I was saved by her (Part 1)

I was saved by her (Part 1)

A Story by Sita26

I was saved by her she was my savior, I was lost but she helps me find the way to the light again, she was warm and kind, her smile is so beautiful like an angle, although I never see an angle myself. But I’m sure she was like an angle, an angle that fall from heaven.

It happened around 7 years ago, when I was left alone in front of the bread store, as I remembered clearly, it was winter, the snow was falling and it was a cold night. I was only 8 back then, how can an 8 years old boy all left alone in front of the store. I don’t even want to remember the feeling of hunger and shaking under the heavy snow that almost freeze me to death. Suddenly a girl not my age, she’s probably a high school student, she was just come out from the store and she approached me.

“Hey!! Are you all alone?” she asked.

“No, my mom will come and get me soon” I lied.

“Really? Then, I’ll wait with you” she move closer and stand beside me.

“(Growling)” my stomach was growling so loud that I could not hide it, I feel shy and blush.

“You hungry?” she open the plastic bag and give me one fresh baked bread that she just bought.

“I’m…… I’m fine” I lied again. I’m not fine, not fine at all, I’m so hungry and my mom is nowhere to be found, I guess she’s already left with her boyfriend or something. We moved in to Tokyo not long ago but my mom was suffering a lot because of all the debt that dad left us.

“Hey! Your stomach is crawling too loud, come on take it, it’s not like it is poison or anything” she insist me to eat the bread.

“My mom told me not to take anything from a stranger” I lied again, mom never care about what I did, she just too busy working at the bar every night and left me all alone in the house.

“Emm, so I’m a stranger huh? Then my name is Minako, and yours?” she still holding the bread.

“I’m……. I don’t have a name” why is everything that come out from my mouth was a lied? Why? Do I really scare that she would find out about my mom abandon me here? Am I afraid that she would make fun of me? No, then why can’t I say the truth? It’s because I don’t trust her, I don’t trust her kindness just like I don’t trust my mom when she said she’ll come back for me.

“(Laugh) now that is inappropriate, how can a person doesn’t have a name?” she laugh hard, too hard that her tears came out.

“It’s not like you have anything to do with it” I still denied to let her get close to me, to let her know me.

“Alright, let me get straight to the point, so you want to stand here forever and freeze to death or coming with me?” she smirk and then smile at me, that was the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen in a girl face, not even in my mom, she never smile like that. It a smile that said everything is gonna be alright.

“Why……. Why do I have to go with you?” I turned my face away and blushed, I hope she didn’t notice how embarrassed I am right now.

“Fine, suit yourself, then I’m going now” she start walking away, as I counted her steps my tears start to fall it’s the same feeling that I have when my mom left me, I have no money to go back home even if I were be able to go back I wouldn’t be sure that mom will be there.

“You look worse than the puppy that I saw on the street yesterday (smirk) I saved that puppy so I’m gonna save you as well. So come on!” she grabbed me by my hand and dragged me with her. And so, here I am right now living with an old lady, well, she’s not that old, just 7 years older than me.

(Early in the morning)

“Hey Yuki!! I told you not to cook egg! I hate egg! How many time do I have to tell you that?” Minako’s yelling.

“We don’t have anything besides egg this morning, we haven’t gone shopping for a while now” I put on my high school uniform while a heavy step run to my room.

“Huh?? I thought I told you to do the shopping didn’t I? You little brat!” she grabbed my collar and yell at my face.

“Cut it out, you’re ruining my uniform, you know how expensive it is?” I stared at her as she let go of me.

“I don’t care, and you got that for free too, why bother about it so much? And my breakfast! I don’t want egg and salad! I want a cup noodle” she start shouting again, I shut her mouth with my hand.

“Now, now, you are too noisy early in the morning, the neighbor is going to complain again”

“Wmat mit mu saud? (What did you say?)” She’s still talking.

“Cup noodle is not good for your health, how the hell do you think I have to keep up with all those cooking lesson for?” I try to fix my collar with one hand.

“Mell mu me mon maying mor mat? (Well who’s the one paying for that?)”

 “I know you hate those foods but you need to try to eat vegetable, otherwise your skin will become wrinkle and you will look like a granny, do you want to look like a granny?” she shakes her head, as I let go her mouth she start to look pissed but she didn’t say anything and left the room.

“Wonder if I upset her, well, it’s not like I tell a lied or anything” I grabbed my bag and head downstairs.

“You think I’m old now?” This question again? Actually because she looks even more mature and beautiful and…. Sexier than I first met her. But I like to tease her because she’s so picky about food and lately her health condition is not good, she looks pale and thinner too.

“You are 7 years older than me, so what do you expect?” I sat down and eat my breakfast while she has no choice but to sit and eat too.

“You are 15 now? Can’t believe times fly that fast”

“Yep and I’ll be 16 soon, don’t you dare forget about my birthday this time”

“I won’t! You little brat….. 7 years older huh? Then I’ll be 23 soon”

“You will surely have a lot of wrinkle on your face soon if you so picky about food, and, you free this evening?”

“Stop talking about wrinkle! And I’m free, why do you ask?” she finished her breakfast and clear the table.

“Why? We are going shopping of course! I’m going to school now” I put on my shoes and head out.

Things had happened a lot since she brought me to the apartment, she was a caring person, she bathed me, feed me and even stay with me whenever I had a bad dream at night. I didn’t tell her about my mom though and she never asked about it, she was taking care of me like her own child, well except for the annoying part like yelling, shouting and cursing. But she did all that just for fun really, not long ago something serious happened when I first enter elementary. I and my stupid friend got into a fight, and made her really upset and I thought she would abandon me, instead she talked me out and forgive me. She is my everything, I couldn’t imagine myself if I didn’t meet her.

