Death Crystal

Death Crystal

A Story by Sinto

A group of charged with supernatural abilities each different from one another.

Tomari sat in the back seat of the tan vehicle as he played with an action figure given to him by his grandmother on his sixth birthday. His parents, James and Kira Tomarai were in the front chatting. “I’m so enthusiastic that finally finished our brilliant invention” Kira said to James. As they came to halt at a red light, right after the light turns green an oncoming vehicle hits the back-passenger side door making them spin out of control. Just as the Tomari Family collected themselves they were dragged from their car by mysterious assailants.

The hired mercenaries tie up Ichiro Tomarai, placing him in front of the car with his parents held at gun point. Ichiro watched as tears poured down his eyes. The mercenaries demand info about the new upcoming invention. James and Kira Tomari refused to give up any information pertaining to their invention. “Mr. Tomari we’re giving you five seconds to relinquish the statistics of your machine or I will utterly end your life by shooting a bullet into the depths of your skull.” The Tyrant threatened as a grin grew across his light-toned face.

Brushing the dark-hair from his blue eyes, he begins to c**k back his weapon to load the bullet into the chamber. Pulling back the hammer you hear an abrupt click.  Mr. Tomarai closed his eyes awaiting a fateful death. The shot rang though out the streets followed by horrified screams out in the distance. The screams echoed within his ears startling him back to reality. Sweat ran down his face with an expression of sheer terror. As Ichiro was putting on his school uniform getting ready for his first year he thinks to himself: (Why am I having this repetitive nightmare I cannot deal with it I am going to be late)

Ichiro rushes downstairs grabs a quick morning meal, but found a letter on the fridge in his grandfather's handwriting addressing to meet him by the oak tree. With hesitation, Tomarai grabs his jacket making his way to the back yard followed by a shear gust of wind as he opens their sliding glass door clinking his black coat with a firm grip.
There Tomarai witnessed his grandfather standing underneath the oak tree with its leaves fall at a leisurely pace. Heron Kobayashi, Ichiro’s grandfather places his right hand on the boys' shoulder then proceeds to reveille what’s in his left hand to be a rectangular shaped box. Heron offers Ichiro a small valet box engraved with their family’s crest. Tomarai starred immensely with interest slowly lifting the lock to reveal what’s inside the box. Ichiro discovers a mire crystal gleaming off from the sun’s luminous shine giving its appearance, pearlescent dark purple.

“What is this supposed to be grandpa?”

“It’s our family relic, my father {Kobayashi senior} handed down this ancient crystal to me to pass it on. It be in our family for many generations and now I give it to you Ichiro” Heron said Ichiro. The young boy took a moment to look at this weirdly-shaped crystal before realizing he was going to be late for school.

“Thanks grandpa, I have to go or I’ll be late for school” Ichiro said quickly. His grandfather urged him to take the obsidian stone, named the vulgar crystal, with him to school. Ichiro was in such a rush; the boy hadn’t realized the small box was still in his hand. Once Tomarai reached his school’s entrance, that’s when he felt the item still within his grip. “Damn, looks like I forgot to leave the relic at home. I guess it won’t be so bad taking it with me for one day” Ichiro said with a carefree attitude.

An abrupt hand touched his shoulder from behind. The boy turned to see his crush Victoria Saito, she had long-blonde hair with green eyes. She was about his height which were both about 5’10. “Glad to see you’re actually going to school. Most don’t even come to school on the first day since nothing really happens or is worth taking up our time” she told Ichiro.

Tomarai blushed from his crush having her hand on his shoulder still. “Well, we should get to class before the first bell rings” He commented. Tori assured him she’d be in after him, but wanted to stay outside a little bit longer. Tomarai describing how his first day will go, he begins to shrug his shoulders with a mediocre motion as he makes his way toward the front doors. Above the doors read the name of the school: “Glenmire High School” Ichiro made his way through the large red doors, entering the lengthy hallways.

The moment he walked inside, Tomarai saw dozens of students walking through the hall like traffic. Ichiro checked his phone to find it was only “8:00a.m” The young student had about five minutes to get to class or else he’d be late. Cramming through a large crowd of students, the young boy managed to reach his first class. Ichiro sat in the front of the middle row of the classroom. With it being the first day like Tori had mentioned, he didn’t pay much attention to their current teacher.

Every now and again, Ichiro thought one of the other students were looking at him. But when he turned to look back at them, they were either looking out the row of windows on the left side of the classroom, or on their phone. The male student had black hair with most of it pull back with one part hanging down near his right eye. The teen thought his classmate’s irises were gold, but brushed it off as his imagination or the light from outside.

The day dragged on until it was finally his last class, sadly it was his least favorite: Math. Like most math classes, their teacher already had homework planned for them on just the first day. Ichiro just let his mind wonder until the bell rang. Once the boy stepped out into the hall, Tori stood on the left side of the hall leaning against one of the many blue lockers that were placed parallel though out the Glenmire High School. “Boring day wasn’t it? Sorry I couldn’t join you Tori, I was stuck in detention for being late for one of my earlier classes” Tomarai rolled his eyes walking past her.

“Come on don’t ignore me, just lost track of time” Tori said with a gloomy feeling.

“Well, hopefully you will actually show up tomorrow instead of goofing around outside” Tomarai Humorously responded.                  


