La Rougeur D'Amour

La Rougeur D'Amour

A Poem by Kristallo

Like a spark of light, gentle words infuse 
What once was lost to the crystal calls of time.
Long ago, whimsical flames would weave gold-trimmed fancies
Between each fine raven lash of your orchid, changeling eyes

Like a burning blush of diamond Nuvo, there is no place my heart can Go
I cannot hide between the mystic lines of song and rhyme
Or flee to the space between mercurial kisses
And charred, winsome scenes. 

I kissed your name to every shaking leaf
Of reflective, silvery willow trees.
I sang your name to spirits swimming in the breeze,
Loftily melodic in their roving loyalties. 

I carved your name upon each grain of sand,
So velvet waves would memorize the tide of your hand.
I dreamed your name until my soul was lost,
so that i'd never forget every nuance at any cost.

The caress of your impressionism hand, brushing
Tones of water-color love splashed across
the pristine screen of cinematic dreams. 
Cherished stolen moments are the whispers of life in me. 

la rougeur d'amour
The pearls of promises falling from buttery clouds
Mist ribbons of light streak 'cross this starry night
Won't breathe at ease until these starving seconds pass. 

© 2012 Kristallo

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I feel like a reflection drifting within a lake of imagery while reading this one. Every time a ripple rises my stance is changed. "An impressionism hand" that stanza crawls into my lungs along with the image of carving a name into each grain of sand for the waves to memorize the tide of a This is what poetry SHOULD be...death or love rising on a page. SO glad you picked up the pen again.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


AHHH that third stanza!!!!!!!!
that flowed with ease from that willow tree.
You took careful time with this write eh?
I f sure Seems ...quite complex but flows nicely with its dark and shimmery colour!!!
paint on page fine Poetess!!!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much! And yes, this one took a lot of careful deliberation, the images were there but i.. read more

11 Years Ago

They are perfect expressions:)
Your paint passionate colors in your skies; these dabs of heart and soul like a brilliant Monet. And yes, love is deep, deep red... filled with every nuance of want and desire, even in the distance.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much.
Your ornamentation is exquisite! You write poetry like a painter, and for this I do recognize your brilliance and originality.

It's a dynamic delight to read poetry like yours!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you, Eloha. Your kind words are most dearly appreciated.
'I cannot hide between the mystic lines of song and rhyme
Or flee to the space between mercurial kisses
And charred, winsome scenes.'

Mega-chills right there for me! And the genius it took to carve out this line would rise above the level of tediousness to actually carve out someone's name on every grain of sand the world has to offer:

'I carved your name upon each grain of sand,
So velvet waves would memorize the tide of your hand.'

I don't think I've ever even had a thought CLOSE to that, you are so uniquely brilliant! I've never seen a mind think like you, you would not be a star in the galaxy, rather something completely unknown to man or matter! This poem is art. This is what it would feel like for two artistic souls to come together I feel. This is a screenplay of what that moment, where the universe comes together in a single room, cave, or forest, for the sparking of two creative souls. It's just!!! Need I words to tell you how marvelous this is? The piece I am critiquing is art enough, self-justified. You might have a bigger fan somewhere, but I would be close to that!

The ending is perfect. It brought me the warmest smile. I relate to that desire, so many people do and the way you expressed it is unlike I've ever read or heard anyone do before.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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"Cherished stolen moments are the whispers of life in me."

. i'm not quoting this line from this amazing piece of writing for any other reason but to let you know, dear poetess, that i relate to it the most ... i had expressed this thought once playfully and said "i am a moment-hunter" ... but i knew that those of us who are about moments are often (not always) the ones who have seen great adversity for long spans of time ... this piece of writing, for me, therefore, is about that journey through the spans of time ... the "nuances" (to borrow a word from you) are exquisitely painted ... yes, to me, this is a word painting ... infinitely rich and artistic ... and ... it does take one "beyond the mountains of illusion" ... (what an expression) ... it takes one to a beautiful reality ... where one reminisces about moments ... with a sense of letting go ... and a sense of cherishing rather than lamenting about loss ... that's the impression i derived from this beautiful epic ...

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

A beautiful review. Thank you so much, Serah.

11 Years Ago

. you're very welcome, dear Kristallo :) ...
This is amazing. A very talented and lavish approach with the effects of a serene feel. Really this is awesome work.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

I'm flattered that you think so, so glad that you liked it. I actually put some effort into this one.. read more

I kissed your name to every shaking leaf

Love that line!

Your random rhymes...impressive!

You paint a surrealist world of buttery made clouds...water-color imagery to fill the reader's eyes...heart...and soul. xo

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

So glad you liked it, Muse! Thank you.
I found this to be erotic, without the pretense of eroticism. And that is good.
VERY good!

Posted 11 Years Ago are an amazing writer:) each and every line sweeps me... what a life u could bring to words!!! I carved your name upon each grain of sand So velvet waves would memorize the tide of your hand.... i love these lines in particular:) great job...

Posted 12 Years Ago

Such beauty and amazing journey with your powerful poetry. I like the description. Made me feel the emotion and the desire of the poem. The poem has a feel of old world adding to the strength of the poem. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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24 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on April 8, 2012
Last Updated on August 27, 2012



Denton, TX

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for. Georgia O'Keeffe All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. -Aristotle Th.. more..


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