I went to my old house last week and the land lord said my mom was already move to America, she’s remarried and move out a long time ago, and she didn’t mention anything about her son, about me, as the land lord told. I wasn’t upset at all, it’s not like I have anything to do with her now, I’m just happy that she was able to move on (sigh) maybe I’m too kind.

(School bell)

“S**t that was the bell!!” I ran as fast as I could to get to the gate and I can see other students who came about my time ran their a*s off too.

“Hurry up! The gate is closing!” one of the student who ran at the front row shouted, as I heard it I jumped over the gate and make it in time, I thought some student wouldn’t make it, but……… Everyone is jumping over the gate, hah that’s freaky awesome.

“Crap the entrance ceremony is about to start!” I ran my full speed and make it to the ceremony, alright! I don’t think I miss anything yet, so it’s safe, now I have to find a sit. Where should be the best sit? Then I see a hand waving at me.

“Sachi-kun!!! Over here!” oh, Wakumi Umi from the next door, glad to see her here at least I’m not alone.

“You guys from the door! To the office now!” The teacher is calling those who was late and they were standing at the door looking extremely exhausting. Whew! Glad I’m not one of them, now why am I sweating a lot, it’s not like it’s hot or anything in here must be from the running.

“Sachi-kun are you alright? You sweat, here” Wakumi-san handed me a handkerchief.

“Thanks” and the ceremony start.

“Welcome! My fellow students!” the principal stood on stage looking as handsome as ever, I heard he’s only around Mina age (oh! Mina is a nick name that I made for Minako). So the speech went on and on and so as the ceremony, I didn’t even notice when it ends, until Wakumi woke me.

“Sachi-kun? Umm, the ceremony is already end” I opened my eyes when I heard Wakumi voice.

“Huh? (still sleepy) when did?? I’m really sorry did I slept on your shoulder all this time?” she blushed.

“Yes” a short replied.

I checked my classroom number once again and I got to study the same class as Wakumi, I was relief, now I don’t have to put much effort in making new friends, looks like I was lucky.

“Hey hey Wakumi-chan! We are in the same class again, please take care of me” Maybe I’m not so lucky after all, that’s Goro Daichi, a troublesome student who always cause trouble.

“Ooooh! Lucky! I’m at the same class as Yuki too hahaha! Please take care of me again Yuki-kun!” he lent his face so close to me that I can smell his breathe, and it stink!

“Stay away from me as far as you can, and stop calling me by my first name, I get allergic to a monkey you know” I push his face away.

“Ouch! Now’s that hurt, anyway…. OUCH!!” a sudden hit behind his back.

“Move, monkey, you’re in the way” now that’s Midori Leiko, the toughest one I’ve known so far I got a huge crush on her back in elementary, she’s got this cute baby face and a quite attitude but after she punched Daichi in the face once back in elementary, I let go of that feeling immediately.

“Hey Midori! Why did you that for?” I can see that Daichi was a little pissed.

“You’re the one at fault for standing in the public” now, this situation looks a bit trouble.

“Public? This is school! And you have no right to hit people like that!”

“I hate to say this but he’s right. You shouldn’t do that Midori-san” This is the first and the last time that I would stood for Daichi and make myself look stupid like this.

“Eh? Yuki, did you just take my side?” Daichi looks confused.

“So you’re on his side now?” Midori look even pissed.

“NO but…………”

“Ok, everyone back to your sit! I’m your homeroom teacher and let spend a great year together! Now back to the rule! NO coming late is allow in this class and no fighting!!! I repeated no fighting! And that’s goes especially for you! Goro Daichi-kun!!!” The teacher point his finger at Daichi and everyone laugh, after that he just babbling over and over again about the school rules and the rest of the day end with lots of homework.

“This is too much for our first day! Are they kidding?” Daichi complained while walking home with me and Wakumi.

“You are walking with us now? Who gave you the permission to do that?”

“Don’t give me that cold face Yuki-kun, you the one who declared that we still best bud this morning”

“What?!! I never said that, you must be out of your mind” I try to keep my cool and not letting my voice out loud, wasting my energy on him will benefit nothing.

“Anyway, it’s good that you’re back Yuki, I’ve been lonely you know” Is he seriously going to cry right now?

“Cut it out! And (sigh) you’ve been involve with a lot of fight lately?”

“hahaha it just a normal life for me, and beside I was not the one who started it, it was that senpai from the second year”

“You’re getting a fight with a senpai? That’s new.” Wakumi laugh.

“Anyway we still best bud right?” he try to hang his arm around my neck but I escaped.  

“What I see is that Yuki-san and Daichi-kun were pretty close since elementary” Wakumi smile, her smile is cute. She’s always help me out around the neighbor you know like showing me the way to the market and telling me about the food discount and stuff, and how to get cheaper vege and meat.

“You see! Even Wakumi-chan sees us that way too” I stared at Daichi, I think Wakumi is spoiling Daichi too much, (sigh) I don’t have time for this, shoot! Talking about time! I’m late! Mina is going to kill me.

“I’m late! See ya’ll later” I ran off to the front gate of our apartment, and there’s Mina standing looking like she’s about to kill someone.

“You brat! Do you know what time it is? My TV show is about to start any minute now” I haven’t been able to apologize to her and yet she screamed that loud, what an energy she had.

“I have to join the club activity and take out the trash and stuff” I explained to her and she seems a bit calm right now.