Heron was preparing a surprise party for Ichiro’s 18th birthday. As he positioned the overly sized vanilla cake with cream cheese frosting. He general speaks out loud “Oh! It has a fascinating texture; mildly crispy around the edges just hope he does not mind its bitter taste. I better call him down. “Ichiro! You are going to miss blowing out the candles. Ichiro?” What his grandpa did not realized was that Ichiro never arrived home, he went to attend the biggest party of the year that he was invited to join.

Heron begins meditation while he waits for his grandson to return home. Off in the distance, He heard an unexplainable disturbance from the back-door entrance. The moment Heron came around the corner of the house he spots a mysterious woman dressed all in black leather. She pulls out her weapon and aims the pistol towards his face. “If you don’t want your brains blow out, I suggest you tell me where the crystal is located old man” said with menacing intent.

“I am afraid you are mistaken for I have no idea what you are talking about” Heron responded with an assuring expression. She laughed briefly, firing a shot. The bullet grazed his cheek flying through the house. “Do not test my patience I given the authority to kill you if necessary.” The assailant said with ambition.

(I still have an ounce of the crystals extinguished energy flowing through me, but it’s only good for one final blow, I never I would have to use my technique) Heron embraced his power for an all-out attack. Powerful purple mana, last source of its remaining power travelling through his forearms and proceeds with a dark purple aura engulfing his palms creating a flame-like appearance.

An elite mercenary like myself can handle anything. She holstered her pistol, proceeding to draw her katana from behind her back. “Take your best shot” With an abrupt movement Heron shouted: “solitary strike!” The house shook from the intensity of his attack. Furniture moved through the air uncontrollably.  The immerse power tearing away his right sleeve.

Within Heron’s opened palm, gave off a vibrant shade of purple light. “This is the remaining extent of my vulgar ability! Moments before contact Heron curls his fist commencing his heightened technique. The combatant prepared to counter his attack with the blade of her katana.  She watches in disbelief as the swords blade shatters into pieces causing her to stagger towards the back-door smashing through the wooden wall. The colossal force sent her on a collision course towards the old oak tree.

Meanwhile, Heron collapsed leaving him weakened and disorient. Feeling weary as his stamina rapidly vanish from his body. 

Back outside...

Suddenly a figure stepped beside the injured female tyrant. “To Think I Thought you would be better use to me, but it seems I have to take this into my own hands” The shaded individual proceeds to walk inside the darkness that creeped within the house, revealing his menacing appearance upon contact accompanied by a luminous light. “What a pleasure to see you like this, Kobayashi. How long has it been sense we have fought?”  Even in his weakened state, Kobayashi went for an attack.

“You were always better than me even though I trained harder than you” a terrifying grin appeared across his opponent's face. A sudden crack rang out as Kobayashi’s adversary fractured his arm. The old men cried out in pain.

“I have had enough of your insufferable whining” an unexpected surge of agony courses through his body leaving him in a paralyzed state.  Kobayashi glanced down at the gaping wound in his chest piercing into his heart and out of the spine barely coming into contact with his flesh.

“I know I was superior when it came to the final battle” the enemy, pulling his hand out from Kobayashi’s critical wound. The dying man gave his last words “Ryuichi Ryozo, you might think your untouchable, but my grandson will avenge my death, the next vulgar generation” 

Falling in reverse on a wooden surface lying motionless. Gradually Kobayashi accepts his fate while a pile of ash and rubble lie on top of him. Ichiro heard a faint whisper buried deep down his subconscious urged him to return home, leaving Tori behind at her friend's after-party. He quickly made his way inside the house searching for his grandpa, finding him underneath a pile of debris. As Ichiro lifts up the wreckage, he notices his grandpa’s wound and checks for a pulse.

After reading the current status on his deceased grandfather, he concealed his emotions embracing his grandpa for one last moment. The very next morning, Tomarai buries his grandfather placing a gravestone on his grave. On this stone was engraved with Meiyo aru otoko translated honorable man. “May you rest in peace, Grandfather. For I have failed you, but I will not fail to avenge your unexpected death.”     

Chapter 1: Awaken Expedition

Ichiro sat outside in the grass, the cold breeze brushing past his face like a light fan. (Grandpa, I’m sorry I wasn’t there in your final moments. I wish I could’ve been the one to save you from such a fate) The young boy pulled his gift from his pocket, he watched as it gleamed in the moonlight. At that moment, Ichiro felt warm, an eccentric feeling that traveled from his hands continuing thought-out his entire body.

What’s going on!? He thought as he felt a strong burning sensation within his body. An abrupt light surrounded his figure when he suddenly found himself in a totally different apparel, his black school uniform alternated into a haori; White, long, and soft robe with a double golden outline around it. Tomarai felt strange, making his way over to a small pond he looked down at the pool of water to witness his new appearance. He had become older; his body was more built as if the boy had trained for several years. He caresses his chin to feel a small-scale patch of facial hair.

“This power…where did it come from?” Holding the crystal back up to his face, he could see an immense purple aura flowing around it. Just then he heard someone step onto the grass several meters behind him. “Ah, so this is where that incredible mana was coming from” Ichiro spun around to see a man dressed in black knight armor with midnight-purple hair and green eyes. Ryuichi Ryozo stood before him with a smirk across his face.

