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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
Blood: Episode One- Pilot

Blood: Episode One- Pilot

A Screenplay by Paxton Joshua Allison

This is the start of just a project for my own writing benefit that maybe shall take off and sell. Since the pop culture of zombies has hit, I've been quite interested and decided to take my own spin.


“Blood: Episode One- Pilot”

























INT. Police Car"Day


Scene opens up on Barney as he is tossed into the back of a police car hand cuffed, his beard is scruffy and patchy and his eyes glazed and tired with bags under them. He shifts in the seat and then looks down at the ground as he is spoken to by Derek who gets into the driver seat and closes the door. Derek sounds disappointed and ashamed as he talks down to Barney.



                Now Barney, how many times have I picked you up from this street corner, either high or



Barney chuckles to himself as he realizes the repeativness of all the times this has happened.



                I would think every day Derek, every day and I’m usually both high and drunk.


Derek scoffs at the remark and is disappointed and annoyed by his blatant disregard for his behavior.



                That something to be proud of to you?


Barney responds with a sarcastic comment, chuckling to himself on the remark again.



                You know me, take credit where it’s due.


Derek then starts the car and starts to pull off of the side of the road, he gives up on arguing with Barney and just gives in.



                Yeah…. Yeah I know Barney.


Barney a couple minutes into driving down the road looks into the rearview mirror to meet eyes with Derek. Derek notices and tries to strike somewhat of a conversation starting with a semi sarcastic question.


                Something you want?


Barney’s eyes then slightly close noticing the non seriousness in his voice but proceeds to answer.



                Well, these handcuffs are hurting my wrists for one.


Derek laughs disappointingly knowing where the conversation is going to, he then plays along with Barney and his games.



                Oh I’m sorry, were you expecting a bracelet?



                Well no, maybe some furry handcuffs but you and I both know we’re not into that so…


Derek semi cracks up at the remark and looks back at Barney through the mirror.



                You know if you weren’t such a dumbass you could be a comedian.



                Oh that’s real cute.


Derek then stiffens up and becomes semiserious again



                I mean it, if you didn’t throw your life away on drugs you could do it.


Barney is maddened and irritated by the remark and snaps back angrily



                Don’t talk about my problems okay? You have no f*****g idea what my problems are.


Derek is surprised by the immediate anger and responds back in a hesitant but firm voice



                Well I wasn’t implyi-


Barney cuts him off to get another snooty remark in



                Yeah I’m sure.


Derek retracts his sentence and just stares disappointingly into Barney’s eyes for a split moment and then goes back to the road. Barney shifts his head down again to look at the floor as the scene slowly fades out again.


INT. Police Precinct"Day


The door opens wide into the precinct as Barney is led into the building by the handcuffs and shoulder by Derek. Barney spots Derek’s deputy Sarah and immediately brightens up.



                Honey I’m home!


Sarah looks up from her desk and then shakes her head as a smile slowly spreads across her face as she sees him.



                Oh, back already?


Barney rolls his eyes at the remark but brushes it off



                Ha ha, you’re a very funny girl Sarah.


Barney and Derek walk over to the first empty cell and Derek unlocks it, while doing this he asks a question monotone to Sarah.



                Anything happen while I was getting Mr. Sanburk here?


Sarah catches the question and immediately responds with excitedness and spunk



                Yeah, I made an arrest.


Derek tosses Barney into the cell and closes and locks it, then turns to Sarah to face her.





Sarah is pleased by Derek’s intrigue and becomes more bubbly in attitude



                Yeah! She’s over there in the cell across from Barney, name’s Blake. Prostitution.


Derek is taken a bit aback by the last comment and looks over to see Blake, a 17 year old blonde with messy hair and way to much make up and nail polish. Derek then turns back to Sarah with a look of disbelief.



                Her? For prostitution?


Sarah almost gets an answer out before Blake blurts one out drearily



                Hey f**k you man.


Derek looks over again to Blake to talk to her with a serious and authoritative tone



                How old are you?



                What the f**k is it to you in the first place? Sorry but I don’t f**k cops, not even for money.


Derek scoffs at the answer and retorts back at her



                No… you’re just… young. To young.

