So Intense

So Intense

A Poem by Mariana Silva

Writing on the passing of my dearest friend


So intense, so swift and so hateful,

The tears fall and cloud my vision once more.

No matter how much I smile and bear it,

I can’t get over the fact that you’re gone.

Others thought me distasteful,

But you understood that there was so much more,

And you didn’t mind one bit.

I don’t want to accept that you’re gone.


If I were to it admit to myself,

I’d find that I need you so much.

I’m scared to not see you there by my side.

I’m terrified that I’m going to lose my mind!

You helped me learn to love myself,

I learned to love you so much!

Yet, you forfeited my side…

And you’ve moved to my heart from my mind.


Remembrance, what more can be done?

No longer will you promise me ice cream,

Or chance meetings.

You won’t even joke about finding a book I write.

No, you can’t be gone!

In my head, it’s the phrase I can’t help but scream.

How are you so sure I’m ready for what life brings?

You’re now the book I will write…


© 2008 Mariana Silva

Author's Note

Mariana Silva
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that was so good =] it just was awesome =]

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 30, 2008


Mariana Silva
Mariana Silva


Love to read and write, so much in fact, there isn't a place where my journal and pen have not followed me because you never know when something will spring forth to be written. Not a prodigy but some.. more..

Honest Honest

A Poem by Mariana Silva