“Wait I feel as though I know you!” Ichiro commented. That’s when a voice called: Ichiro, that man was the one who ended my life. It’s your mission to finish this!” Tomarai realized that it was his grandfather’s voice. Ryuichi began laughing responding: How delightful, your dear grandfather is talking to you even after his death. However, I shall not allow anymore of this heart-warming talking!”

The armored villain advanced toward his target, throwing a strike as he had done to Heron. At the moment of impact, Tomarai blocked the coming blow merely by lifting his wrist up. His assailant was shocked to see his one-shot attack had been stopped by using no more than one hand. “This is blasphemous no mere human is capable of this!” Ichiro was surprised by his lighting fast instincts; with a sudden motion he sent his foe staggering into an abandon trailer. Ryuichi recovered fairly quick from a colossal force leaving a minor scrap on his right cheek, a few scratches on his attire.

The enemy attempted a final attack, but Tomarai unleashed an incredible amount of force twice its normal power towards Ryuichi, knocking him back further than before. Soon after, Ichiro giving his all by adding an unexpected blast of immense energy taking all that he has left. But just before he winds up to strike, Ryuichi shouts “This is not over child! Soon, I will have your crystal and achieve immortality!” fleeting the battle with a menacing chuckle.

Ichiro’s stamina gradually grew faint as he fell to his knees falling towards the ground laying hopelessly, after he performed just a taste of this unique transformation. The next day, Ichiro began to open his eyes as he was laying on his back along the prickly grassy field. He developed a confused look “Exactly what happened last night?” He thought while realizing its morning with low-hanging clouds, as the sun was rising ever so brightly and fair. Tomarai thought to himself: (Was that really me? I was over flowing with power, my strength. Am I capable of controlling this unknown mana?)

Ichiro could not let that affect his day. He had to tell someone; someone he could trust. Tomarai decided to keep this under wraps, at least until he is sure of his incredible abilities when coming into contact with the vulgar crystal. Making his way to school, a student in his 1st class stopped him in front of the school’s entrance. “So, you’ve witnessed the power?” The young teen looked toward his classmate who leaned against the gray wall of the school, crossing his arms.

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, I know you were given a crystal by someone. I could feel your power last night when you activated your crystal for the first time. Not only that, it’s hard to miss you making so much noise in your fight”

“Are you here take it from me? Because I won’t let you!”

“Silly boy, no. I have a crystal of my own. I am here to train and teach you how to harness your many talents. So, are you ready?”

“Wait are you, Hiroshi Saito? The one who sits across from me in class!? I need your guidance to help honor my grandpa's death. In other words, I am ready to start my training”

Hiroshi and Ichiro proceed to enter Glenmire. The first bell rings warning them to start heading to their class rooms. Soon after, the second bell rings indicating their classes are underway. Ichiro had no time to speak with Tori before class began. He was to focused with starting his training once the school let out. As the day moved along, Ichiro finally made it to his last class. Of course, he wasn’t paying much attention since the only thing on his mind was training with Saito. Tomarai thought to himself (How is Hiroshi able to train me? and what's his training really like?) The last bell rings, school is finally over and he can now begin his training.

Tomarai rushes out the main doors of Glenmire High. His feet moving in an enthusiastic pace. Making his way towards Hiroshi’s place. Stopping for no one, not even Tori, his best friend. He hasn’t contacted her since the night of his grandfather's death. Ichiro’s main objective was learning how to control the vulgar crystal’s power and unleashing its full potential.

Tomari arrives at Saito’s House, located on the outskirts of Toyko, Japan. Ichiro thought (This is a perfect place to train. No pedestrians around for miles) He was worried that if he used the vulgar crystal while training at Saito’s home that innocent civilians would be harmed. Luckily for him, he has a vast open area, a nice lushes green flattened field and mountain Naomiin with a gentle breeze.

Hiroshi opens his sliding glass door and steps outside. Admiring the weather, he sees Ichiro do some basic warm ups and stretching techniques. “Ichiro! How’s it going?” said Hiroshi, with a relaxed tone. Tomarai stops and quickly turns around to see its Hiroshi. Greeting him with a respectable bow. “Hello Hiroshi, I went ahead starting with a few exercises while I waited for your instructions” Ichiro responded.  Saito first teaches Ichiro how to find the source of the crystals power.

“First Ichiro, you need to concentrate and discover the origin within your crystal. Develop a true bond with your crystal. Soon, it will unravel its hidden secrets”

“How do I bond with my crystal exactly?”

“Hold it toward the moon and allow it’s power to flow through your body as if it was your own blood. You must let it become one with your very soul. Only then can you use it’s true power”    

Ichiro prepares to strengthen his body. He begins to think (If I make my physical power stronger then I will become twice as powerful the next time I use my crystal) Ichiro continues his exercises. The setting sun melt into a moonlit, studded star canvas as the moon slowly appears in the fiery red and muted orange skies indicating its dusk. He felt a crisp atmosphere surrounding him and soon realizes that time accelerated.

“Wow! Time really moves fast. Didn’t feel like I was at Hiroshi’s house for very long. Well better get the vulgar crystal ready so I can develop a meaningful bond like Hiroshi instructed me to accomplish first.” 

“Ichiro! Remember what I told you. To harness this amazing power, you must first allow the crystal to become one with your soul. You will know once the crystal has accepted you. The crystal, yours in fact requires the wielder to have a righteous heart”

Ichiro nervously holds the vulgar crystal up towards the vibrant moonlight. The crystal begins to give off a luminous midnight purple glow. He suddenly feels overflowing power generating throughout his body. Just like before but, this time it was different. The moment the crystal activated it infused into Ichiro’s body.