Blake rolls her eyes



                Because you really f*****g care right? Listen, I was working on the corner and little miss

goody two shoes picked me up and arrested me, that’s all you or her need to know.


Barney lays down on his cot but responds to Blake obviously annoyed by her.



                Hey listen, from one criminal to another, get over yourself sweetie.


Blake rushes over to the door to try and look at Barney and yell at him



                Well from “one criminal to another”, go f**k yourself. And I’m not sweetie so don’t get in

the habit s**t dick.


Barney laughs at the comment as he looks at the ceiling.



                Ok now I got you pinned, you’re not full of yourself you’re insecure, sweetie.


Blake’s grip on the bars get tighter as her rage increases



                You li-


Derek steps up and stops the both of them with a shout



                Now shut up! Both of you.


Sarah is shooken by the force of Derek’s yelling. Derek walks over to his desk and sits down while Sarah sits at hers and files paperwork. Blake sits down on the edge of the cot and starts to look at the ground as the whole room sits in silence for a little while. Barney tries to lighten the mood with a poorly sung rendition of “Folsom Prison” by Johnny Cash.



                I hear the train a comin’! It’s rollin round the bend! And I ain’t seen the sunshine since I

don’t know when!


Blake is fed up with the silly and obviously sarcastic tone of the song



                Oh God please someone shut him up!


Barney ignores and sings the song louder



                I’m stuck in Folsom Prison! And time keeps draggin on!


Blake shouts louder than the singing



                Holy shi-


She’s cut off by louder and more obnoxious singing from Barney



                But that train keeps a rollin!


Derek then adds in with Blake



                Shut u-


The singing ups again



                On down to San Anto-


Just then from the outside a huge explosion sound shatters the sound barrier in the precinct as everyone jumps up. Sarah runs over to Derek as he jumps up from his chair, Blake screams and shoots up from her cot and backs up quickly to the wall of the cell. Barney’s upper body swings up from laying down and looks at where the sound came from.



                What the heck was that!


Blake snaps at Sarah harshly



                I think now is a good time to use the word hell.


Derek gets frustrated with Blake but tries to keep it on the task at hand



                Blake, must you? It sounded like something blew up.


Barney lights up at the words “blew up” and stands up to the front of his cell



                Well if it was nearby you better let us out now, we might get trapped in these.


Derek turns to Barney with that “you can’t be serious” attitude



                Do you really think anyone buys that in here?


Blake chimes in with an a*****e comeback



                It was pretty f*****g dumb.


Barney is easily angered by this and snaps back



                Yeah I’m gonna take advice from the b***h that’s been on everything but the Titanic.


Blake’s face scrunches in huge anger but before she can let out a deafening curse Derek intervenes again





Barney and Blake both snap out of their conflict and quickly turn towards Derek in surprise, Sarah jumps from the shout. Derek waits for everyone’s attention and then takes an authoritative position over all of them.


                We are not doing each other any good by insulting each other. There was probably an

explosion outside and Sarah and I will go and check it out.


Derek looks over at Sarah for confirmation as she nods her head, he then looks back at the other two


                Try not to rip each other’s heads off while we’re gone.


He steps towards his desk and picks up the pistol on it and holsters it, picks up his coat off his chair and puts it on as he walks towards the door. He swings it open and looks over to Sarah.


                You coming?


Sarah jumps quickly at the question, grabbing her coat and running towards him as he walks out



                Yes sir.


EXT. Town"Dreary, cloudy day


Derek pulls the police car over onto the side of the road where the sound of the explosion came from and steps out. Sarah opens the door clumsily and rushes over to Derek’s side, hand on holstered gun and nervous. Derek notices this and puts his hand on hers.



                Sarah… I know you’re nervous but it’s okay, nothing to be worried about. Okay?


Sarah holds her hand there for a second but then slips it off the handle of the gun reassured, she then looks back up at Derek





Derek takes his hand off the gun and then they start walking across the street to the noise point.



                So why did you join the force?


Sarah is delayed to the question as she’s sidetracked with her own thoughts but catches it and tries to answer off guard.



