Heart Decay

Heart Decay

A Poem by Jasmine S. Edwards

Lyrics to the Song; "Tom's Diner" by Suzanne Vega


                           I was searching for a

                   Way To stop my heart from a

                    deacy I was watching the wind  

              blow, Out the window as my dre

          ams go. I didn’t know what I would

      find, Something that poured out my mi

   nd A thing that he should repay, For W

   hat He had done on that day. I heard gu

   nshots By the door, I knew exactly who

   it’s for, He had took away a friend.  For

       that mistake he had to end. Was it ri-

         ght to take a life, Of a man who had

                A new wife? But he took a way

                       A heart, For that I tore him

                          Apart. His blood Covered

                            the   floor, and my tears

                                 began  to pour. Tears

                                    not of sadness, but

    joy, for getting

             rid of this



Heart… I am not say

ing it was right, what I did

to him that night. He got aw

ay with murder of his first, seco

nd third or. Police in the end came,

in my heart I have this shame, of a de

ath that may have caused some pain, but

my heart won’t decay, not in vain. Rage

is a scary event, it gives your mind time

to vent. I tried to buy me some time, but

police caught me with reason and rhy

me.. Now sittin In a jail cell, I get

no calls or mail I Look up at th

e sky and wanting a rope to

tie. My body will weather

Away, my heart will dec

ay. I am floating all

the way through

death course, I

can almost

hear your



© 2013 Jasmine S. Edwards

My Review

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A very interesting layout. Very appealing in appearance. I dislike the fact that you had to separate words in order to make the shape though.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 25, 2013
Last Updated on December 8, 2013


Jasmine S. Edwards
Jasmine S. Edwards

Rochester, NY

College student who loves to write in my free time :) Always looking for inspiration and a good story to read. I write what comes to my mind or my takes on stories unfinished. My smart phone, a pen a.. more..
