A Moment of 'If only.."

A Moment of 'If only.."

A Poem by Spoken

i just got this song stuck in my head, can't think of the name or who sings it, but it inspired this piece



perfect in a moment's stare
I am here nor there
still in a moment then I disappear
am I everything you thought I’d be?
am I a whisper in your dream?
can you hear me?
you walk on by
I smile and you smile back
my eyes say come here but you stay back
cause you know I’m nothing more than a dream
in a flash your hand holds mine
we’re laughing and counting time
until the moment ends
then we’re back on the streets again
if we dare to glance once more
we chance the moment stripped bare
but it’s too much to ignore
our eyes join and you take me there
we’re sipping wine on the rug
cups drop
we collide
rolling on the floor
till time…
and I’m alone on the streets again
I stride tall and true
the faint scent of your perfume
takes me back to the moment we passed by
if only we had said hi
if only the time was right

© 2008 Spoken

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This idea of seeing someone and building an imaginary scene based on what if or I want seems to be part of the poets life. Occasionally I meet a woman who feels like I have known her all of my life. Like she's my mate but someone flashed a memory drain light and we forgot where we lived and that we lived there together. She seems so familiar and I can't help thinking she feels the same of me.

You captured the whole phenomenon in this wonderful poem.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


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Im a dreamer and have many moments and i cherish them all........
u captured a moment really well........
i was all....aaaaaaahhhhhhh! ;-)


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nicely done. I was puzzled only by the opening 2 lines, which seemed like they should read "perfect in a moment's stare - I am neither here nor there." Did you omit the "neither" and make "moments" plural for a reason I'm missing?

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I really like the passion and imagery in this piece. The end has a wistful, longing feel to it and I like what that adds to the overall effect.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

So much passion! I really like the mood this envokes as well as the idea of "a dream" and how if only the people weren't too shy or perhaps oblivious, the dream would become reality. Very nicely done! :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

What a beautiful set of images, lonely and full all at the same time. This work has a wonderful lyrical quality. Thank you. For sharing.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This idea of seeing someone and building an imaginary scene based on what if or I want seems to be part of the poets life. Occasionally I meet a woman who feels like I have known her all of my life. Like she's my mate but someone flashed a memory drain light and we forgot where we lived and that we lived there together. She seems so familiar and I can't help thinking she feels the same of me.

You captured the whole phenomenon in this wonderful poem.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on July 28, 2008
Last Updated on October 6, 2008



Toto, KS

I am.. never the same. I am.. {fill in the blank} I am.. ! I am.. ? I could talk to you for hours about me.... and you'd walk away stratching your head. SOMETIMES YOU JUST .. more..

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