

A Poem by Siddartha Beth Pierce

At the age

of fourteen

the first

thing they

took from


was my



Although, afraid

I walked


a day

and was



from the hospital.


At twenty one,

my cervix

was next

to go

as cancer

had set in.


Years later,

it seems it

has not


and the laser

they used

seemed to do

the trick.


At twenty two,

two foot surgeries

were undertaken

as it seemed

my high-heeled

commercialist days

had created

synovial cysts

at the base

of my big toes.


The doctor

called me

a 'B***h'

when I complained

of the pain-

yet they have

not returned.


At twenty four,

my wisdom teeth

were next.


Contrary to popular


I have a very small


not even

enough room

for the permanent teeth

I grew as a child-

four of those

had to be pulled.


They needed to

saw out part of

my jaw when

the wisdom teeth

came out as the

teeth were

growing in



When I awoke,

from my induced


the dentist was

kind, handsome

seemed interested

in me


what a surprise

as he had just

spent the last

few hours

hacking at my



At twenty six,

the C-Section



My son

broke my water

six weeks earlier

than expected-

yet once born

he was still


full term-

19 inches long,

5 and a half pounds-

well worth having

my guts spread

out upon the table

beside me.



a blessed thing

for without it

I may have never

even survived

my teenage




© 2008 Siddartha Beth Pierce

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I will be exposed in the Operating Room this week,this gave me gruesome bloody reality. but its true, i will take it for my patient's purpose, to be healed. no matter how many layers of it in the abdomen, the skin, the fascia, muscularis and the peritoneum.. i will help it cut to remove a spec of uselessness to promote the purpose of life.

wonderfully written... i really thought this one was a fiction, i was picturing out an emaciated teenage girl being sawed alive without anesthesia.. my bad, my very morbid mind, but sorry this is a true story,

btw i love the ob-gyne part of this. the break of water. so real, profound...intricately added..

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


And to think, most people try to avoid the doctor. You seem to relish and embrace him, so to speak. An interesting peek into a sliced up part of your life. Well written.

Posted 15 Years Ago

AMAZING!! AWE!! Such resilience for so much trials and tribulations!! And such a great write denoting them all!! BOWS!! Much respect!

Posted 15 Years Ago

You took all these invasions like a trooper!! Otherwise you would not have been able to so eloquently put the experiences upon the page. Good job, thanks for sharing... hope in doing so you're lighter and feel better for sharing.

I can relate to the wisdom teeth issue... me to; small mouth with no where for the wisdom teeth to grow. Loved the pain killers they sent me home with... what was it Codeine? The only other times I've had to go to the hospital? Well I've gone in for my MRI scans first to diagnose my MS and a couple after to check on whether it was progressing or staying in remission. Seems like the only other time was when I was 10 in the fifth grade and I rode in the ambulance on my stomach so the resident could extract a pencil from my right buttock. The kid that I sat next to in class decided to hold his pencil upright on my chair when I leaned up out of my seat to hand in his and my homework papers. The girls in the front of the class saw what he'd done. I excused myself from class; walk down the hall and 'round the corner to the office to ask for the nurse and insisted that the nurse not remove the pencil just call the squad and my mother. I of course lost my breakfast and then while in the emergency room thought my Mom was going to knock my head off while she "patted my head" as she watched what the ER doc was doing to remove the pencil. Oh, yeah, there was also the time when I was 3 when I cut my right index finger with my Dad's pocket knife and I was taken to the hospital so Mom would calm down and be told how to treat the injury over the next few days. I could write a book on all the scars I have!! Boring? Perhaps but how many people do you know that has a scar the diameter of a pencil on their right buttock? ;~) Just this foolish April Fool's Day born Sallie Bear. ;~)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is amazing. And really an interesting way of looking at surgery. Thank you for sharing this!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow, Siddartha.

An open, honest telling. VERY unique perspective.

This one is a monument, I think.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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15 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on September 1, 2008


Siddartha Beth Pierce
Siddartha Beth Pierce

Richmond, VA

Artist, Poet, Educator, African and Contemporary Art Historian more..


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