“Anyway, did you make any friend?” I knew she was going to ask me that.

“Yeah, our neighbor’s daughter attended the same class so I’m going to be fine” now she looked worried.

“Oh you mean Umi-chan? Any others?”

“Nope don’t need one” Well there’s Daichi but I don’t want to mention him anyway, Mina suddenly pinch my cheek.

“Come on at your age is the age that full of youth you need to live it to the full alright?” She smiled. It’s that smile again, the smile that save me back when I was nowhere to be saved.

“So can we go now? It’s getting late and I have to make dinner too”

“Don’t try to change the topic you brat!” and so we off to the market.

(Dinner time)

I’m making steak and broccolis tonight, can’t believe I let her become this picky about food because the last 2 years of my elementary school I moved to French and take the cooking class, it’s her idea actually, she insist me to go. Thinking about it over, I think it was too much but at least I got some skill, and I could have gone to work in a fancy restaurant but I guess she just want me to cook for her at home that’s why she sent me to French? How annoying! It’s all for her selfishness. Well, thanks to her I can be who I am this far, so I need to do something to pay her back.

When I’m back from French I saw a lot cup noodle laying around the house, so she’s been eating cup noodles for 2 years? How ungrateful, that’s why all she ever grave for is cup noodle every day! She sent me to French and yet she choose a cup noodle over my cooking!? God!

“Ouch!” I got myself cut from chopping the broccolis.

“Hey be careful! Are you alright? Don’t do anything and stay still” she sucks the blood out from my finger and take out a bandage from her jean pocket.

“It’s dirty you know” I blushed, the way she sucks my blood like that.

“It’s an old fashion but it makes you feel better, you’re not hurting anymore aren’t you?”

“It just a small cut I won’t die from that”

“Then that’s good, never knew you were this clumsy can’t believe paying for your study in French was a waste”

“What?” I want to tell her that I wasn’t paying attention at the moment because I was feeling very pissed off about the cup noodle, but I didn’t say it, because she might think that I worried about her and tease me again.

“You heard me, didn’t they teach you how to chop a broccoli?”

“They did of course and for your information I was the number 1 in my class” I were actually, and my teacher want me to stay there and work for him at his restaurant but I couldn’t leave her alone, I mean she might end up dying because she eats too much cup noodle!

“Oh, that’s surprising because you never talk about your French adventure to me. I need to know about it you know, so why don’t we discuss about it huh? During dinner?” she finished putting the bandage on my finger.

“No, it’s a long story we will do it another time. I have homework so I have to finish dinner quick and do the dishes, beside, don’t you have a deadline coming? And grandpa call yesterday saying he’s planning for us to visit him in New York” I finished cooking and put the food on the plates.

“Oh, then I’ll call him later I think”

Mina’s grandpa is a fashion designer, his brand is very famous all around the world and he’s a successful man, with hundreds of companies all over the globe and everyone really admire his work but that’s exclude Mina. She doesn’t seems to get along with her grandfather much, when she took me in it was only me and her, she said her parent died since she was young and her grandparent was the one who took care of her. Since her grandparent is very busy chasing their dream even if they in their late age especially her grandfather, he’s a very strong man as I remembered, looking strict but kind.

After living with her around 1 or 2 years grandma called saying grandpa had moved out, he started to follow his dream and traveling around the world, he said it would help him inspired his design, leaving her grandmother and her behind, Mina was ok with it at first, but her grandmother condition getting worse and worse every day. Later on grandma pass away, Mina didn’t complain or say anything about how she felt but I knew deep down inside, I knew she was full of hatred and anger about her grandpa leaving, and him not showing up at the funeral.

Mina denied all the allowance that grandpa had sent, although the amount that he sent was huge and he kept sending it every month just in case there’s an emergency. But she was never once used that money not even when she has to send me to French, she used her own money to take care of me, well she’s soon found a job right after grandma passes away, as a mangaka, I can say she earned a lot because her manga was a big hit and it still a big hit now.

“Will you be alright?”

“I’ll be fine, I’ll call him back so you don’t need to worry about it, just study hard” she pat my head.

“Ok then, let’s eat” I place the plate on the table and look at her, I knew she looks worried because she hasn’t call grandpa since her college graduation.

“Yuki, you’re taller?”

“Yeah I’m a man so I grow, and I’m joining the basketball club by the way”

“That’s good, I really love basketball”

“Kidding? I thought you’re an Otaku, and how about your deadline?”

“It’s gonna be alright I’ll finish it soon, talking about club, why basketball?”

I couldn’t possibly tell her that because she always include basketball in her manga and by that, I knew how much she likes basketball that’s why I want to try it out. I wouldn’t say I want to impress her, never.

“There’s no other club that interest me”

“Hmmm, well whatever you chose as long as you happy then it’s alright. Oh do they have cooking class?”

“Yeah of course they do, why you asked?”

“I don’t know, I just feel proud of you, I’m proud to be your guidance”

“You are not my guidance, as I recalled you kidnaped me here and I wasn’t agree on coming either”

“I couldn’t possibly leave you out there and freeze to death could I?” she finished her food and start clearing the table.

“I knew you thought of me as a puppy back then didn’t you?”

“No, you are a human and beside puppy and human is different. I treated you like my own, well, I treat Icy like my own too but it’s different. Anyway I’ll clean the dishes so you can go and do your homework”

“Alright, but don’t break anything”

“I won’t! You brat! (laugh)”

Icy is our dog, she a big dog now, Mina picked her one day before she picked me up. Icy is white as a snow that’s why we call her Icy, she’s gentle and very playful just like Mina I assume.

