Still Water

Still Water

A Poem by Brandon Wilson

A Poem about appearances and turmoil in ones own life that we hide under a charade




Still Water


It’s been said, still water runs deep

Smooth surface, strong currents below

I wear this mask of calm and peace

Under repose a troubled flow


Don’t wade in deep, stay clear the pull

Keep your feet firm on solid ground

This water is seldom peaceful

The currents here are swift, don’t drown


If you find yourself out to sea

I’m sorry for what I have done

This current is from my own past

Stay to the shore where feet may run


© 2013 Brandon Wilson

Author's Note

Brandon Wilson
Thank you to Tate Morgan for teaching me about poems and different forms.

My Review

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Featured Review

Good job with this one!
As usual your explorations and experiments have created something beautiful!
Very skillful use of rhyme scheme.
I liked how in the last verse you break up the scheme that has been running through the rest of the work, it added variety and was a very good subtle technique to keep things from being too predictable.
I really can't find anything bad about this poem.
Keep it up!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


That was awesome! The effect of reading it with Tonight We Dine In Hell by Tyler Bates in the background was amazingly perfect!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Brandon Wilson

11 Years Ago

Im glad you found music to go along with it and that you enjoyed it.

11 Years Ago

Haha yeah :P But seriously, it was awesome!
Good job with this one!
As usual your explorations and experiments have created something beautiful!
Very skillful use of rhyme scheme.
I liked how in the last verse you break up the scheme that has been running through the rest of the work, it added variety and was a very good subtle technique to keep things from being too predictable.
I really can't find anything bad about this poem.
Keep it up!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Now this is a work of art Very well done. Pat yourself on the back

Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Brandon Wilson

11 Years Ago

Thanks to your help and invested time, thank you.

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3 Reviews
Added on January 14, 2013
Last Updated on January 19, 2013
Tags: Life, Water, Turmoil, Feelings


Brandon Wilson
Brandon Wilson

Asheville , NC

I just recently began venturing into the world of writing and would like to develop my ability's and create content I can share and be proud of. I enjoy juggling and being outdoors. more..