Once more his white and gold haori formed around him. This time, his crystal formed in the center of his chest. “This power feels great” Hiroshi closed his eyes focusing his power. Ichiro watched as the man’s school uniform changed into a dark-red robe as energy swarmed around him...

“Let’s see where you stand on terms of power. Come at me any way you want, I’m sure you’re far from my level” Ichiro took a step forward, his body moving at a super-human speed. Just as the novice went for a head-on blow, Hiroshi caught the coming attack with one hand. The sheer force of the attack shook the area around them. “Hmph, I guess you are stronger than I gave you credit for, but still far from my tier of power”

With an abrupt motion, Ichiro went flying across the night sky, crashing into the forest several meters away. “Surprisingly that didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would” Hiroshi landed in front of him responding: “Good, seems you have great endurance and pain resistance. Now we need to help you control your god-like powers”

“So, are you ready to spar Ichiro?”

“Yes, mentor. Let’s begin!”

  Ichiro hurls at Hiroshi clinching his fist preforming a powerful attack. Hiroshi allows him to get close enough to counter the strike. The moment Ichiro’s fist comes in contact with his mentor’s palm it causes a powerful gust of wind expanding and shakes the trees in a rapid motion. The ground begins to quake. (Now this, is an amazing power! Haven’t felt anything like this before) Hiroshi thought. The sparing match lasted for a few hours. Until, Hiroshi sensed Ichiro’s power was lacking something.

“Ichiro, let's take a quick break for a moment. I might have some important information about your god-like powers”

“What would that be Hiroshi?”

“Let me ask you this first. Is something brothering you causing you to let out an insane amount of energy?”

“What do you mean?”

“What I mean Ichiro is that you are bothered by something causing anger. This wrath you feel is not allowing you to be in control of your power”

“So, you are saying is I should calm my body of tension and ease my thoughts and feelings?  For that will control my mana allowing access to my godly abilities”

“Now you’re beginning to understand, but Ichiro this isn’t going to be easy. In fact, probably the most difficult thing any crystal user goes through”

“And... That is?”

“You must forget your past and atone for your sins”

“When you put it like that it sounds like it’s near impossible to achieve it. You’re basically talking about enlightenment, but I’ll try!”

As the sun reaches dawn, Hiroshi lifts up his right arm placing his hand at a forty-five-degree angle casting a spell called enteral slumber. As Ichiro closed his eyes, he plummets towards the ground. Hiroshi grabs him before coming into contact with the grassy Naomiin putting Ichiro in stasis. This was the only thing Hiroshi could do for him. He gave Ichiro a way to enter his mind with no distractions. This allowed Ichiro to erase everything he once knew about his past and to accept what happened to him at such a young age.

In Ichiro’s mind...

“What's going on?  Why do I see my mother and father? Where's Hiroshi?”

Ichiro starts to realize where he’s at. “Where am I? Oh No, this can't be happening to me!” Ichiro said with a fearful tune. As he is dreaming about his final moment with his parents. Hiroshi watches over the boy's body making sure no harm comes to it. Ichiro repeats his nightmare until he can learn how to accept his past and move on from it. Once Ichiro can understand the goal is to suppress his emotions then he truly will have remarkable power.

Hiroshi brings Ichiro inside his beloved home. He puts Ichiro down on one of the guest beds ever so gently. As he places his left hand on the left side of his head and touches Ichiro’s forehead with his right hand. This will allow Hiroshi to enter Ichiro’s head mentally for him to observe on if he has made any progress. Of course, he won’t know that Hiroshi has entered his mind. This strange power is called cerebral administer.

Moments after, Ichiro is surrounded by darkness. A feeling he must ignore, but suddenly a bright light appears in the distance. “Could it be my awakened power?”  said with caution. As he investigates this mysterious glow gets closer to him. The fiery light enters Ichiro’s hands as he grasps it tightly almost like he’s protecting it with his life. The light escapes his hands hovering over them and proceeds to enter his chest becoming one with Ichiro. Ichiro finally accepted his past as Hiroshi was overseeing from afar.

Hiroshi releases the spell on Ichiro. Few hours pass and he begins to open his eyes. Ichiro lifts his upper body and turns his head to speak with his mentor, but before he does that Ichiro fells carefree at least. He knows his power has dramatically increased and that bizarre light might have given him new hidden abilities.

“Hiroshi, is that you?”

“Yeah kid, it's me. Welcome back! Sorry I placed a spell on you”

“You did?! It’s cool, you helped me achieve the full extent of my powers”

“Yeah I wasn’t sure if eternal slumber would have worked since I haven't used that spell for quite some time now” said Hiroshi with smirk on his face followed by a nervous chuckle. “How cute, to think I’d find the great Hiroshi Saito with such a useless brat”

“Don’t be so quick to assume he’s the same level as before…Ryuchi Ryzo! By the way, where’s your mercenary that attacked Tomarai not long ago?”

“Oh I’m sure, but I too have a factor that has gotten me far more power than before. Let us see just how strong your brat has gotten Saito, I shall kill him and take his stone as my reward and for your 2nd answer: I got rid of her, I have no need for a pawn that’ll just slow me down” The warrior was worried, but Saito was sure he could probably hold off the assailant long enough for his apprentice’s fatigue to wear-off.