“Now, let’s get to business!” as soon as I start doing my homework a message alert from my phone sending from an unknown number, that’s strange.

“Yo! Yuki! Are you doing your homework now?” The hell? Daichi? So he still have my number?

“Monkey, the hell you want?”

“That’s harsh! Well, I forgive you since we are buddy ^-^” buddy my a*s! My lives was very bitter when I was with him.

Yep, I’ve known this troublemaker for quite long now, we met since I attend elementary and he was the noisy and annoying person I ever met. He would always stick to me saying he would protect me from getting bully by others. But I end up getting bully because I stuck with him, he was all alone and no one want to involve themselves with him even he’s a cheerful person he has no friend at all. One day a girl sitting next to me told me to stay away from him since he’s the son of a criminal, she said that I might get myself kill if I involve with him any longer.

I wasn’t afraid of getting myself kill, but what I really afraid was will he alright like this, because ignoring him is not a good a solution. Who knows, he might end up being a criminal too. Since everyone dislike him and his hatred might turn him into something worse. So I get myself being bully every day and I still stuck with him, well he’s the one who never seems to let me go. I want to save him too by the way, there’s no helping it, if I let go of him he might be someone who never gonna be this cheerful again.

Back then, one day we ditch class together, in the first session we went to the roof top and lay low there,

“Hey Yuki, I heard your sister is a hotty, mind giving me her number?”

“Hell no, you wouldn’t want to get involve with her, she’ll kill you just before you could ask her out”

“What? Is she that scary?”

“Yeah she is, so you should give up”

“Eh? What a waste!” he lay down again. We lay there looking at the cloudy sky and the wind blow, touching our face, it was chilly but, it’s a very good feeling I ever had.

“Daichi, mind telling me about yourself?” I was curious after all this time and after all the rumor, so I want to hear directly from him, whether the rumor is true or not.

“Hmmm? What do you want to know? About the rumor?”

“Yeah…… I guess, but if you don’t want to talk about it then I’ll understand”

“(bluff) You are very kind aren’t you? It’s give me a creep” even if he’s laughing but that’s laugh was soon fate away.


“The rumor is true, my parents are criminal, they killed, gamble and drug, and they did it for money. They are stupid aren’t they? They think I would satisfied as long I have nice clothes to wear, and modern stuff to use and going to a great school. That wouldn’t satisfied me, not even close” He breathe deeply and continue.

“All I ever wanted was a normal life. I’m fine with just normal clothes and normal school, I’m fine with just a normal phone but they were too over reacting. They could just get a normal job if they want to live a fancy lives like that”

“…….” I didn’t say anything, I just lay there and listen to him.

“I don’t understand them at all, how could they do that? They think they could hide from what they did but they can’t, now they’re in jail and I live all alone in a stupid fancy condo. Man, I might have to sell that condo and live somewhere else I guess” I didn’t ask why his parents decided to choose that path, maybe it’s one of the way to get richer I guess, but it’s like he said it’s a stupid idea.

“Don’t you wanna know why my parents did that, being a criminal and stuff?”

“Whatever they did they might have their own reason and raising you is one the reason I guess”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. My family blood line is a mafia you know, so it’s not like they have any choice anyway. Now that you asked I’ve been thinking about it for a while, maybe moving away is better, maybe moving to somewhere where no one’s know about me and my family is even better”

His family blood line is a mafia?? Seriously?? Now I know clearly why that girl told me not to get involve with him, he is dangerous, but I think it’s not him that dangerous, it’s his surroundings. 

“So you just gonna run away?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m running away. Sometime life have to push us down that way huh?” He looked worried.

“That’ll make you a coward, I thought you were stronger. I couldn’t do what you did from then until now, you were living in the shadow of your parents yet you still smile and being cheerful, and although everyone is turning their backs on you but you still stand tall” I got up after hearing the lunch break bell.

 “Now you seriously giving me a creep (laugh) so you’re saying you’re lonely without me?”

“You just a piece of annoying s**t, like hell if I care what you’ll do”

“(laugh) alright let’s grab some lunch, and Yuki, I’ll promise I won’t go anywhere so you don’t have to worry about it”

I remembered another time I end up getting into a fight with him and with the other guys from another school. That guy from another school, his father was a police and his father was the one who arrested Daichi’s parents. He was making fun of Daichi’s parents and teasing Daichi around with his friend, I remembered that time it was in front of the game center. Daichi was very angry well he’s a hot head short temper monkey, without any hesitation he attacked that guy, and while others was trying to attack Daichi I helped out. Getting into a fight and stuff was a big mess, that time I caused Mina trouble and Daichi was the one who made me into that mess, anyway, it’s not like I could leave him and let those guys beat him to death can I?

To tell the truth it might be a little boring without him, well it just like his promise, he didn’t move away and yet I’m the one who went to French without telling him. I can’t imagine how embarrassing I would if he were to see me off and cry out like a child. He still contact me though even when I’m in French, but I never get the time to reply to him, I was gonna see him sooner or later anyway so it’s not a big deal. Wakumi was in the same class back when we were in elementary, but that time because I was always have my eyes on Midori Leiko and I didn’t talk much that’s why I literally know her, well, things are going to change now, at least I hope so.

(The next morning)

“Yuki if you don’t wake up you’ll be late!” I heard Mina voice from somewhere around the room.

“……..” I can’t open my eyes I still feel sleepy.

“Hey hey Yuki! You want to get punish on your second day at school? Now wake your a*s up!” I heard her voice again but this time is clearer, seems like she’s shouting in my ear.

