat. I had decided on a chicken ceasar salad. I walked to the fridge took out the lettuce and chicken and put it on the counter. I walked over the the drawer where my silverware was and all the knives from the drawer were gone. I put the stuff back in the fridge like nothing was wrong, grabbed the take out menu and decided to order one instead. When the door bell rang, I screamed but then I remembered it was just my order. I walked to the front door, peaked out the side window just to make sure it was the delivery man, which it was and unlocked all the locks. I opened the door took the food gave him the money and shut the door immediately. I didn't even give him the chance to give me change. I re-locked all the locks and sat at the kitchen table to eat. Once I was done, I cleaned the table off threw out my trash and started doing the dishes. I tried to keep myself busy so that I wasn't sitting around driving myself crazy with thought. I dried the dishes put them away and went and sat on the couch to watch t.v. I flipped through the channels but nothing caught my interest. I put the movie channel on and just watched whatever came on. I felt myself starting to fall asleep so I shut the t.v off and went to bed. I locked the bedroom door and made sure all of the windows were closed and locked before I climbed into my bed. That night I slept with the lights on because I was too scared to turn them off. The next day I went back to my usual routine. Showered, did my hair, and went to work. The day seemed to go by in a blur. It felt like I wasn't even in the present, that it was all just a day dream. It felt that way for the next week or so. Over the rest of the week I didn't get anymore strange notes or letters or surprise visits. I thought it was over. That he had finally given up. I was wrong. On friday, I woke up for work did my usual and walked out the door. I drove to work with happy thoughts in my mind. I was ready to conquer this day. I entered the building and went right to my desk. I answered my phone calls told Mr. Watson about all his meetings and filed all his paper work. The day flew by. I finally felt happy for once. I walked out to my car after my shift was over and I froze. There it was, that little white piece of paper. "please don't be him." I whispered to myself. I slowly walked over to my car, hands shaking I plucked the piece of paper from under my wipers. I let out a sigh of relief. It was a store ad. I laughed it off and drove him. By the time I reached my house I was starved. I wanted some pasta for dinner. I climbed out of my car took out my house key and headed for the front door but the door was already open. I hesitated, do I go in or do I leave? My mind kept saying to leave but my body walked towards the house. Guess we're going in. I hesitantly walked through my front door checking my surroundings with every step I took. I didn't see anyone but you can tell someone was there. Without thinking, I called the police to report a break in. I waited outside for them to arrive but they toook forever. I started to get cold so I walked into my house to get a heavier jacket. As i walked to my closet, my bedroom door slammed behind me. It caused me to scream and jump as I turned around I saw him. "Tommy what are you doing here." I said with a panic. "I told you if you told you were going to die." He said with such an evil grin on his face. My face dropped. This whole time it was tommy. "You?" "This was all you?" I asked with anger in my voice. "Surprise" He started to walk towards me and I started to back up towards the bathroom. "Why Tommy? What do you want from me?" I asked with tears streaming down my face. "Don't you get it? what I want is you Ava." He charged towards me and I took off towards the bathroom. I slammed the door shut and tried to lock it as he pushed it open. I finally got it locked and started to panic as I tried to catch my breath. I just screwed myself. I really just locked myself in the bathroom like every dumb girl in every horror movie does. "S**t!" I screamed. I was mad at myself. I remembered I kept a razor blade in the medicine cabinet of my bathroom. I ripped open the cabinet to grab for it, but it was already gone. "F**k!" i shouted. I heard him laughing on the other side of the door. "Really Ava. Did you really think I wouldn't check in the cabinet when I took every other sharp object you had in this house." I didn't speak. I needed to figure out a way to get out of here. But how? I kept looking around the bathroom for a way out but I didn't succeed. I heard the sirens of the police cars in the distance. I had an Idea. "Tommy, the police are coming. If you answer the door and not me they'll get suspicious." No answer. "If you let me out without hurting me I'll Tell them to go away" It was worth a shot right. I waited for a response but heard nothing. After about 5 minutes I hear this sigh of relief and tommy says "Fine, but one wrong move and you're done." I was terrified but agreed. I unlocked the bathroom door and slowly opened it. Tommy was standing there waiting for me. I took off across the bedroom screaming for help. Tommy ran after me and tackled me to the ground. He sat on top of me and covered my mouth. I tried to fight him off my he was stronger than me. "I f*****g told you not to do that!" he yelled. i suddenly felt this pain in my face. My mouth started to taste like blood and my vision got blurry. He hit me so hard I