“What’s the matter? Don’t think you can win?” Without warning, Saito advanced ahead, placing his palm on the tyrant’s face. The crystal-user sent his target smashing through the small bedroom wall, out into the deserted field. Ryuchi hit a bolder by a small tree while Saito stood 20 feet away waiting for his combatant to get back to their feet.

“You trash, I shall end you here as well. The more crystals at my disposal the better!” Fixing his dark-purple hair, the armored foe clapped his hands together as the earth around Hiroshi rose up into a colossal tower. Just then, Saito threw both hands in opposite directions. With an abrupt wave of force, the entire tower of rock began to fracture until all of the rock was brought down in pieces as it hit the ground.

“Power of the Keno shard!” Placing his hands in a triangular position, His body lit up with blue mana. Electricity surge around his body as the ground shook with immense force. “Take this!” Breaking his position, Saito took off at an amazing velocity. Just before his foe could block the coming blow, The warrior struck him across the face. Ryzo was sent deep through the nearby forest like a comet until he finally caught himself. The villain found himself miles into the moon-lit forest.

“Damn it! To think he was hiding such power. He’s still just a young, how could he have so much power within him!? This may be more difficult than I was originally hoping” An abrupt figure appeared as the moonlight revealed it to be Saito. “Seems you’re not as powerful as you thought you were. Such overconfidence gets you killed Ryuchi” The hero commented descending down onto the soil.

“Fine! You want me to show you the power I’ve acquired!? Very well!” Hiroshi watched as his assailant built up his power as his armor began to crack apart. Saito’s eyes widened as Ryzo’s armor hit the ground in pieces. In the center of his chest was a pink crystal. “Behold, the Shinzu shard. Thanks to a young girl, I was able to kill her and implant the crystal in my body to awaken some of it’s power”

“Y-you…you fool!” In a fit of rage, Saito moved right up to his opponent. As he threw a punch head-on for Ryuchi, the pale assailant caught his fist before head-butting the crystal warrior backwards into a small cave connected to a large mountain. (You gotta be kidding me! How could he kill a crystal-user and implant it to himself in such a short amount of time!?) Hiroshi was wounded with blood running across his face, but knew he couldn’t just rollover and die at a time like this.

“Come out, I know you’re not dead after an attack like that” The villain called-out with a smirk on his face. The injured man stepped out from the darkness back into the moon’s light. (There you are) Ryuchi thought to himself. Suddenly the tyrant fired a pink beam of energy from his eyes right for the open target…Moments before the two projectiles struck him, something came out from the dark, deflecting them.


“Yes, I’m back to my full strength ready for battle”

“No get out of here, you’re no match for a user with two shards!” His mentor shouted still in a weakened state from his attacker’s last blow. Ichiro slightly laughed standing between his mentor and their combatant. “You honestly think I’d leave you here to die? Not a chance. This b*****d is going to pay for what he’s done. To my grandfather and you. Come at me, Ichiro of the Vulgar shard!”

“Quit your posturing, you have no chance of defeating one that possesses two crystals!” Ryzo held his hand up toward the night-sky, forming a dark-red sphere of power. The orb of mana came down slowly, but it gave off a fierce warmth and force of weight. Hiroshi watched in fear of the incredible projectile headed towards them. Taking a deep breath, Ichiro took-off his white and gold robe leaving him in a black sleeveless-shirt and white pants.

“I won’t let this be the end” Ryuchi put some distance between him and the sphere of light as it began obliterating all the trees and plants it came in contact with. Tomarai watched as small creatures ran in fear of the coming doom. That’s when he held both hands out, slowing the ball of light down with his admirable strength. The instant his hands made contact with the orb, he felt as those his palms were on fire. (This hurts like hell, but I won’t let it hold me back from saving master and the life of this forest)

Hiroshi was hurt but wasn’t sure weather to escape and regain his stamina, or stay and help his ally. Meanwhile sweat ran down the teen’s face from the immense heat the attack gave off. “Hehe, poor boy can’t stop the combined power of my stone and about 10% of this pink shard. Now you see the power of Ryuchi master of all!” Aiming his right palm toward his orb, he put more force into it as it grew slightly bigger as it grew mass.

(It doesn’t matter if you have more than one shard, it’s all in the hands of the user. I am Ichiro Tomarai, I promise that as long as there’s still a single breath in my body…I won’t give up!) The hero’s clothes began to tear away from the growing force and heat of the attack. “It’s not over!!!” As the forest shook violently, Ichiro’s eyes shinned purple while he began to push the sphere away from earth’s surface.

“This is blasphemous! You’re just a child with only a mere shard!”

“Shards aren’t about quantity, they’re about coming to terms with it’s user. If you’re only bent on killing those in your way then you’ll never achieve true potential” Both watched as Tomarai held the massive ball of light up with one hand as it condensed down to the size of a baseball. The orb was crushed as the hero clinched his fist with the orb inside. “You lost your right to control a crystal the moment you murder the innocent”

With an abrupt movement, Tomarai advanced up to their assailant, punching him right in the ribs with overwhelming power. A gust of wind could be seen coming from his back by the sheer force of the blow. Ryzo coughed up blood, falling onto his back with wide eyes. “I-I lost…How could I be defeated by such trash?” The moment the light left his eyes, both crystals detached themselves from the corpse’s body and flew out into the sky just as the sun began to peak out of the horizon…

CHAPTER 2: Other Shards

(How is it possible…The kid reached a new phase in the crystal’s power. I read that if a user awakened a new stage of power, they’d take on a new transformation. However, he still seems to have retained his 1st form. Does this mean he hasn’t even reached his 2nd form yet!? What power does this kid truly possess?)