“I’m up….” I slowly open my eyes and look around and I see Mina leaning her face beside my ear no wonder my ear drum was about to blow.

“Jeez what did you do last night?” Mina went back downstairs.

Las night? I remembered doing my homework and chatting with that monkey I guess we talked a lot thinking of all those memories and stuff. I got out of bed to the bathroom. I look at clock that hang on the bathroom door, it’s only 7 am I still can make it, and school is not that far I need to walk only around 15 minutes or so.

“I finished all my homework didn’t I?” I don’t think I left anything undone isn’t it? Besides, I have to maintain my place on the best student list, I’ve been in the top 10 list since elementary, and I was around 4th or 3rd place back then. But this time, I need to get 1st place. I need a good score in order to enter university and not just any university I set my goal on going to Tokyo Uni. Well, not everyone can make it there, it’s set only for the best of the best.

“Sorry I couldn’t make breakfast today” after I finished putting on my clothes I came down and see Mina trying to make breakfast.

“It’s alright I can make it, you like toast and sausage?” that’s surprising, I didn’t know she can cook. When I was young she’s only buy food from the grocery store or the food cane so I thought she couldn’t cook, I hope after I eating her breakfast I won’t get a stomachache or anything.

“So you cook?” I sat down and wait for the breakfast.

“Yeah, I learned a few trick from grandma” she puts the food on the plate and place it on the table, it looks classic I hope the taste is as good as it looks.

“Wow, it’s good!” it was really delicious the toast is good and the sausage cooked perfectly.

“Is it? (smile)” crap, I think her smile make me blush again.

“Yeah, anyway thanks for the food, I gotta go now. See ya” I finished the breakfast grabbed my bag and run out, if I stay there any longer I’m afraid that my heart will beat out of my chest, stupid me! I feel strange lately.

Seeing Wakumi at the apartment gate I wave at her and she wave back I guess she’s waiting for me. I look at my right and left side there’s no sign of Daichi, I thought he said he wanted to walk together this morning I guess he hasn’t woken up yet that monkey.

“Sachi-kun, are you looking for Daichi-kun?” Wakumi sure is sharp, how the heck did she knew that I was thinking about Daichi.

“No, I was just looking for a lose puppy” wow, great, a lose puppy. I don’t know where the hell is that idea come from but it’s a really stupid lie.

“A lose puppy? (laugh) Sachi-kun you’re a bad liar you know that?” and she laugh again.

“Yeah I know (smile)” then I heard a loud noise coming from the corner of a building, is there a fight? Or an argument? We were gonna pass that corner when……

“Hey Daichi! You think you can ran away from what you did to my little brother?” a huge man was standing with a baseball bat in his hand.

“Little brother? Are you kidding? He’s like a hundreds time bigger than you” and there’s Daichi, he looks so small compare to that bear.

“What did you say? You got a big mouth, well it doesn’t matter! I’m going to crush you like an insect!” after that he start attacking Daichi but that monkey somehow got away from that attacked.

“Hey hmmm, I know this is not my business or anything but can we just talk? You know using fist and stuff is against the school rules” and there I am again saying something stupid and getting myself in trouble, Wakumi just stood there and froze.

“Rules? Are you seriously talking about school rules right now Yuki?” Daichi grabbed me and Wakumi hand and we ran off, a really nice start first thing in the morning.

Arriving at the school gate I looked back there was no sign of the bear man I guess he’s not that fast. Anyway thank goodness we safe, if he were to fight me I think I won’t be able to see Mina face again. How could  Daichi picked a fight with someone like that!? We could have been killed back there! Is he crazy or something?

“You should choose your opponent wisely before you get in a fight monkey face!” I’m out of breathe.

“Oh yeah! Well I’m not the one who’s starting the fight at the first place! His brother was the one who pick a fight with me!” I think he’s out of breathe too, and both of us look at Wakumi but she seems fine.

“Wakumi are you alright?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m just a little shaken but after running like this, I’m fine now” she smiled.

“Sorry I get you involve with this Wakumi-chan” he looked worried but Wakumi pats his shoulder.

“It’s ok I’m in a marathon team after all so running like this won’t kill me” and she smiled again both of us laugh so hard, we can’t believe how dense she could be but that’s what make her Wakumi, she can be sharp and dense at the same time.

Thank goodness we got to school on time, I never want to end up going to the teacher office or ever wanted to involve in a fight like this morning again. Man, when will this end? I guess as long as I stayed near Daichi, things like this won’t end that easily, more importantly we are dragging Wakumi into this it’s not safe for her at all. I will try to talk to her although I don’t think she’ll listen to me.

“Wakumi-chan I don’t want to get you in trouble agian” That’s surprising, I never see Daichi so worried about anyone before, well it’s right for him to be worry because this is the school goddess we’re talking about and we can’t just let her get into that kind of dangerous situation again.

“No, you don’t have to worry about it because I’m fine” Wakumi smile, her smiled make Daichi looked a little pissed and before he could say something stupid I step in.

“Let’s talk about this after school, alright Daichi?” I tried to put a barrier and stop Daichi from doing something stupid like, if I didn’t step in who knows what he will do!? Maybe he might shout at Wakumi without any reason.

“Yeah I know, but could she at least understand that it was dangerous for her?” Now he done it, he shouted to Wakumi and I can see she’s all shaken up.

“(Bang!!!! A kick from behind)” Midori came out from nowhere and kick Daichi from behind.