                Oh! … Well I wanted to help people I guess.


Derek smiles at the answer, liking the cuteness and innocence of it.



                Didn’t exactly go that way did it?


Sarah laughingly scoffs at it and smiles as well



                Heh, not at all. It’s mostly picking people up like Barney.


She then realizes what she said and tries to nervously recover from the rude comment


                Not that he’s an awful guy, it’s just that he’s… you know…


She fades off disappointed in herself that she would make such a comment and looks down sadly, Derek notices her sadness and consoles her.


                Hey it’s fine for you to say that, I know what you mean.


Derek then becomes reminiscent as he puts his hand on Sarah’s shoulder.


                I remember I wanted to join to bring some justice to the world, make sure the bad got

 put in its place every once in a while, didn’t exactly happen that way either.


Derek gives a big sigh remembering the disappointment of the job


                Now I’m picking up the same three people every damn day, but I’m happy I have a good

partner to do it with.


Sarah looks back up at Derek and smiles intently at him, now comforted. This is then broken prematurely as another explosion sound is heard from the same place. Sarah’s smile turns into a serious and wild fearful face as Derek’s also goes straight and snaps to the start of the sound. They both start running down the deserted town street for quite some time. After a little while they reach an awful scene, the tanning factory that lies before them has two huge holes blown in the walls and ceiling and inside raging fires. Sarah immediately starts to tear up and buries her head in Derek’s shoulder.



                Oh my God!


Derek let’s Sarah rest and sob into his shoulder for a moment as he looks into the destruction with tears welling in his eyes yet a strong scence of anger. He then takes Sarah’s head and lifts it up to look into her eyes.



                Hey, hey you need to get a handle okay?


Sarah looks at Derek and waits a moment but slowly nods her head

                We have to go in there and look for survivors, okay?


Sarah nods her head obediently and tries to collect herself as Derek lets go of her. Derek pulls out his gun and switches the safety off, aiming it at the ground. Sarah follows his lead and falls behind him as they slowly walk towards the destroyed building. They reach the front entrance and slowly open the door into the factory and start searching for people while coughing from the smoke.



                Hello?! Can anyone hear me?!



                Shout if you can hear me!


They continue to call out to possible survivors until they here a gurgling growl from in the other room. Derek catches the sound and starts to run over to the sound trying frantically to save someone before the place burns down and collapses.



                I’m coming, don’t stop calling out!


Sarah follows behind him into the other room where she almost runs into Derek as he stops just inside the doorway. There they both spot a man standing in the middle of the room with a protective helmet and heavy leather gloves and apron on. Derek tries to coax the man over to him.



                Sir? Sir can you hear me? Please come here so we can get you out.


The man stops at the sound of Derek’s voice but doesn’t turn around, just freezes there.


                Come on sir we have to get out it’s going to collapse.


The head of the man then turns slowly to Derek exposing the left side of his face as the cheek is chewed out to show the tongue and jawbone with teeth. His eye socket is shaved down to show part of his eyeball moving in it. Sarah shrieks at the sight as Derek stumbles back scared


                Oh my God are you okay!?


The rest of the man’s body turns with the head to show a huge hole in his stomach with intestines spilling out and huge gash in his right peck. Sarah becomes frightened and immediately leans over and pukes on the ground. Derek jumps at the sight and becomes frightened as well.


                What the f**k!


With the remark the man rushes Derek fast and before he has time to react knocks him over onto the wall. Derek recovers and spins to the left before the man tries to snap at his throat, which then he immediately hits the man in the back of the head and it caves in from rigor mortis. Derek pulls his now bile and rotten blood and brain covered hand as he steps back and clumsily and fearfully tries to wipe the goop off of his hand. The man slowly stands back up causing more goop to spill out of the hole and runs at Derek again. Derek goes for his gun but it’s not in his hand anymore and he quickly finds it on the ground and dives for it. He spins as the man jumps at him and tries to fire off a shot but the gum jams, but a shot lodges into the man’s head. Derek looks over to see Sarah with gun drawn and shaking, vomit still on her lip. Derek pushes the man off of him and nervously gets up and slowly takes the gun from Sarah.