Hiroshi sat on the front porch enjoying the sky while Ichiro awoke from a deep sleep. The young teen splashed some water on his face to wake up all the way. As much as he found it pointless, Ichiro decided to head to school…

He walked through the large twin doors of the school to see Tori at her locker. She looked as if she was distracted by something. Ichiro made his way over as she slammed her locker shut. “You alright Tori?” She locked at him trying to hide the tears in her eyes.

“I’m fine, nothing you need to concern yourself with”

(Seems she’s upset about something, could be about her brother or she’s been tangled up in this crystal business) His grandfather told him telepathically through his Vulgar shard. Ichiro tried to talk to her but she ran off through the hall into a group of students. He decided to wait until lunch…

About an hour later, he found her sitting alone. “Alright Tori I know something’s going on, what is it?” She let out a sigh before pulling her blonde hair out of the way of her forehead. Tomarai was shocked to see a crystal in the center of her forehead. “How did you get that!?” He responded staring at it. She told him how a man dressed in black dropped it, but when she tried to return it she couldn’t find them.

“Why did you put it on your forehead?”

“I liked it so I wanted to wear it on my forehead, but once I put it on my head it wouldn’t come off and I hear faint voices every now and then and can’t get them to go away” Tomarai placed his hand upon her pink shard. Closing his eyes and concentrating, he could feel power emanating from it. (Hmph, seems the shard is already active. So why is it I couldn’t sense it’s energy moments ago? Does she already know how to conceal her power soon? Or was it the fact I wasn’t taking the time to sense for any shards?)

Once lunch ended, the young boy was worried about his friend and what would happen if she was found by more crystal-users with dark intentions…

Around 4:00 PM school had finally concluded. Ichiro quickly left class in search of his crush. But as he got outside, a sudden figure was seen grabbing Tori from behind, wrapping his arm around her neck in a chokehold. The boy saw the man turn around looking at him with a grin as she shrugged to free herself from his grasp. Their assailant had orange hair with blue eyes wearing a black cloak. Even with students seeing the kidnap occur, Ichiro wasn’t gonna let him that stop him from using his vulgar crystal’s power.

His school clothes suddenly became his white and gold cloak as a purple aura swarmed around him. Several teens ran off screaming while others just watched in fear. Tomarai advanced as fast as he could, reaching out to grab his friend. Seconds before he could grab her, they transported instantaneously. The warrior found himself reaching for nothing as he stood there alone aside from the civilians watching him with both fear and curiosity.

“Damn it! I almost had her in my reach! Now what do I do!?” Noticing the crowd of people around him, he ascended up into the air, looking for a place to concentrate… After about 15 minutes of flying through the pink skies, he noticed a tall office building nearby. Tomarai touched down on the roof and sat crisscrossed closing his eyes. (Must find her, surley she’ll be too worried about her situation that she won’t remember to hide her energy)

Taking a calm breath, a purple aura outlined his body. He began to sense the faint life-forces of all the civilians around him. (Where are you Tori…) He began to expand his radius of sensing to the point is was nearly the whole city. It took a great amount of effort to sense that far, but Ichiro knew he had to find his friend no matter what. Right before the boy was about to give up, he felt something that could be hers, it had no evil feel to it but was faint.

At that moment, the warrior took off into the darkening sky heading for the aura he sensed. Ichiro kept his focus locked on that power as he moved across the air at an immense velocity, his white and gold cloak blowing in the wind behind him. The shard-user touched down with an immense shockwave. “Alright, I’m close, that power isn’t as faint anymore” Ichiro found himself standing in an empty part of town, most of the shops and buildings that aligned the streets looked as though they had been abandoned for years.

Roots and vines could be seen growing all over the streets. “Of course she’d be taken to a suspicious area like this” At that moment, a street light suddenly flashed on. A woman could be seen walking into the light. She had dark-red hair while wearing a slim-blue uniform. “Welcome, I sensed your power and thought I’d be here to greet you”

“Who are you, I have no time for distractions” The hero proceeded to walk past her when she struck him in the abdomen with a chop. “Sorry, but I can’t let you go any further. My boss ordered me to either kill or capture you. I’d much rather bring you back alive, but if it comes to killing you then so be it”

“If I must get past you to get to Tori, then I’ll run you into the ground!” The young shard user charged up his shards power as his aura swarmed around him. Wasting no time, Tomarai dashed ahead going full speed toward his current target. Throwing a fierce punch head-on. Surprisingly she caught his fist with ease, her exspression plain and unimpressed.

“So this is the best you can do? Seems you’re not as strong as my master led me to believe”

“Rgh, and just who is this master of yours!?” Ichiro leapt back, unleashing a fierce blast of power. “Enough of your stalling, just move!” The immense purple blast advanced toward it’s target, destroying everything around it. She remained in place, slowly extending her hand out in an attempt to stop the coming projectile. The vulgar hero gave it his all as the blast made contact with his target’s palm.

