Born of Serenity

Born of Serenity

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

The sky dancers' dance, for the flower's grace, angel tears by chance, falls upon a new born's face.

Born of Serenity
By: Adam M. Snow

The sky dancers' dance,
for the flower's grace,
angel tears by chance,
falls upon a new born's face.
Open all eyes,
seeing the world anew,
get up and rise,
and dive into the ocean blue,
deeper to a whole new world,
seeing life unlike before,
with morning dews impearled,
gold becomes the shore.

© 2010 Adam M. Snow

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beautiful imagery

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 28, 2010
Last Updated on July 27, 2010
Tags: Born, of, Serenity, new, birth, ocean, sky, dancers, flowers, grace, snow, poetry, eyes, world, face, angel, tears, gold, shore, dark, romance, dream, love, blue, twilight, morning, life, baby, child, night, stars, peace, war


Adam M. Snow
Adam M. Snow

Phoenix , AZ

"The writer’s mind, can surpass even the most intellectual minds." –Adam M. Snow I keep my work clean, I write to inspire others. Some people would even call me a philosopher, but w.. more..