                You did good Sarah, you did good.


Both of them shooken and scared shitless, Derek holsters his gun and puts Sarah’s in hers, which then Sarah shouts to Derek. Derek spins around and finds the man up again running after him with a hole in his temples, he swiftly grabs his billy club and swings it out in front of him. The man runs into the tip of the billy club and his chest breaks open and impales itself on the stick. Slowly he slides down the shaft of it and chokes on his own blood as it runs out of his mouth and finally reaches the base as Derek, scared, looks into the now dead man’s eyes. Derek quickly let’s go of the club and it drops along with the body on it, he then grabs Sarah and pulls her along with him.


                Get the f**k out of here!!


INT. Police Precinct"Day


Blake sits in her cell on the ground throwing a very small pebbles at the wall from the ground below as Barney lays on his cot again.



                So a hooker huh?


Blake becomes annoyed and rolls her eyes at the comment and answers, fed up with Barney’s s**t.



                Do you have to be an a*****e all the time?


Barney chuckles



                Nope, just when I feel like it. So why a hooker?


Blake gives up and drearily starts to give an answer, sad just remembering how she got in the position she did.



                Well my mother was a junkie and my other mother was a drunk, they adopted me from

an abusive home and I ran away when I was 15. Had to make money somehow.


Barney’s eyes raise at the inclination of two mothers



                Oh, two mothers? That’s… interesting.

Blake is disgusted by the comment and how mean it was



                What, have something against it?


Barney retorts back all “matter of fact” like



                No no no princess of course not, it’s just not something you see all the time, usually

 you doughnut bumpers don’t have kids.


Blake’s mouth drops open with disgusted surprise at the ignorance of Barney’s statements.



                What do you mean “you”… doughnut bumpers, just because I grew up with lesbians means

I’m one now?


Barney is now fed up with the back and forth



                Forget I said it sweetheart, forget I said it.


EXT. Town"Dreary, cloudy day


Derek and Sarah run back to a deserted gas station and shut the doors behind them, Derek tries to find something to lock the door in place while Sarah looks for somebody.



                What the hell was that Derek?!

Derek tries to answer with shaky and out of air breath.



                I have no God damned idea, and I don’t plan on staying to find out.


Sarah calls for the gas station attendant which she gets a response from behind the counter, a ruffling sound.



                Bob? Bob is that you?


Just then the shuffling happens again and then dies out, Derek finds a mop handle and sticks it into the door handles. He then follows Sarah who enters behind the counter to look at what’s making the shuffling sound.


INT. Police Presinct"Day


Blake is standing up and gripping the bars looking at Barney who is also doing the same, she’s vigorously angry.



                What did I say about calling me pet names you f*****g creep!


Barney brushes it off and retorts



                Oh I’m sorry hon, is it bothering you?


Blake rages harder



                Stop it!


INT. Gas Station"Day


Derek stands in front of Sarah as he looks down at the floor behind the counter at Bob now fully zombified and is pinned down by the fallen cigarette shelf.





Sarah gets saddened and frustrated



                What the hell is happening to these people? Look at him for Christ’s sake he’s torn apart.


Derek takes a metal pole from on the ground and pokes Bob to see if he’s still “alive”



                Bob, are you okay? Bob?


Bob snaps his head forward at Derek and rips his arm out of the shelf to grab the pole in his hands. Derek is caught off guard and stumbles back and falls on his a*s, where Bob then grabs onto the sole of his shoe and tries to drag him. Derek immediately takes the pole again and smashes it across Bob’s hand, it doesn’t faze him as he then tries to just pull his leg away from him.


                Don’t make me do this Bob!


He tries and struggles to get his leg back but can’t so Derek takes the pole again and smashes Bob’s head open, which causes him to loosen his grip but still breathe with a huge gash in the head.

                What the f**k is wrong with you Bob?


He takes it again hits him in the same spot, bending the pole and causes a huge chunk of head and brain to fall off but Bob keeps at it. Then Derek has a memory from the billy club and tosses the pole to the side to grab his gun. He takes aim and shoots him in the heart, immediately causing Bob’s grip to loosen and blood to shoot from his mouth like a geyser, finally killing him. Derek slides away from the body and slides the gun back into the leather hostler, where Sarah extends an arm out. He reaches up and grasps her hand and she helps pull Derek up, he then wipes himself off while breathing heavy.