passed out. When I came back to reality, I was tied to my dining room chair and my mouth was taped. My head was pounding and I couldn't see Tommy. I looked around and nothing looked touched. He cleaned up, the place was spotless. What was he going to do to me? I started to panic as Tommy reappeared in the kitchen. "you're lucky you little b***h!" He shouted at me. "I got you before the cops did." I started breathing faster. This was it. I was dead. I felt the tears run down my face as he walked closer to me. I felt my body shaking with each step he took towards me. He knelt down in front of me and started to brush my hair out of my face. I tried to pull away but it only made him angrier. "You belong to me now" He whispered into my ear. I need to find away out. I heard my doorbell rang and tried to scream but it was no use with this tape over my mouth. Tommy looked towards the door and then looked back to me and said "Be good" With such a stern look on his face. He walked towards the door and peaked out the side window. That's when I heard her. "Ava open up its only me." Alison. Tommy hesitated but opened the door to let alison know I wasn't home. "Who are you?" she questioned. I'm a coworker of hers she just ran to the store real quick" he lied. Alison was smart. "So I'll just come in and wait for her than" she said and started walking into the door. Tommy quickly shut the door and I tried to scream again hoping Alison would hear me at least a little. Tommy walked back into the kitchen with this look in his eyes that I've never seen before. "We have to go" he shouted. He walked over to me and i mumbled to him with tape over my mouth still. He ripped it off and said if I scream he was killing me right there. "I need to use the bathroom." I said. He untied my hands and the retied them in the front of me. He guided me to the bathroom and stood there. "Can i please shut the door" I asked nervously. "I promise I won't do anything." "Fine. but make it quick or I will break it down." He yelled. I walked into the bathroom closed the door and started to panic. I need to do something. I know Alison is going to come back and She will bring the police with her. I found a pen on the vanity in the bathroom and quickly grabbed a piece of toilet paper and tried to write a note. "My name is Ava Monroe. If you're seeing this then that means he got me. His name is Tommy and-" Was as far as I got when he started banging on the door for me to come out. "Coming" I shouted. Forgetting to finish the note I hurried out of the bathroom before he got any ideas on what I was doing. He grabbed my arm and drug me out of the bedroom through the house and out the front door. He threw me into his trunk because he said he wasn't going to risk me flagging someone down. He slammed the trunk closed and i was trapped. I needed to figure out how to get someone's attention. I can hear him close the car door and start the engine. Where was he going with me? I tried to listen to the noises around me but I could hardly hear anything. All I could here were the cars going past. I tried counting how long I was in there to see how far we were driving but once I counted long enough to reach a half hour I got tired and started to fall asleep. I felt the car come to a stop when I woke up. It was really cold. Where the hell did he take me? I trunk flew open and there was Tommy with big grin on his face. "let's go" he said a yanked me out of the trunk. We were outside of some old abandoned house I didn't recognize. "where are we" I asked but he didn't answer. he just pulled me along by the arm and threw me into the house. I hit the floor with a thud and felt a sharp pain in my elbow. I let out a scream "Shut your f*****g mouth you stupid b***h" He yelled at me. He gripped me up off the floor and drug me into the dirty bedroom there was nothing in there except a raggedy old mattress. He tossed me down on the mattress and replaced my hands back behind my back and put tape back over my mouth. Why me was the only thought that would run across my mind. He slammed the door shut and locked me inside the room. I tried to pry my hands free but it was no use. My wrist were turning bright red from all the pulling i was doing to try and get free. I was so frustrated. The more frustrated I got the more angry i became. I was going to kill him. Well idk about kill but I wanted to hurt him so much. The longer I sat in this dirty room the more in depth I went into about the revenge I wanted to get. I sat there thinking about everything he has put me through. The sun was gone by now and I had no idea what time it was but Tommy hasn't been back in a long time. I was actually kind of worried. What if he goes after Alison next. I couldn't sit here and let him do something to someone else. I tried with all of my might to get the rope off of my hands. I held My breath and pulled as hard as I could. I felt the rope getting looser and looser until I finally broke free from it. "Holy s**t i did it!" I shouted. I quickly covered my own mouth incase Tommy was here. I quiety stood up from the bed and tip-toed over the the window. It looked like I was in the middle of nowhere. As disgusting as it was I put my ear to the floor to see if I could hear Tommy downstairs. I couldn't hear anything so I'm guessing he wasn't there. I walked to the door and it was still locked from the outside. " how the hell am I supposed to get out of here now?" I said to myself. I