Know about Brian Spear STL

Know about Brian Spear STL

A Story by Spear Construction

He is the president of Spear construction and working hard to succeed in his construction business.


He had built many buildings with different plans that are attractive. Most of his buildings are built with advanced technologies. He had worked very hard to improve his Spear Construction. Most of his projects are motivated to provide customer satisfaction than the profit. Jamie Lee Quinn is the psychotic ex-girlfriend of spear and she had filed a case against Brian in the court. She stated that Brian was stalking her for past two years and filed the case. She lied to the police for filing a case against Brian. She had filed a case against Brian because he ended his relationship with her and commenced a new relationship with another person. She had entered the Brian’s house without his permission and stolen his mobile. After the investigation Jamie was arrested and charged for all her activities.

The justice was favor to Brian Spear STL, so she had become angry and committed many criminal activities. Brian was the only victim for the case and Jamie was the stalker, so the police had arrested Jamie. Most of the victims were favoring to Brian so Jamie L. Quinn Saint Louis attacked his friends. She was arrested for many cases filed by the Brian’s girlfriends because Jamie contacted his girlfriends through his mobile. Many cases were filed against Jamie for the illegal activities like fixing a tracking device in Brian’s phone. She had stolen his mobile and attached the device without his knowledge. Jamie also filed some criminal cases against Brian and charged some money, but she failed in those cases. She had filed a case against the construction company and failed in that too.

She was arrested for several cases like attacking Spear’s girlfriends and some of his colleagues. The attorney had told that Brian Spear Saint Louis was the victim and the Jamie was the stalker. She had failed in many cases filed against Brian and arrested for those cases. The lawyers told that Jamie was a psychotic ex-girlfriend of Brian and she did not have any rights to ask a question to Brian. Many websites provide information about the cases filed by Jamie against Brian. She had submitted some photos of Brian to accuse him and failed because of not enough information. The website of various law attorneys is providing these case details to their clients and juniors.

© 2014 Spear Construction

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Added on May 3, 2014
Last Updated on May 3, 2014
Tags: Jamie Lee, Quinn, Brian, Spear, STL, Construction, Saint, Louis