Human pigs

Human pigs

A Poem by XxKooperxX

This was taking from one of my favorite comic books ever so I don't own any of this. But I still felt obligated to share it with all of you. Thanks for reading :)

"There's two spices that fall under one name; and that name is "human". The things that separate the two spices are the workings of their mind. Some people are only human in appearance. It's a clever disguise for such a simple animal. An animal made from bones and tissue, tubes and fat; all sustained by blood. Their nothing more then a poorly tended machine. Sure, the animal has a brain. Fueled by the blood that races heavily in times of their grotesquely heightened desires and vices. In other words. Real humans are harder to find in this world."

© 2012 XxKooperxX

Author's Note

I don't own any of this material.

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Added on October 24, 2012
Last Updated on October 24, 2012



Ewing,Kentucky, KY

(I don't know how to really discribe myself but I'm gonna try.) My name George Cooper and I'm 22 years of age. I love to write and sing random songs when ever my heart calls out for the pen or the mic.. more..

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