“You’re in the way again, you’re monkey”

“OUCH!!!! Hey! If you do that again I’m gonna report it the teacher Midori!” Reporting to the teacher? Like hell the teacher would do anything about a troublesome guy like you!

“Go ahead, and now you made a girl cry. How low” She grab Wakumi by her hand and lead her to her seat, while Daichi just stand there realizing he shouldn’t shouted at Wakumi in the first place.

“Ok! Everyone to your seat! The lesson will start, and Daichi? Why are you still standing around? Take a seat please!!!”

Daichi and everyone taken their seat and all of us was silent about what happened even in lunch break, me and Daichi was eating at the canteen and Daichi didn’t talk about the incident this morning nor he talked about Wakumi. After school………..

“Wakumi-chan, I’m really sorry I shouted at you this afternoon, I just worried you might …….. Anyway I’m sorry” Daichi went to Wakumi desk to apologize, and Wakumi was just preparing her stuff but she paused and look at Daichi.

“It’s alright I understood Daichi-kun, but I thought we’re friend that’s why I wanted to help. But if you don’t want me to, then I will stop involve myself with you if that what you want” She finished putting her stuff in her bag and walk out.

“…………..” Daichi looked either surprise or upset, I couldn’t tell which one, he just stood there and smile like an idiot.

“What’s with you? Did she say something to make the time stop?” I poke his cheek and he turn his face toward mine.

“She said that we’re friend! WE ARE HER friend can you believe it?” Sparkling, I can see a thousand star around him.

“Duh, we’ve been studying at the same class since elementary so I guess that’s normal when she said we’re friend”

“Eh???? You think so? But it kinda made my heart skip a beat for the moment” He blushed.

“Don’t tell me, you fall in love with Wakumi?” I look out at the window, Wakumi and Midori is walking home together, I guess she’ll never gonna hang out with us again, anyway it’s for the best.

“Well, everyone had fall for Wakumi-chan and of course that’s include me too but, I guess I don’t have anything to compete with other guys” We walk out of the classroom and went to our locker.

“Why do you need to compete with other guy? You are who you are, and I think that’s good enough”

“What? Are you encouraging me now?” He put his arm around my neck but I pushed him away.

“NO! I just stated the truth”

“Hmmm, talking about love, have you ever dated anyone before, Yuki?”

“Dated? No”

“Now don’t tell me that you’re in love with Wakumi-chan too! And since you guys are neighbor isn’t it much easier for you to approach her?”

“What? No! I never think about Wakumi that way!” Well to tell the truth I think Wakumi is cute, she’s smart and all but to think of her in a romantic way, nope, never come across that feeling at all. I only looked at Midori once, because Midori appearance is nearly the same as Mina. Damn!!!! Doesn’t that mean I have a crush on Mina too??? Wait! That’s not possible! I only think of her as my hero, more like my savior that’s all, I do hold a special feeling for her but I think it’s not more than a big sister.

We went our separate way because I have to go to the cake shop, Mina’s been up really late recently and she sometime pull an all-night too I guess buying her some cake wouldn’t be bad and she likes sweet thing too.

“What should I buy? Maybe strawberry? But she hates strawberry, she even hated egg what kind of human is she?”

“I am a normal human being thank you very much” Out of nowhere Mina leans and whisper to my right ear.

“Hey! Don’t do that!!!” I covered my right ear with one hand and my face suddenly become red, I blushed, speaking of the devil.

“What are you doing here?” She looked at the cake that I picked.

“What is it?” I asked looking at the cake and back at her.

“I hate chocolate with strawberry the most you should know that, and I liked only white chocolate, green-tea and Oreo”

“I’m not buying it for you, and beside what are you doing here? Don’t you have work?”

“Staying at home every day make me sick, so I came out and get some fresh air and you’re late too” She snatched the cake that I picked, put it back to its place and start to pick things that she like.

“I didn’t say that I’ll buy it for you”

“Then you’ll buy it for yourself? I thought you don’t like sweet” She laughed.

“Chocolate is not sweet it’s a little bitter” I explained, she looked at me and give me the cake that she picked.

“Please buy these for me Yuki-kun” She made a puppy eyes and that make me weak, well I was about to buy it for her anyway, after her whining for a while I take the cake to the counter.

Just so you know I’m still a first year so I don’t earn any money yet, my allowances are all came from the paid that Mina gives me for doing the house chores. At first she wants to keep the idea of not need doing anything and just accept the money, but I told her I can do the house chores and the money should be for the house chores. It made me feel better that way and she agreed, beside, she was so busy herself and she hardly have anytime to sleep, not to mention if she had any time for the house chores. But I’m glad she allowed me to do the chores, it’s not like I care about the money, more like I care about her. She is so picky about food nowadays, and she haven’t eat properly since I went to French 2 years ago. I definitely can’t let her lives in a dirty environment it’ll make her die before you could become a granny.

“Don’t you think you buy too much? Eating too much sweet it’s not good for your teeth you know not even your health” I complained, and she looked at me and laugh. Her laugh, she’s like an angle, her beautiful smile and laugh nothing can ever compare to that.

“What are you? My mom? (Laugh) what was that again? Not good for my teeth? (Laugh) if you think like that you’ll become an old man soon you know”

“I’m just saying” And while we were walking I saw a boy about 5 or 6-year-old standing around an abandon building he looks trouble.

“Hi, why are you standing here all alone?” Without saying anything Mina walk to the boy sid.

“I’m waiting for my mom” He looked at Mina and turn away.

“Mine if we wait here with you?” He nodded, Mina looked at me as a sign for me to stand beside the kid and I did.