                What the f**k is going on here?!



                I don’t know but we have to-


Just then the front door shakes as they both look over to see a group of about 20 zombies hording against the walls and scratching at the glass. Sarah pulls out her gun and aims at the doors but Derek decisively pulls the gun down from her.



                If you shoot that glass they’ll rush in here and… whatever the f**k they do to us will happen,

we need to get out of here and get Barney and Blake unlocked.


Sarah understands and puts the gun back, then facing Derek with her whole body.



                So what after that?


Derek stops and thinks for a second and then an idea hits him.




                We gotta take the police van and see if we can make it to the city police department.


Derek then immediately walks towards the back exit as the zombies start to break the glass of the doors and start to be able to poke their arms out. Sarah yelps at the surprise and follows behind him in shock.


INT. Police Precinct"Day


Barney digs through the stuffing of his cot as Blake leans on the door’s bars and criticizes him.



                What the hell are you doing?


Barney ignores this completely and continues digging through the cot and Blake is agitated by it.


                Hello? I’m talking to you, it’s polite to f*****g answer someone when they talk.


Barney sighs but keeps on digging through the cot



                 You know for a pretty girl you have quite the God dammed mouth on you.


This just angers her more



                I can say what I want so if I want to say f**k, I can say it!



                I could s**t my pants anytime I want to but you don’t see me shitting them do you?

Blake is annoyed and confused by the analogy



                What’s that supposed to mean?



                It means that even though we can do something doesn’t mean we should, or at least right



Blake rolls her eyes and leans more on the bars, just then Barney grabs ahold of his makeshift key hidden in the cot and lets out a celebratory yelp. He then slips it into the keyhole and unlocks his door, then sliding it open and walking away. Blake does a double take in her spot and then calls out for him in confusion and anger.



                Well? Are you gonna let me the hell out?



                Like I said my darling, sometimes just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should.


Barney the tosses the key in the trashcan and skips off to the back exit door, Blake screams swears and curses at Barney as he struts out of the doorway. She calms down and just starts to shake her head.





Just then the door bursts open and Derek walks in with Sarah as he immediately shuts the door and locks it down. As Sarah grabs a duffel bag and goes into the armory Derek goes towards the cells and notices Barney’s open and steams with anger.




                Well where the hell did he go?!



                Because I should know?


Derek looks over to Blake and gives her the dead eyes, then rolls them and pulls out his set of keys and unlocks the door, sliding it open. Blake runs over to the desks and looks at Sarah quizzically as she starts stuffing guns and ammunition into the bag.


                What the hell is this?



                We’re getting out of here.


Blake becomes even more confused and with that also comes annoyance as usual



                What do you mean “getting out of here”?


Derek walks over and grabs her on the arms to force her to look into his eyes which show intense worry and seriousness.



                There is no time for questions, get your belongings and get ready to move out.


With this Blake realizes that the situation is dangerous and immediately runs over to get her things out of the detainment lockers. Sarah tosses the bag of guns to Derek which he then slips onto his shoulder and then grabs the van keys from the desk. Blake runs back over with purse in hand and they all walk out of the back door.


EXT. Precinct Parking Lot"Day


Derek leading the group, they all swiftly walk towards the only van of three cars in the parking lot. Derek opens the back and quickly tosses the guns in the back without a second thought and closes them as the other two get into the seats. Derek swings open the door and sits in the driver’s seat where he plants the keys in the ignition and drives off down the path. Entering onto the road a rustling is heard from the back of the van and when Blake looks behind her to check Barney pops out from a pile of spare uniforms. Blake screams from surprise.



                What the hell was that?!



                Oh hey guys, surprise to see you here.


Blake winds her arm back and punches Barney directly in the nose which sends him flying back, when he sits back up he’s holding his nose which drips blood.


                You b***h!


