

A Poem by Scarlet Letter

Desperation has clutched my heart...

My heart has been ripped out, 
Dragged across a bed of molten coals, 
Stretched out on a torture rack, 
Then shoved back in my chest
And stitched shut with a dirty needle.
Now I just wait for the infection to spread.

My mind feels the terrible agony,
But it is too numb to stop it.
I lay there in a coma,
Lifeless to the world,
Living each agonizing second within myself,
Waiting for the pain to stop,
Too afraid to hope,
Trapped in this misery without a cure.

My arms are free,
Yet chains weigh them down,
I cry out in despair for mercy,
But all I receive is the echo
Of my own plea.

© 2013 Scarlet Letter

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This such a good poem! (: Great Job

Posted 13 Years Ago

wow I love this poem!
It grasps the pain and dispair that can so easily tear you apart. "My arms are free, Yet chains weigh them down. . ." Such an amazing line. This poem is so hard hitting and i love it. its really does show the pain you can feel when your heart in broken. Ive been here.
Well done!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 10, 2010
Last Updated on February 9, 2013
Tags: coma, despair, depression, sad


Scarlet Letter
Scarlet Letter


I love art of all forms. The types I practice are writing, charcoal/oil pastels, music, photography, and more. Every time I look at something I see if it would be best as a picture, drawing, poem, or .. more..