The moment his attack struck her hand, the shops and buildings were utterly destroyed by his overwhelming power. However, even with his shard’s incredible power, the assailant seem to slow his attack down with a single hand. “Damn it! How strong is this woman!?”

“Don’t beat yourself up over it. I myself possess the crystal of revelation, with this power I’ve been able to overcome any foe that stands in my master’s way” At that moment, the purple blast began changing to pink and growing thinner. Suddenly Tomarai began to feel weak, his body outlined with the pink light as well.

(S**t, she must be draining my power from me!) He tried to move but felt as though he was paralyzed. “I-won’t let this happen!” Sadly the young boy was completely drained of power and collapsed in the center of the destroyed street…

Ichiro awoke to find himself inside a large glass room, bound to some kind of machine. His arms and legs inside the metal bonds a few feet above the ground in the middle of the room. Even in his weakened state, he tried using the power of his shard to overload the bonds but nothing worked, instead a shock of electricity shocked him before fading. He clinched his teeth from the pain before sitting there unable to move.

The weakened warrior turned his head to see Tori trapped in a similar machine in the room beside them with a thick layer of glass separating them. “T-Tori…Tori!” No matter how loud he called out, the young girl didn’t respond. “This glass must be sound[proof…but I have to find a way to get to hurry before things get worse” At that moment, a loud alarm began going off with a flashing red light filling their cells. “What’s going on? Could someone have followed me here?”

Out of nowhere a faint crash could be heard from behind the glass. Ichiro looked ahead of him to see a gaping hole in the wall. “So, this is where you are, must I save you every time you get in a fight” A familiar voice commented. However, Tomarai wasn’t able to hear them through the glass. Hiroshi stepped through the hole looking at the young hero trapped within the glass cell. Placing his hand upon the thick glass, the warrior sent an immense force of power into the glass, causing it to completely shatter into small pieces of glass.

“What morons leave shard-users alone in their rooms and the only ones guarding the hall were mere humans with guns” Ichiro looked down from a few feet still trapped in the bonds. “H-hey Hiroshi, sorry I let this happen. Seems there’s plenty of other crystal users with more power than me” Saito shook his head with a sigh before proceeding toward his trapped ally. Ascending up to him, the man placed his hand on the side of it. Engulfing his hand with his shard’s power, he struck the machine with great force, causing it to break and release the weakened boy.

“There, now we just need to save the girl before someone actually competent shows up”

“Too late for that” A voice announced behind them. Hiroshi set his friend down in the corner and turned to see the woman with red hair. “Hmph, you must be the one that defeated Ichiro. I can feel some of his power within you which gives away the fact you can siphon a shard’s power from it’s user and use it as your own! I won’t let you take mine as well!” The dark-haired warrior used the power of his crystal to send the thousands of glass shards right for the opponent.

Sadly she had protected herself with an invisible, making the barrage of glass useless when attacking her. “You’ll never win if you’re just gonna throw tiny pieces of glass at me” Hiroshi looked back at his ally who sat against the wall still motionless. “Looks like I’m on my own in this fight. Very well, time to kick it up a notch” Saito clapped his hands together as afterimages manifested on both sides of him in a line. “Let’s go!” All four of them dashed forward, throwing a barrage of blows at the fierce woman.

She attempted to deflect the coming blows but found all of them to be mirages. Suddenly she sensed an aura behind while the mirages continued to attack her even if their fists went right through her. As she threw her left arm out in an attempt to absorb the attack, the fast projectile struck her abdomen before she had time to turn her head and see where the attack was aiming.

Her body shook as she looked down to see a long blade made of lightning piercing through her back and heart. “D-damn you, my master won’t stand for this. How sickening it is to be defeated by such filth…no matter, my lord exceeds all who stand before him” She coughed up blood, collapsing onto the gray floor while Saito’s duplicates vanished in a mist of blue mana.

“If it wasn’t for my afterimage technique, that surprise attack probably wouldn’t have worked. Now to save Tori, hopefully this hasn’t traumatized her” Hiroshi bushed the hair out of his eyes, walking through a door leading into Tori’s room. She had finally regained consciousness and was darting her head looking around beginning to freak out. The moment she saw him, curiosity overtook her fear.

Once more the man shattered the glass surrounding the young girl. She struggled to free herself while the man went up to the machine to free her. Once it unlocked, he caught her and walked over to Ichiro who was awake but still fatigued from the bonds. “Good, seems both of you are ok, just dizzy and weak from passing out and the bonds keeping you locked up”

It took about 15 minutes for the two to get to their feet and head outside to leave. As they were making their way away from the abanded town, Hiroshi could see a figure standing on one of the destroyed stores watching them. The warrior knew it wasn’t the time to fight them, but would keep his guard up in case the figure attempted to attack them from behind…


The figure made their way back to the underground cells where the unknown woman laid motionless in the glass and rubble. “Looks like you weren’t as useful to me as I thought. In the end, you were just another loser in the race. You do have something left that I want” The individual walked over to the lifeless corpse, pulling her shirt to the side revealing her pink crystal. “There you are” They slowly reached down and began to force the shard from her body.

A sudden bolt of electricity shot out from the shard as it was separated from her body. “Heh, with the power of the energy shard, I’ll be capable of siphoning the power of any energy attacks that’s thrown my way. Hehe, haha!”