Blake scoffs at the remark and then sits back down, Barney wipes his nose off of blood and swings his body around to the other seat and sits down. Blake once again becomes annoyed and quizzical and blabbers questions.



                So where are we going again?



                We’re going to the city police department to see if they know any more about our…

ugh… situation.




                What do you mean “situation”?



                Look outside.


With this solemn statement both of them peak out their windows to see sights of rows and small groups of zombies walking the road, eating deer and bunnies and other already dead roadkill, and even each other. Blake screams and swings her head back while Barney just looks at it in awe, then Blake decides to turn around and puke into the pile of spare uniforms.



                Really? I was gonna use that later.



                Oh f**k you.


Then her attention turns to the police officers


                What were those things?



                We have no idea, all we know is that they’re everywhere and they die if you shoot them

in the heart.



                You mean you’ve killed those things before?


Derek’s face then becomes saddened yet hardened as he recalls and remembers his victims



                Yeah, I had to get a guy from the tanning factory… and Bob.


Barney’s heart sinks at the last name



                Gas station Bob? S**t man he sold the best weed in the county.


Blake faces Barney in disgust.



                Really, that’s all you can think about now? Drugs?


Barney rolls his eyes at her and goes back to sight seeing through the window, the van merges onto the highway and a ton of abandoned cars litter the street. He weaves his way through them and continues for miles until they make it to a huge car blockade that circles around the police building. Derek pulls over and everyone creeps out of the car towards the car wall and a sniper shot is brung right to the tips of Barney’s feet. Barney freaks out and jumps back as Derek gets in front of them and tries to cover them with his arms as he tries to talk to the origin of the gunshot.



                No! We have come looking for help, I’m from the precinct a couple miles away and

 we’re looking for a man named Steve, Steve Kilmer.


Just then Steve leaps from a top the wall down to the road to meet his old pal, he’s giddy and has a high but mighty southern drawl.



                Well I’ll be damned, if it isn’t Derek Wrink.


Steve walks up to Derek and wraps his lanky, skinny arms around him as Derek does the same.


                S**t man how long has it been?



                To long man, to God dammed long.


Sarah chuckles at the buddy buddy moment and steps up by them



                I’m guessing you two know each other?



                Hell yeah, me and Steve joined the force at the same time, went through training and

high school together.


Steve steps back and gives a devious smirk at Sarah



                And who is this hot number?


Derek laughs at the remark and motions to everybody as he says their names



                This is Sarah my partner, the young lady by the van is Blake and the guy who looks like

 white trash is Barney.



                Thanks for the compliment.


Steve chuckles and then gives a huge smile to the group



                Well, I’m sure ya’ll have got some questions and it’s dangerous out here so best get your

 asses inside.


They all get up from where they stand and each walk into the police building.


INT. Police Department"Night


The scene shows all of the group sitting at what looks like a huge table for meetings, with Steve sitting at the head. They all sit around with cups of water and various little snacks in hand while they listen and converse with Steve.



                Well it happened about last night for us, rumors say it started around here a couple of

 weeks ago and hadn’t hit us for quite some time. We ran into the first ones just last



Derek leans forward in his chair, intrigued



                Yeah, we found out only a couple hours ago. I mean do we even know what it is? What the

hell are these things that replaced our people.



                I have no idea, there’s only a couple things we’ve collected through our experiences with

them. They turn within the hour of being bitten, you can only kill them in the heart, and

damn do they f****n’ stink somethin’ awful.

Barney and Derek laugh at this along with Steve and then out of wonderment, Barney chimes in.



                Do we know how it happened? Are they everywhere, are they just here? What?



                We don’t know. Last night all communication and power sources shut down, and then

this swarm of… those things came in and started… eating people. I took all of the

department down and set up blockades like the one out front and we held ground as

long as we could. Lost a lot of people, officers and civilians, the rest of the unit and

whoever we picked up off the streets are living a floor below us.


Out of nowhere Sarah chimes in



                So they… they… eat people?


Steve then swallows hard and starts to talk like thinking of the horrors again really, truly pains him



                They… ripped the meat off of people’s bones, they seemed to go… to go for the chest

cavity and eat all the organs inside and around, they leave the heart for some reason.

