

A Poem by Alvin L. Kathembe

A poem for all the girls out there.


So the jaws don’t drop

When you walk down the street �"

The brakes don’t screech,

And the horns don’t beep…

So the necks don’t crick

As they turn to take a look �"

You walk into a room

And nobody is shook �"

But hey chick;

You’re beautiful.


So there are on D’s on your report card

But all the A’s are on your chest

The boys never look twice

’Cause you don’t stand out from the rest

And your name doesn’t come up

When the mirror on the wall

Calls out the fairest of them all

And when you dress up and look your hottest

Still the boys, they never notice �"

But hey chick; you’re beautiful.


They say beauty’s only skin deep

But we lack X-ray vision

And the girls that ‘just don’t cut it’

Are dismissed with derision

When all your assets are in your brains

And don’t have enough behind you;

If you can see your feet down your chest

Most of these guys just won’t mind you �"

But you are who you are

And hey, chick, you’re beautiful �"


And don’t you forget it.





© 2011 Alvin L. Kathembe

My Review

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I am in love with this poem, specifically because it's about me. Good write, I enjoyed reading it.... and it made me laugh out loud, recalling my younger years...

Posted 13 Years Ago

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OH. MY. GOD. I am sososo glad that Shnerd favorited this, or else I would have missed out on one of the most amazing poems ever. This is so inspiring and so beautiful. I know how this feels. God, I'm so there. It's so damn hard to think you're beautiful when you never get a second or even a first from a guy. No matter how much one of my girl friends might tell me I'm so beautiful, it doesn't make me feel any better. And many others can relate. Damn, I love this poem. The way it's written makes it sound so natural, almost like a song, and I am going to read this poem every day. Or at least try to. Hopefully it will make me feel better about myself - and others as well.

Anyway, beautiful poem. I love what it stands for, and it's inspiring. Definitely one of my favorites, or maybe it even tops my list. I LOVE reading poetry this astounding and powerful. It makes my heart swell. Well, I suppose this review is getting a little long, so I'll end it saying I love it, giving it a 100/100, and adding it to my favorites - and my general reading.(:

Posted 13 Years Ago

Love it!! This is one of the best poems i've read on here :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is a sweet poem with a cute humor added to it. It should be a good message to little girls who are plagued my stereotyplical superficiality. Excellent write

Posted 13 Years Ago

Aw, this is a very sweet poem with a beautiful message and it should be required reading in all middle schools!

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is a great tribute to the women of the world who struggle with low self-esteem. Very kind of you to encourage them. Beauty is more than skin deep though. I have known some physically fantastic women, however when they open their mouths, its painful. I really enjoy the simple truth behind your work. This is the third or fourth poem Ive read and all of them have that aspect to them. Keep writing.


Posted 13 Years Ago

Very nice poem, it's hard being a woman in today's society. It's up to us guys to keep their heads up.

Posted 13 Years Ago

True...very true.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on January 19, 2011
Last Updated on January 19, 2011


Alvin L. Kathembe
Alvin L. Kathembe

Nairobi, Kenya

I write for the mind...and if I touch your heart while I'm at it, I'll take it. more..


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