

A Poem by Swaroop Manikandan

It was indeed a long-steady river.
We were sitting on a rock in its bank.
I was struggling to find out
towards which direction it flows.

At an unexpected moment you threw that stone into the river.

Ignoring that I raised my doubt to you,
‘Do you know to which direction does this river flow?’

You silently picked up another stone from your collection
and threw it again into the river.

‘Can you see the ripples?’

‘Yes’, I said.

‘What will you call this river now?’

‘May be a rippled-river’, I smiled.

You nodded in agreement and said,
A rippled-river moves towards all the directions,
towards the sea,
towards the banks
and also towards the origin’

I was still wondering
‘But, does moving mean also to be flowing?’

You picked up the third stone,
‘It’s up to you to decide’ -
and threw it as usual into the river,
just to make those eternal ripples.


© 2014 Swaroop Manikandan

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*smiling* wow rippled river and a best answer you got :) i really enjoyed this piece

Posted 9 Years Ago

Your pieces always leave me thinking and pondering and wondering.
It stirs with my thoughts, so beautiful and flowing.
Such wisdom.

Posted 9 Years Ago

A very beautiful thought, yet again.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Lovely write swaroop. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

The conversation as always is exquisitely plotted.And the underlying message as i can perceive is- the stone of thought is throw in our mind-"rippled river".which flows in all directions.Is as wild and free as the wind. :) insightful write swaroop


Posted 9 Years Ago

The conversation as always is exquisitely plotted.And the underlying message as i can perceive is- the stone of thought is throw in our mind-"rippled river".which flows in all directions.Is as wild and free as the wind. :) insightful write swaroop


Posted 9 Years Ago

Wonderful. Loved it..
"its up to you to decide" nice lines
Well done

Posted 9 Years Ago

Swaroop Manikandan

9 Years Ago

Thanks Manish...

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8 Reviews
Added on August 2, 2014
Last Updated on August 2, 2014


Swaroop Manikandan
Swaroop Manikandan

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Not exact but relative... more..
