Let me slumber

Let me slumber

A Poem by Alexandria

Can I read your mind?

Can I taste your lips?




Can you let me have this watch?

Can you let me listen to it's tick?




Can I pet this red fox?

Can I shake his hand and let him inside the warm cabin?




Will you watch me slumber with a wolf, let my essence take your hand

and brush it against my warm cheek

You lament cause I'm sleeping with tI'me in hand.


Let the wolf wake up ,let it stare into your eyes

let my protector  stare into your eyes.


Leave the fox to his trotting through autumn leaves

red, orange, and yellow, allow the door to be open

in case he gets cold.


The tick, the silent tick that I wanted to listen to

rests ever so sweetly in the middle of my palm


The watch that makes you nervous

the tI'me in my hand

the tI'me I've been asleep.


You watch, you lean, you kiss.

Your kiss so light so loving, so sweet and soft

a heavenly kiss that blissfully wakes me.


I open my eyes as soon as I hear your thoughts

your beautiful mind, talking to me,

pleading me to wake, so I did.


"Please don't be afraid my darling, its only a watch, it was only for a minute

it was only my stuff anI'mal ,

it was only the shadow outside

I'm here now."


You smile bright with quivering hands

But you must know it was my dream.

© 2010 Alexandria

Author's Note

This poem is not supposed to make sense
its just supposed to paint a picture... :)

My Review

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I love the poem...and I think one of the reasons is that, like you said, it doesn't make much sense. lol But the picture is definitely painted :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

There really is such a dreamish quality to your words, Lexi, flowing color into color. Emotionally stirring, beautifully tender write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love poems that don't really make sense and makes the reader actually READ it and now just scan it. Kind of like my poems.

Very good poem, it painted an interesting picture((in a good way)), and I love that it doesn't make sense.

Great job ^^

Posted 13 Years Ago

beautiful, great quality writing. I enjoyed reading this:)

Posted 13 Years Ago

I enjoyed the surrealistic quality of this one-- very ethereal.

Posted 13 Years Ago

What a picture it paints, i love it its good. Is Rox what you was trying to say?

Posted 13 Years Ago

Lovely piece.
I love these lines lol

Can I read your mind?
Can I taste your lips?
Very well written, and you have a creative mind. Awesome poem :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

you painted the picture well , nice job ! my favourite line was "The tick, the silent tick that I wanted to listen to , rests ever so sweetly in the middle of my palm" as if you're talking about a heartbeat .. or it's just how I saw the painting :)
but it's surely creative :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

What a painting! I feel like time here is in the way of a heart.. the ticking, feels like a heartbeating,

"The tick, the silent tick that I wanted to listen to

rests ever so sweetly in the middle of my palm "

That line which reinforces the tick, the silent tick, gives the impression of a head resting on a chest with a hand over the heart..

You have a great sense for lightly brushing the readers mind with your subtly. Awesome work!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I like the picture! You are very creative!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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15 Reviews
Added on November 3, 2010
Last Updated on November 28, 2010



Boston, MA

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