“Do you like cake?” She hand out the cake that we just bought, the boy accept it without hesitation.

“Where did your mom go?”

“I don’t know” Is he lost? I think he’s about to cry.

He reminds me of myself somehow, I wonder if his mother ever come back.

“Don’t worry I’m sure your mother will be back soon” He looked at Mina with a hopeful smile.

“Or not” I added, and both of them turn to me with an angry face especially Mina.

“Well why don’t we go and find your mother?” Mina grabbed the child hand and start to walk out, I followed her from behind.

He pointed to a big super market in town and our jaw dropped, how the hell are we going to find his mother there?

“Mina I think it is best if we just got to the police station”

“Nonsense, we can find her, I mean there won’t be many clothe shop in there right?” Mina pretend to look as if everything will be alright but everything is not, this kid’s mother might have gone somewhere already, just like mom had left me. But we decided to look for her anyway I mean there’s nothing we can do, well we could just go to the police station but I knew Mina wouldn’t agree she as stubborn as ever.

“Let’s go” Mina grabbed the boy’s hand and head to the shopping mall.

“Mina, I think this is a really bad idea” I grabbed Mina hand as I look around the mall, it is too huge I don’t think we’ll be able to find his mother here.

“Come on, we don’t know what will happen if we don’t try” The three of us continue to walk and ask every shops whether there’s a lady who had lose her child but we get nothing, and we already walk around the mall about 2h and a half.

“Told you this is a bad idea, shall we go to the police station?”

“NO! I think I can find her so you just gonna wait here with him” She place the boy hand to mine and ran off, I want to follow her but the boy won’t move, I guess he’s a lot tired than us.

“Alright we should take a little rest. Are you thirsty? Let’s order something to drink” We sat in a coffee shop, wait for Mina I hope she won’t get lost herself.

“Hey, can I ask you something? Did you get lost in this supermarket? Maybe your mom is already gone looking for you somewhere else?”

“She wouldn’t go anywhere without me!” He shouted back at me, which make me even feel pettier for him. It’s good if she’s still in the mall but isn’t this a bit strange I mean she could have ask the announcer to announce that she lost her child, no shop owner know anything about a lost child.

“Fine, but if Mina come back and she couldn’t find your mom we gonna get you to the police station and let them handle everything” By the time I finished my sentence I saw his tears coming down his cheek, he stared at me and ran off.

“Hey!!! Wait! Where are you going?” I run after him, but there’re a lot of people all over the place I nearly lost sight of him, finally I catch up.

“STOP! Got cha!” I grabbed his hand and pull him to my side.

“Mommy will come for me!” He starts crying.

“Ok, I get it, I get it. So would you please stop crying” I whisper to him silently because everyone around us are looking at me like I’m a kidnapper or something.

“Alex?!!!” Suddenly a woman were screaming her lung out and running toward us from behind.

“Mommy!” The boy runs to her and hug her tight, the woman hug him back and both of them cry.

“Thank god! Don’t you ever do that again, I told you to wait in your uncle shop why did you run away?” She look at the boy and hug him again, so that’s his mother guess Mina found her somehow.

“I’m sorry mommy I thought you left me I will never do that again” The boy cry even harder, Mina came and ran to me, both me and Mina standing there smiling of relieve.

“Thank you so much!! Oh my god! I told him to stay with his uncle but he ran after me to the street, his uncle couldn’t catch up to him and we thought that he was lost him. Oh my god! How could I ever repay you?” The kid’s mother leaf him up and walk toward us I can see her face is red and she got her make up all messed up because of the tears.

“No, it’s ok really. We just do what we can that’s all” Mina hand her a handkerchief, the boy mother took it and look a little bit embarrassed but she was laughing, Alex fell asleep as soon as he gets to his mother arms.

“No no! There must be some way I can repay you, I can’t imagine if Alex ever run to dangerous people but thank god there are still kind people like you Miss. Please, this is a VIP card to my shop, please drop by anytime, I will provide you a special service” After talking for a while 2 guys in black suit came by, I think they are her security guard. Alex’s mother bow to us as a good bye and we did the same and she went to the exit secure by her guards. We looked at the VIP card, she a very famous designer here in Japan and one of her shop is in this big mall that’s why Alex pointed to this mall, with this VIP card we can shop there for free.

Finally we’re home! That was troublesome! I wonder if I were with Alex alone without Mina maybe I wouldn’t do what Mina did, maybe I wouldn’t know what I would do. Mina came out from the bathroom and start eating the food that I had prepared for dinner, her hair is soaking and I can smell her shampoo and her skin is white and smooth, wait! Where am I looking!? I pinch my cheek.


“Hmm? Are you alright? Go and take a shower I’ll prepare the plates”

“Oh, ok” I quickly ran out from the kitchen, Mina look at me suspiciously I hope she didn’t notice how red my face is right now! We’ve been living together for a long time and why I suddenly feel like my hearts about to jump out whenever she came near to me?! Am I allergic to woman? That’s a stupid reason! I’m acting weird! I don’t understand myself at all!

