Creaking Doors And Peeping Toms

Creaking Doors And Peeping Toms

A Poem by Alvin L. Kathembe



 The rusty door on rusty hinges

Creaks noisily open

But no-one’s here to listen

At least, that’s what we’re hoping…

We bound up the staircase, hand-in-hand

Sometimes taking two at a time

We shouldn’t be here, you must understand -

It might even be a crime -

Till we came at last to an auspicious flight

Thus far we’ve come unthwarted

And here there’s no sound, and no-one in sight

It’s delightfully deserted…


You looked at me, I looked at you

Here all alone, we stand

Our hearts beating in synchrony

Like drummers in a band

I held your hand; we needn’t fear

You let out a small giggle of laughter

Said something about how we shouldn’t be here

We didn’t talk much after -

Fingers interlocked, a respite we find -

’Cause all this waiting was a torment

We’re deaf, and blind, and pay no mind

To anything but this moment…


Somewhere feet are hurrying

As silent as a cat’s

Somewhere feet are scurrying

Scurrying like a rat’s…

Somewhere Tom is peeping

Somewhere up the stair -

Somewhere Tom is creeping

But we don’t even care

Our faces buried in each other,

My hand nestled in your hair…


This world is full of sadness,

This world is full of fear

The world is full of suffering -

Everywhere, but here…





© 2011 Alvin L. Kathembe

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Great poem! I loved the rhythm you kept throughout the piece, it went well with the mischievous, joyous tone. Can't wait to read more of your work.

Posted 6 Years Ago

witty as usual. a fun read. i can't believe i have never read this. am seeing it today?!! after all these years??

Posted 9 Years Ago

wow! this poem is great! it got me thinking..... N now am forced to check the rest of your work too coz it seems you are such a good writer.
Very interesting!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Amazing job!:)

Posted 13 Years Ago

This. Was. Amazing. I'm giving you a big fat 100/100. There were no places I stumbled, there was fantastic word choice through the entire thing, and every single emotion was beautiful. I found myself imagining this situation so clearly in my mind that it could have been a memory. This poem flowed extremely well, never paused. I loved the 'peeping Tom' aspect. I'm jealous, I wish I wrote this!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow ! I really love this poem !
I feel that your words and flow would also sound really good as a song.
There's even a story-line to your poem !
I'm very impressed ...

Posted 13 Years Ago

So sweet. Its like a secret that's being let out but silent in its appearance. It reminds me of that commercial that always say "A moment like this, some people wait a lifetime," or is it a song? Well anyway, this is unique and exploits the world for what it is and how one reacts to it. The meaning is very nice.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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Intriguing and amusing... I love the way you described the two people being almost in a world of their own. The horrors of the world go on around them, but they are shielded and oblivious, absorbed by one another. And no-one knows save Tom who peeps. fantastic write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This sure is playful!and only heaven and that peeping tom know wot sort of games you were up to in that delightfuly deserted staircase!:-P....i like it,its mildly naughty and i like the end in particular!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Ai..speechless!i love the way it brings imagery 2 the mind!nyc..

Posted 13 Years Ago

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12 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 22, 2011
Last Updated on February 26, 2011


Alvin L. Kathembe
Alvin L. Kathembe

Nairobi, Kenya

I write for the mind...and if I touch your heart while I'm at it, I'll take it. more..