kept pulling on the door knob but no luck. The more I tried the more angry I started to get again. I started to kick the door as hard as I could. I just kept kicking and kicking and kicking until I noticed the panel on the door giving way. I kicked it harder and the panel broke free. It was down the bottom so I still couldn't reach the lock so I kicked the spot next to it until it created a big enough gap for me to squeeze out of. Wiggled my way through the hole in the door and quietly walked down the hallway. I peaked over the railing to see if he was down there. Thank god he wasn't here. I ran down the steps trying to find which way the front door was. I ran to the kitchen to find a back door. Before opening it i peaked through the curtain and seen a bunch of woods. I ran back to the living room towards the front door. I peaked through the curtain of that door and it was just an empty road straight through. The biggest question in my mind now was do I risk the road and Tommy finding me or do I take the woods and risk getting lost. Without second thought I ran to the kitchen and out the back door. I ran straight into the woods without looking back. I ran for what felt like hours. I had no idea where I was but I didn't care I kept running. It started getting dark out and harder to see. I decided to take a break and sat down on a log trying to catch my breath. I was panting so hard from running. I finally calmed down and got a chance to actually look around to see if I could find somewhere to go. I knew Tommy had to have been back by now and hes definitely angry that I'm not there. He's probably looking for me. Then I decided to panic again and got up and continued running. I don't know where I'm going but I just run. I found a tunnel and thought I would safe there to take a rest. I climbed inside it and and curled into a ball. I must have dozed off or something because I woke up in a panic. outside the tunnel, I heard this strange noise. I didn't move. What if it were Tommy. What if there was some kind of rabid animal out there waiting to eat me. I was scared to death but I just couldn't move. I held my breathe trying to figure out what I was going to do in this situation. I stared out the opening of the tunnel until the sun rose. By now my breathing was out of control because I kept holding it. Nothing came past but that doesn't mean there wasn't anything out there. I quietly crawled through the tunnel to the opening praying that nothing and no one was out there. I closed my eyes took a deep breath and peaked my head out of the tunnel. I looked around from left to right up and down double searching my surroundings. I didn't see anything and let out a long sigh. I was so relieved. I quickly crawled out of the tunnel and started to run again. The woods felt like they were never going end. I felt like giving up and just letting whatever could happen to me in these woods happen. But then in the distance I started to see and opening between the trees. I took off hoping over branches and dodging bushes and thorns. I reached the opening of the woods and it was a long lonely road ahead. I looked up and down the street and there wasn't anything in sight. I walked along the road but stayed in the bushes just to be safe. I had no idea where I was or where this road was going to lead me but I took the chance. About an hour past and  up ahead there was what seemed to be a little town. I felt this rush of happiness and relief over come my body. I started to run again. I reached this little diner and ran up to the front door. It was locked. I banging on the glass hoping someone would be inside but no one came to my rescue. I was defeated. I slid down the door and just sat there on the front step. There has to be someone around here that can help me. I stood up and started walking through the little town. Everything was so vacant looking. It all looked like it was staged. As I walked along the road I heard a car come down the road behind me. I'm not going to lie, it scared the living s**t out of me. I turned around to look at the car and the feeling of excitement rushed over my face. It wasn't Tommy's car. I started to flag down the car screaming for help. The car pulled over to the side and I ran up to the passenger side door. He rolled his window down "Are you okay ma'am?" He questioned. "I need help some guy drug me out here and I think he's going to hurt me. I escaped from this abandoned house and found this town can you please help me" I begged. He opened his door and I jumped in. He made a U-turn and drove back down the deserted road. I had no idea where he was going but for once I didn't care. He stopped outside of this little store and turned the car off. "Where are we?"  