CHAPTER 3 Power Of Two Crystals 

The group made it back to Hiroshi’s small houses just outside of town. Ichiro and Tori fell asleep on the bed and the other on the couch while Saito sat outside looking up at the sky before falling asleep as well…

Meanwhile, the individual ascended into the air, the sun shining on his body as he came into view. He had white hair with gold eyes along with pale skin. He only wore a gold necklace with black pants and shoes. “I can hear the voices…they’re telling me where I can gain more power” The man took off with incredible speed. After merely an hour of soaring through the sky, he reached the Elbaro dessert.

The sand-filled dessert looked empty, but his death shard told him he was close to his objective. Aiming his palm toward the endless piles of sand, he sent an immense wave of force throughout the dessert, revealing an entrance to an underground tomb. “There you are” As sand began refilling the tomb, the crystal-user flew into the entrance before it was completely piled with sand. Luckily with his new pink shard he had implanted on his left hand, he created a fireball as a source of light in the pitch black path.

“Hmm, seems like your average tomb, yellow brick walls aligning the hallway with hieroglyphics of random things. So where would I find the room pertaining with these shards with incredible power?”

“Continue forward and then go right” His gray death crystal’s dominate soul suggested telepathically. Taking the spirit’s advice, he worked his way through the narrow hallway until it opened up. The man found himself only walking on a thin path with spikes 50 feet bellow the walkway. (Heh, with my power of flight this’ll be easy for me) The man easily made his way across the thin walkway.

Making his way into a large room stood a statue of an ancient god. There in the stone’s hands was a shard that looked like glass since it with transparent with no color or mana emanating from it. “Hmm, that must be my point of interest, but there doesn’t seem to be any power coming from it” He leapt into the air, reaching for the crystal. The moment he grabbed the shard, the statue’s eyes lit up with red light.

“What is this!?” The individual watched as the statue looked toward him, looking like Anubis. Suddenly the stone creature aimed it’s large palm toward it’s intruder preparing to attack. “Damn, seems there was something guarding the shard. No matter, I should be able to defeat a mere pile of rock!”

At that moment, an abrupt wave of flames shot out of the thing’s hand, surrounding the man in a room of immense fire as the room became engulfed. (This may be harder than I thought…unless) With all his strength he clapped with one sudden boom. The sheer force of his attack caused the fire around him to be blown back. In that instant, he charged his foe, throwing a punch with all his power once more. His target blocked the coming attack, but just moments after impact…the statue’s arm began to crumple to pieces.

“How dare you retched mortal, I’ll have you pay for that!” The Anubis statue raised it’s only hand up toward the ceiling. The warrior watched as all the flames returned to him, beginning to form into a large sphere like a small star. Prepare to be destroyed like the filth you are!”

“My name is Albion Kusodo and a mere statue won’t be able to kill me!” His foe launched his attack right for the villain. The tyrant stood calmly as the fireball soared toward him in the large area. Moments before impact, Albion created a thin barrier around his palms like gloves. He threw both hands out, stopping the sphere of flames in it’s place. Even with his enhanced power of two crystals, he couldn’t seem to deflect the projectile.

The pink shard was unable to absorb the attack’s power since it was pure flame instead of made of energy, so the shard couldn’t siphon it’s power. “This is blasphemous! I should be far more powerful than a piece of rock!” Sweat ran down his body as he continued to force the projectile back. Pulling one hand back making a fist, he struck the ball of light with all his might. Anubis watched as the sphere went racing back towards the single-handed statue.

“You fool!” The statue cried out before being utterly destroyed in a ray of light. “There, now that I’ve dealt with the shard’s guardian, I assume there’s nothing more keeping me here…

Studying the history of these crystals, it was said that more shards could be created if the souls of pure or sinners were gathered into a powerless crystal. Gathering pure souls will create light crystals while taking sinner’s souls will create dark ones. “Hmm, so all I have to do is kill criminals until I awaken this worthless gem”

Albion soared through the skies, searching for a large group of people when he noticed something out in the distance. Flying over the water over to the island, he realized it was an asylum. “Well isn’t that convenient” He descended down into the yard inside the asylum where tons of criminals and psychopaths stood around, starring at the man.

A guard called out, shouting for him to stop and put his arms up. However, Kusudo ignored the guard and shot a beam from his index finger. The crowd watched as a pink projectile went right for them as fast as a bullet. Instead of heading straight across the yard like a normal attack, the moment his beam went through a muscular man’s abdomen, it changed direction toward the closest target as the crowd of inmates dispersed in random directions.

Screams echoed throughout the asylum as many were shot through their bodies by the single shot. Once everyone was dead, Kusudo pulled out the shard, absorbing the souls from those at the edge of death. He had captured the souls of about 50 people. At that moment, the shard began to glow with a silver glow to it. Albion implanted it in his wrist, causing an immense surge of power to flow around his body. A pair of black horns formed from his forehead with blue flames flowing around them.

Next his body became taller and more muscular as his skin became gray with his eyes becoming pink. A grin grew across his face before taking off into the night sky…

CHAPTER 4: An overwhelming Power

© 2020 Sinto

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Added on April 14, 2020
Last Updated on April 16, 2020
Tags: Fantasy, action, Sinto, Ryian, anime



fantasy writer inspired by anime, age 21 more..

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