After that you turn, sometimes an hour sometimes three, all depends.


Blake then decides to join the discussion which so far has visibly disturbed her.



                What about a name?


They all turn around and look at her with strange eyes and curiosity


                … Well you guys keep on calling them “it” or “them”, I feel like we should give them a

name, makes it easier.


Barney is obviously annoyed and confused by the remark



                What do you mean “easier”?



                Easier to say and to know what the hell we’re talking about!


Derek can see where the conversation is leading to in matter of mood so he tries and prevents it



                Hey both of you, we’ve had a very long day and Steve has taken us in so I think enough

drastic events have happened today don’t you?


Steve can see where Derek wants to lead the argument and helps chime in



                Come on ya’ll he’s right, we’ll get you set up with bunks and rooms and tomorrow we’ll

have a meeting with everyone else. Let’s get some rest though, come on I’ll show ya’ll to

your rooms.


Blake and Barney ease up and get up with everyone else as they follow Steve to the staircase.


INT. Derek’s Room"Night

Derek lies on his bunk on the top as Barney lays on the bottom bunk, both with sheets wrapped around bodies. As Derek closes his eyes and tries to sleep Barney keeps on tossing and turning which irritates Derek and his attempt to rest.



                Must you?


Obviously bothered by something he tries to avoid the question



                I’m sorry, just trying to find a good spot, goodnight.


Derek obviously can tell something’s wrong with Barney but decides to brush it off for sake of sleep. They both finally fall asleep.


INT. Police Department"Morning


Derek and Sarah sit next to each other at the meeting table having small talk as they eat what would be powdered eggs. Blake sits a couple seats away from them eating the same but trying to keep distance from everyone, she doesn’t want to become attached to anyone.



                So how did you and Steve meet?


Derek chuckles remembering the times they had together



                Well it was freshman year of high school for me and I had moved in from California, and

here was much different from over there. I was picked on a lot for a lot of reasons, my

accent, my parents, even my skin.

Sarah’s eyes widen at the last remark, remembering that she forgot that there was still a lot of racism in the world.


                I was getting my regular beating in the bathroom by the regular three skinhead wannabees

and Steve had walked in to take a piss. I remember watching him from the floor as he

kicked the s**t out of those guys, I would’ve cheered him on if it wasn’t for my mouth

gushing blood.


Sarah becomes sad and bothered by the story, feeling bad for Derek.



                I can’t believe that happened to you… I’m so sorry.



                It’s alright, not your fault… anyways since then we’ve stuck together, defended each other,

hung out with each other, and joined the force together. The funny thing was the first

time I had made an arrest it was the same guys who had kicked the s**t out of me in

school, got them for kicking the s**t out of some latino guy.


Sarah laughs hardily at the end of the story and how they got what they deserved, she pats him on the back and gives him a huge smile.



                Well congr-


Just then the door swings open to show Barney walking through, face pale and clammy with bloodshot eyes with bags under them. He’s coughing and wheezing while snot drops from his nose like the sweat from his forehead. Blake steps back in surprise and lets out a large yelp as Derek and Sarah simultaneously turn to face Barney.



                Holy s**t are you okay?


Barney wheezes and coughs a couple of seconds before slowly answering with a cracked and wheezy voice.



                I think I’ll live… maybe.


He inches over slowly and weak to the closest chair and basically collapses into it, resting his head on the table. Sarah rushes over to him and kneels down beside him to try and remedy his sickness. While this happens the other two surround him and watch him.



                Hey, we need to get you some medical attention-


Barney butts in with a weak and shaky voice



                Listen you stupid b***h I don’t need anything, just get me some damn water.


Sarah’s eyes widen with offense but she slowly gets up and takes a bottle of water from the table and gives it to him. Just then Steve and 3 of his police buddies along with about 7 civilian survivors and they each take their seats.



                Is he gonna be okay?



                Yeah he’s fine, just got the flu or something.

Steve becomes hesitant and suspicious of the choice of words but decided to continue on



                Okay well while he sweat that out I’d like to introduce you to the boys.