I asked. "I just have to grab something. I'll be right out." He looked at me and I suddenly didn't feel so safe anymore. He climbed out of the car, slammed the door and hit the alarm. I started to panic. i was puling on the door handle but it wouldn't budge. The locks on the door went down too far for me to unlock them by hand. "S**t s**t s**t" I need to get out of here now. I started kicking the window but nothing happened. The door to the little mart opened and out walked the mysterious man but he wasn't alone. Right behind him was a very dangerous man... Tommy. He knew who I was. He knew who was looking for and be brought me to him. All this fighting, all that running was for nothing. I was back in Tommy's possession. He just looked at me the most scariest look i have ever seen. Tommy opened the passenger side door that I was at and punched me in the face. "How dare you" he whispered in my ear. I was out cold. He threw me over his shoulder and walked away from the man. I don't know what happened next but when I came to, I was back in the dirty bedroom on thrown on the dirty mattress. I lost. I finally gave up. What's the use in running and trying to get away when he will just find me anyway? I laid there just looking at the ceiling. He opened the bedroom door and walked towards me. He was angry. More angry than I've ever seen him. He slammed the door behind him and said "You've been a very bad girl Ava. Now you will get punished." And with that he slapped me across the face then grabbed me by the throat. I couldn't breathe. He just kept squeezing and squeezing. Everything went hazy and i didn't even fight back. What was the point. no matter what I did he was 10 steps ahead of me. I finally passed out, I thought I was dead. I thought I was finally put out of my misery. I'm not sure how much time had past or even days went by but I finally woke up and I was in a different room. I think we were still in the same house but the room was cold and dark. There was no windows and the door was straight steel. I was screwed. i wasn't tied up anymore I guess since there wasn't no way out he didn't see a reason to keep me tied up. I stood up and pounded on every wall hoping to find a soft spot. The door was heavy so i knew I wasn't getting out that way. I needed a plan and i needed one now! I finally got an idea. I'm not sure how well it would work but it was worth a shot. I walked back and fourth across the room bouncing on the wooden rickety floorboards until one felt like it was going to break. I finally found the sweet spot and started jumping up and down as hard as I could. I heard it start to snap and got down on my knees and started tugging at it. It finally broke. All I kept doing was pulling up the floorboards until the hole was big enough for me to get my body through. The opening under the floor was dark and I couldn't see what was down there. Was it another room? Was it underground? I suddenly heard foot steps outside the door. "s**t" I quickly grabbed the mattress and pushed it over the hole I just created. The locked on the door turned and as Tommy opened the door i sat down on the bed praying he wouldn't get suspicious. "here" He slid a tray of food towards me. It was a peanut butter sandwich and a glass of water. I felt like I was in prison. I didn't look up at him the entire time but I just had to ask. "Tommy, Why?" I slowly lifted my head up to make eye contact with him. "Why did you pick me of all people." I asked. He just stared at me. "Why." he whispered. "WHY!" he began to raise his voice. "Do you not remember what you did to me?" He said angrily. I was confused. What was he talking about. "Tommy I didn't do anyth-" "Shut up Just shut up!" He walked over to the mattress and sat down next to me. "It was the holiday party. You were dressed in a red sun like dress and your hair was pulled up into a loose bun. You looked at me and smiled then walked over to me." All I could do was stare at him as I tried to remember the day he was talking about. "You talked to me all night it felt like. I was so happy because I had feelings for you for the longest time." My jaw dropped. "Tommy I had no-" "Then when I went to ask you out to dinner you cut me off and told me you had to leave." He had such dissapointment in his voice. I had no idea he felt that way. He never showed it. "Tommy listen, I had no idea that was how you felt. You never made any efforts to make me notice. You were always just so nice and happy. I had to leave that night because my sister was rushed to the hospital" I explained. He didn't care though. He just stood up and walked towards the door. before he left he turned to me and said "You crushed me Ava. Now you will pay." And with that he walked out the door. I waited a few minutes until I couldnt hear him anymore. I jumped up and pushed the mattress out of the way. I didn't know where it led but I jumped through the hole I had made in the floor. It lead to a basement that had a side door connected to it. I ran over to the door and it was unlocked. I pushed through it and ran down the road this time not chancing the woods or anyone who drove past. I just ran. This time it didn't feel as far of a run to get to where there were people at. This place actually had people around. I ran into the gas station and looked for the store clerk. "Where's the nearest police station" I screamed. The lady behind the counter looked frightened. "Tell me now!" I yelled. "Miss do you need help with something?" she asked me. "No I just need to know where the nearest police station is." ."It's, It's just down the road there. about 3 miles." She said nervously. "Thank you" I said running out the door. I took off down the road once again and I didn't stop until I reached the police station. I ran through the front doors frantically and ran to the nearest cop I found. I was so outta breath that I couldn't talk. "Ma'am, Ma'am what is the problem here." The officer asked me. I couldn't make out what happened because I couldn't catch my breath. "SOMEONE GET ME WATER!" the officer yelled. I was having a panic attack. Another officer brought me over a bottled water and I downed it. Steadying