Of moments, thoughts and actions

Of moments, thoughts and actions

A Poem by Joshua Smit

my first (somewhat) rhyming poem

Moments spent in thought,
A solitary world inside my mind.
Infinite possibilities and dreams are caught
Reality strikes,
dreams are weighed against humanities flaws,
suddenly the amazing world falls to shreds,
each dream, each possibility, falls through the floors
life is examined,
people observed,
pointless it seems,
is it deserved?
A man stands out,
his purpose found,
moments treasured to become more profound
moments spent in thought,
and a realization of thoughts turned to action
so infinite possibilities and dreams can be caught  

© 2010 Joshua Smit

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I like this. The rhyming is good.

Posted 13 Years Ago

very nice rite .....
Reality strikes,
dreams are weighed against humanities flaws,
suddenly the amazing world falls to shreds,
each dream, each possibility, falls through the floor..

loved these words . Gratifying .

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is good :)
Great rhymes :)
You can find more rhyming words at www.merriam-webster.com
Just type in the word, you'll find the synonym and antonym and the rhymes :)
Good luck!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on December 2, 2010
Last Updated on December 2, 2010


Joshua Smit
Joshua Smit

Johannesburg, gauteng, South Africa

i dont like talking bout myself :/ more..