After dinner we decided to watch a movie in the living room, it’s an anime movie that Mina produced. She said it’s a big hit after it came out, it sold nearly 70,000 copies already. Before watching the movie I made popcorn and bring two glasses of orange juice to the Livingroom and we settle down to watch the movie. The movie is about a disable girl who were born in a rich family she got everything she ever need, but she couldn’t brought a smile to her face since she can’t get anywhere without her steel chair. The girl never get out from her room not until a new butler came in to serve the mansion, he was older than her around 4 or 5, and he got everything, looks, intelligent, talent, humble but his heart was cold, he will never allow anyone in to his heart. He was choose to be her butler because throughout his generation they swore to always stay by the girl’s family side, her family was the one who show kindness to his family generation like no other did. The butler was always by the girl side saying that it was only his duty and nothing else, the girl would understand that but since he came she begin to change, day by day, she begin to smile, begin to go out to the garden and although her butler was cold to her and always scold her she couldn’t even wish for anything more than the honest thought of his. She was living with all this lie saying everything is gonna be alright and that she could do anything and go anywhere she wanted. Unlike those lie her butler tell her if she couldn’t help herself no one could, if she doesn’t start to think that she’s beautiful then no one would. She hears him scolding her every day because of her laziness, rudeness and she’s very picky when it comes to food and that reminds me of someone, one day he asked his mistress have the foods ever done anything to her why she hated the food so much it’s a very funny part actually.

They were always together throughout the day and night, the girl begin to develop her feeling toward him but she knew that he wouldn’t let her through so she kept obeying him and finally she has becomes a really fine woman. People around the mansion, her cousin, her aunty and even the maid were gossiping about her. They said it’s a shame that she were born like this, she never be able to be normal no matter how hard she tried she still need the wheel chair, the girl overheard it and went to her room.

So that night she thought of nothing but wanting to finish her life, with a knife in her hand she point it to her heart, I was watching and hugging my pillow tight, but out of nowhere her butler were there to stop her.

“If you are going to kill yourself like this don’t you think after all my hard work of raising you will go to waste?” Yeah that’s right, think of all the tough you put him through.

“Stay away!! Don’t come any closer or I!”

“Please do as you wish miss but, if you think killing yourself is going to solve anything then you are wrong. If they defenses you then show them that you are strong! If they are trying to drag you down then prove to them that you still going to stand up! Even with the wheel chair or whatever it is, if it help you to stand up again then use it!” The butler grabbed her wrist and pull her beside him, in his arm she begin to cry. Wooh! Now that one hell of a scene, I love it!

“I can’t, I’m too weak”

“Sigh….. What have I taught you after all this time? Did I ever teach you to kill yourself when you feel weak?”


“Good, now wipe off those tears and blow your nose” She did as he said.

“I’m really sorry”

“Well, there’s one thing I don’t remember, after all these years I don’t remember teaching you to be this weak” He leaf her to her chair and kneel down before her.

“What are you doing?” She asked looking into his eyes.

“Miss, I told you to use everything you have in order to stand again and you have me, use as you wish. I don’t care if I were to kill or be kill as long as it is your wish and it’s what you want then I’ll grand it no matter what” He kissed her by the hand, the girl flushed but then she realize she should never be afraid again because even though everyone is not by her side at least she still have her faithful servant. And not to mention he is the first man that she fell in love with everything is going to be fine as long as they are together, she thought.

The story move on with revenge, hatred and jealousy, because she’s the only daughter the mansion’s master have and she will inherited as the one who will conquer everything in the mansion well, her relative poisoned her parent, her servants and others they were trying to kill her. But her butler were there to help her throughout the danger, it’s a really good movie actually, with revenge, killing, thriller, romance and everything.

At the end she pull off and inherited the mansion, by using her butler she had sent her unfaithful servant and those who were trying to kill her to hell. I wouldn’t want to mess with her, she played as a weak and innocent girl on the outside but on the inside she was boiled with revenge and hatred, taking a word from his butler saying she could use him whatever she wants him to she became a very different person. She would order her butler to kill, she could seduce other men to do things for her and she would sacrifice everything until she gets her revenge. But the saddest part is that after she got everything she order her butler to get married with one of her faithful maid, and because it is a bless from her the head master of the mansion both of them couldn’t refuse.

I don’t know why it end up like that! I mean the girl could order him to marry her or something I mean she the head and all, and she have all the power too so who could ever opposed her decision? And the annoying part is that the boy just did whatever his mistress told him too even though deep down inside I can see that he’s also love her. His ice heart probably had melted by now it’s nearly been 10 years since he serve the mansion, he couldn’t possibly feel nothing toward her I mean he saw her naked sometime and all! They were with each other since the girl were like 13 or 14 or something why wouldn’t he told her how he felt? This is really annoying, and as the guy married with other girl, his mistress resign him from being a butler. The scene about her writing in the diary, the note saying I couldn’t possibly kept him with me forever, I couldn’t possibly ruined his future and drag him with me just because he is my butler. Even though it is his duty to die for me I wouldn’t possibly let the person that I love die, so for the best I have to let him go and even if it hurts me much that I couldn’t find a words to describe this pain I still want to see him live his life once.

I was moved by her words and my tears were falling, Mina looked at me with surprised.

“Never knew you were this sensitive” She handed me the tissues.

“I’m not! I was just annoyed by the end of the story that’s all!”

“Oh, so how was it?” Mina pause the movie and asked.

“It was good”

“Good??? Are you kidding me??? It was fantastic!!!” She begin to brag about her work, I don’t know when did it end but my eyes are slowly closing now and I feel very tired and sleepy.

“Ok, let’s wrap it up. Yuki?” Mina take the DVD out of the DVD player and look at Yuki.

“………” Snoring.

“He sounds asleep. Can’t help it hah, it’s a little bit late after all, well then let’s all sleep here tonight I couldn’t possibly let you sleep here alone right?” Mina went to her room and took 2 blanket to join him.

© 2016 Sita26

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Added on April 23, 2016
Last Updated on April 23, 2016



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