my breathe I finally told the cop "My name is Ava Monroe. I don't know what day it is but a guy named Tommy  Turner kidnapped me on April 17th and i just escaped." He looked at me stunned. "You're Ava Monroe?" the officer questioned. "Yes" I said. "What day is it?" The officer looked at me and said "Ms. Monroe, it's May 12th. We've been looking for you for almost a month now." My heart sank. Has it really been that long? It didn't feel that long but I guess when you're locked inside a dark room for so long you don't realize what is going o around you. My eyes filled with tears. I was so relieved to be out of that house. The officer looked down at me "We recieved the call about 2 weeks ago from your local police district. A woman named Alison reported it." He said it with such a heavy heart. "Alison, is she okay? Nothing happened to her right.?" I was scared of what his answer was going to be. "She is at the hospital right now. As she was leaving the station her car was ran off the road and into a ditch. Shes okay but it's going to take some time for her to make a full recovery" The officer sounded so happy for someone who didn't know Alison. I felt relieved knowing that she was going to be okay but I was angry at the same time because Tommy hurt her. "I just wanna go home." He told me I could go home as soon as they took a statement and I told them where to find Tommy. They wanted to drive over to the house and for me to tag along so I can show them. The thought of having to go back there didn't sit well with me but knowing that I'll be protected made it not so scary. I agreed to show them and we all walked out to the cars. It was me and Officer Mark Pattinson and 3 other police cars. We all drove back to the abandoned house and Tommy's car was still parked outside. Officer Pattinson told me to stay in the car and I didn't argue I sat right there. The officers all walked up to the house and banged on the door. "Open up Tommy. We know you're in there" They shouted. Tommy didn't answer. The big officer who looked to be about 6'4 and could over turn a tractor trailor with his pinky, kicked the door in. They all rushed inside to get Tommy. They were in there for quite a while I didn't know what was going on. I stepped out of the car and slowly walked towards the house. I suddenly felt a hand go over my mouth and a Knife go to my throat. "Fight and I will slit your f*****g throat." Tommy. I didn't move. He just stood there holding a knife to my throat waiting for the officers to exit the house. I was terrified. Officer Pattinson walked out first. He walked towards the car and thats when he noticed Tommy was holding me hostage. "LET HER GO!" Mark screamed. Tommy just laughed. This man was really psycho. The officers all had their guns drawn pointing them at Tommy. "Let. her. go." The other officer said. I knew they weren't playing this time. They were really gonna kill Tommy but I was in the way. I needed to move they can take down Tommy but I had to act fast. I gave officer Mark a look to let him know I was going to do something and he nodded. i waited till the count of 3 and at the same time I stomped on Tommy's foot and bite is hand. He let out a blood curdling scream and I ran. Before he got the chance Officer Mark Shot Tommy in the head. He dropped so quick it was almost instant. Tears running down my face I ran over to the officers once again for safety. Tommy was dead. He was finally dead. I felt so relieved. It was like all this pressure just lifted off my shoulders. The big officer grabbed me and wrapped me in a coat and told me they were waiting for paramedics to arrive. i didn't know why since Tommy was dead but they told me that Tommy had cut the side of my neck with the knife when I ran. I didn't even notice because my adrenaline was going so fast. I reached my hand up to meet the gash on my neck and it was just pouring out with blood. The paramedics arrived and they instantly ran to me and rushed me into the back of the ambulance. They told me that I needed to be taken to the hospital for stitches but if I sat down they could apply enough pressure for the bleeding to stop until we got there. I climbed up onto the gurney and let them do what they needed to do. They slammed the ambulance doors shut and sped off down the road. We reached the hospital in about 15 minutes and they rushed be back to the emergancy room. You would have thought I was dying with how quick they were. They immediately cleaned up my wound, and stitched it up. It took a total of 20 stitches to finally get it to close. They covered it up with gause and told me I was good to go. I just want to go home at this point. I asked if there was a phone I could use to call a cab to take me home. When I walked over to the desk for the phone, Officer Mark was sitting in the waiting room. "Oh, hello Officer Pattinson." "Hey there Ava, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He said. "Oh I'm fine, Just a few stitches thats all." I reached for the phone and began to dial for a cab. "Let me take you home, It will cost you a fortune in cab fair from out here." Mark stated. Where even was here. I still had no idea where I was. "Where is here?" I laughed. "You're about 2 hours outside the city." He said. Wow I had no idea I was that far from home. I agreed to let him drive me home and we walked out of the hospital. The 2 hour drive was awkward because neither of us hardly said a word the whole ride. We