As he mentions their names he motions his hand towards them


                This here’s Paul, Kenny, and Randall. The three survivors of the department, and the rest…

well you’re better off meeting them yourself, they’re not feeling very formal today as

they’ve lost a lot so I’ll let you take that up on your own time.


He then motions everyone to grab a bite to eat and then sit down to discuss, he again takes the head of the table.


                So… what are the provisions looking like?


Kenny takes the lead of the discussion



                We have enough food to last about 2 months but water is scarce and we’re gonna run out

a week from now. We lost a truck yesterday on a raid but we found a shitload of ammo for

shotguns and pistols so that’s a plus.


Steve nods approving of the report and then motions to the next topic



                Living quarters?


Paul then adds his report into the mix


                Beds, flashlights, blankets and pillows, and people all accounted for, the bodies are prepared

for ceremony an-


Derek raises and eyebrow at the statement



                Sorry… did I hear bodies? And arrangements?



                Um yeah, we found all of the bodies that we could of the deceased of the survivors

and hopefully by tomorrow can have a proper burial and service for them.


Derek nods his head solemnly and lets the meeting continue


                And finally Floor recovery?


Randall then finishes with his report



                No progress yet, actually there’s more than we thought to begin with.


Now Sarah takes her turn to question



                Floor recovery?


Steve realizes his stupidity in not explaining his motives and tries to recover



                My apologies, the other three floors above us are stocked full of those things and that’s

where all the other supplies and resources are. There’s also a lot more living space so we

can start going out and looking for more survivors.


Blake becomes frightened at the realization



                You mean they’re above us?!


Steve sees the panic among the group now and tries to settle the storm



                Don’t worry! Don’t worry. They can’t get down here or on the first floor either, we have it

all sealed up until we have the man power to clear them out.


They all settle down a bit and continue with the meeting


                You see, we’ve been stuck here for only the two days but we have everything under control,

I’m getting together a team to clear out the third floor and since you guys are here now I’d

appreciate the help.



                … Sarah and I can help with clearing them out, but with Barney being the way he is and

Blake being the way she is that’s all we can do.


Blake gets maddened by the remark




                What the f**k is that supposed to mean?!


Steve ignores her and continues



                That’s all we need, we’ll gather at the third floor entrance in 0300 hours.


Blake won’t let go of the remark and pushes it



                No! I wanna know what the hell he means by “the way I am”!



                We have no time to discuss who said what right now, we ha-



                I’m not doing s**t until I get an answer jack off!


Steve then becomes quickly aggravated by her arrogance to the situations at hand



                Listen you idiot! We have no tim-


Sarah then butts in for Blake’s defense



                Don’t call her that! And what does “the way she is” mean?


She points this at Derek and gives him the stink eye which makes him refuse eye contact and feel like an a*s. He then tries to calm everybody down



                We all need to stop now!


After the statement Barney raises his head from the table and spews vomit from his mouth onto the table which causes a chain reaction of the majority of Steve’s group to aim their weapons at Barney as Derek pulls his gun and aims at the rest of them.



                He’s infected!


Derek’s eyes widen with fear as he tries to defend Barney



                NO! He’s just sick!



                Bullshit! We need to put him down before he puts us down!



                How can he be turning if he wasn’t eaten by those things!? Think before you take a man’s

life for Christ’s sake!


Derek agrees and joins in



                You are not touching him!



                We are shooting this f****r in the heart!


They all start screaming and shouting curses and threats at one another until Kenny walks up towards Barney and puts the gun to his chest.



                F**k this, it’s ending now!


Sarah screams





A gunshot goes off and the scene ends abruptly.


The end

© 2015 Paxton Joshua Allison

Author's Note

Paxton Joshua Allison
Please do ignore format I'm new at screenplays, but grammar, character development, word usage, organization, and flow of the story are all helpful tips that I would gladly take and use.

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Added on June 21, 2015
Last Updated on June 21, 2015
Tags: zombies, tv show, blood


Paxton Joshua Allison
Paxton Joshua Allison

Sheboygan, WI

I'm an aspiring writer from Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I am only 16 years of age but think I have the tenacity and devotion to start my writing career early as a novelist and screenwriter. more..