reached the city and I felt happy. I knew where I was finally. I knew what things around me were. I felt a smile come across my face. "You okay Ava?" Mark asked. "Yeah, just happy to be home thats all." I showed him how to get to my house once we reached the city. It took about an extra 15 minutes from downtown but we finally reached my front door. I just sat in the passenger seat staring at my house. I was still so afraid to go in there. "It's okay Ava, He can't hurt you anymore." Mark said making me jump out of my thought. I knew he was dead but I still felt that fear of him being in there. I took a deep breath and climbed out of the police car. I thanked Officer Pattinson for the ride and closed the door. I stood on the side walk outside my house. I slowly walked up my front steps and reached for the door knob. I opened the front door and my house looked like nothing happened inside. I was confused. This place was destroyed before I left. I walked around the house to see where everything was. I immediately grabbed my cell phone off the dresser in my bedroom and dialed Alisons phone. "AVA!" she shouted. It felt so good to hear her voice again. "Hey how are you feeling?" I asked. "Screw how I'm feeling. How are you doing. What happened? Is everything okay now?" question after question poured out of her mouth. It made me chuckle. Alison was always like that. Never gave you the chance to answer a question before she was asking a new one. "I'm good. Confused but I'm good. Tommy's dead I have a few stitches but it's finally over." I said proudly. We talked for the phone for hours. She told me that when someone else answered my front door she knew something was up. She said she sat outside in her car waiting for me to "Return from the store" when she saw Tommy dragging my limp body out of my house. She said she tried to come help but when Tommy seen her, He gave her this angry look. She hopped back into her car and drove to the police. Tommy found out she went because he followed her car before he took me out of town. He dropped me off at the abandoned home and went back for Alison thats when he drove her off the side of the road. I felt horrible. As I was trying to escape the first time, My best friend was in danger. I kept apologizing to Alison but she insisted that it wasn't my fault. I started to feel tired so I told Alison that I was going to take a shower and go to bed and that I would come visit her in the morning. I hung up the phone and walked into the bathroom. It was a mess. I took a shower and scrubbed my body so hard it was chaffing. Being in that dirty house made me feel like I would never be clean again. I turn the shower off and walk back into the bedroom to get dressed when I heard my phone going off. I look at it and I had 5 missed calls. They were from the Arcadia police district. I called them back and it was officer Pattinson. "Hi, this is Ava Monroe. I had a few missed calls from you guys. is everything okay?" I asked. Officer pattinson was calling to tell me that they found the guy who drove me back to Tommy. His name was Anthony and he was Tommy's brother. They caught him on survalince at the market I told them about. "Oh, wow. Thank you for letting me know." I said. I hung up the phone and got dressed into my pj's. I climbed into my bed and i was sound asleep as soon as i layed down. I woke up the next day and felt so refreshed. I was smiling ear to ear. I walked out into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. As it was cooking, I walked out to the mailbox to get the mail and walked back into the house. Most of it was junk and bills but there was one particular piece of mail that stuck out to me. It had nothing on the front of it except for my name. I turned it over and opened the envelope. It was a get well card. I thought It was from Alison or my parents or something. I opened up the card and written really big in big bold red letters were the words "DON'T THINK THIS IS OVER JUST YET. I'M STILL HERE B***H!" 




© 2017 sheeshee

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I want to first say that the idea behind this is great! I like the idea of unrequited love gone sour but I do just want to point out that the tenses were a bit skewed in that you flipped Ava's perspective from past tense to present a few times. There's so much going on, I think it just got a little muddy with the tenses. Ava seems like a smart and strong character, but I do wish she were a bit more fleshed out, along with the other characters. I have the same problem myself with tenses and fleshing out characters but overall, enjoyed your story and I can't wait to read more!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I want to first say that the idea behind this is great! I like the idea of unrequited love gone sour but I do just want to point out that the tenses were a bit skewed in that you flipped Ava's perspective from past tense to present a few times. There's so much going on, I think it just got a little muddy with the tenses. Ava seems like a smart and strong character, but I do wish she were a bit more fleshed out, along with the other characters. I have the same problem myself with tenses and fleshing out characters but overall, enjoyed your story and I can't wait to read more!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on February 18, 2017
Last Updated on May 17, 2017



philadelphia, PA


A Story by sheeshee


A Story by sheeshee