A Story by Tasi83

He woke up a little grouchy because the child had been cranky all night.
He might have caught a cold, because he also had a slight fever, tea had to be warmed up, and just when he thought he was, he was gone
she was sleeping, she cried because she covered herself. The unpleasant thought dejectedly
for the night and said to his wife:
"Look, my dear, has the fever gone down?"
The woman was digging for a thermometer, and he was whipping up foam in the bathroom
to his image and the splash of cold water woke him up for good as he was getting ready to shave.
His mind was already at work.
He came up with a quick schedule, though he knew from experience that something
always interferes.
"In vain," he thought, "something has to happen in this strange life if one wants to appreciate one's place in the world better!" he wondered.
This thought seemed impossible, and he smiled at it.
While he pulled the right corner of his mouth forward with his left hand so that he could also shave the pit of his face.
Rubbing her smooth skin, she looked wolf-eyed at her reflection. He quickly splashed the cold water on his shoulder and hissed, rubbing his red skin. In the meantime, he decided that maybe he could surprise his little girl with a nice gift. Maybe buy her the new Barbie doll or some cute, fluffy stuffed animal that she loves so much.
As usual, he ate breakfast in a hurry, foaming at the mouth, greedily, like someone who is being driven somewhere, or is just missing something. His beloved partner could not help warning him that he should calmly and comfortably chew those delicious morsels a thousand times, because this would put a strain on his stomach and his already disordered digestion.
"My dear, I must forgive you, but I'm already late!" I'm in a hurry! - he told her jokingly - you can see that my belly is rounding up nicely. . .
He was in a hurry, although he still had time.
The towering piles of files that he had to sign were waiting in his office in the usual order, and even today he had about a thousand different things to do. It was not even possible to relax.
He liked to vent the opinions of outsiders on a wide variety of issues in this way.
"One learns from everyone," he used to say.
He turned on his laptop and immediately went online to check his emails for the day.
invitations… if you want to be everywhere,
it could split a hundred ways. Well, what do they say here? They are lovingly invited to a posh social event so that the given company can dazzle business investors for billions more. What the hell is there to dazzle anyone, when if a company is marketable on an international level, there is no need to lick a*s. Or is this just another old Hungarian mentality?! Possible.
Quick discussions followed with colleagues and heads of various institutions, but throughout the day, the voice of her sick daughter kept ringing in her ears: ,,Daddy? When are you coming home?"
"Ejnye," he caressed her forehead when she was left alone for a few minutes, "it seems I have to go on vacation, work is getting on my nerves." Um.
He was in a hurry, because he did not like to be late, although there are those who say that a few minutes' delay only benefits authority.
He had just gone down to the office building's private, spacious, but slightly damp and unfriendly parking garage, where most of the employees kept their cars, and got into a mid-range vehicle.
The self-made copied music CD somehow always calmed his slightly disturbed nerves after a difficult day at work. At the barrier, he showed his digital key card, which had to be checked strictly by all employees, as if the given group of companies was already maniacally afraid of business competition.
He thought of stopping at a big shopping center or mall that has a toy department and buy some cute and charming toys for his sick little girl. He was constantly nagging at the guilt that he had to go to work, even though he probably still had at least five or six days of intense free time left, which he could have used at any time. The child comes first.
He soon turned into the spacious parking lot of one of the shopping centers, where he was lucky because there were only people lounging around.
,,Luckily!" - he thought, so at least he doesn't need to wait inexplicably in the snaking queues at the only cash register in the store, but he will go to the digital cash register and buy with a card.
He entered the store and immediately began to search and scan with his eyes to see where the toy department might be. He asked a pretty young lady who was just wandering around:
"Excuse me… where do I find the game department?" he asked kindly, yet lost.
"That will be in the back row!" First he goes back to the end of the line, and then he finds it there! - she gave directions, while her mouth was almost full of reality that such a handsome, striking guy was just starting out with her.
"Thank you!" �" he grabbed the hand shopping cart, which had no wheels, and already stormed to the back of the corridor, where he saw the notice. After a few minutes, he found what he was looking for.
Originally, he thought that he would treat his little girl with some sort of developmental toy, but he soon realized that a sick little girl now needs a friendly and charming toy. He saw an almost human-sized, fluffy, soft teddy bear, which he had to bring immediately, and one of the modern Barbie dolls, which is a favorite of little girls. Maybe Maya won't be mad at him if she gets this.
At the self-service checkout, he then remembered that there might be some problems with the almost human-sized teddy bear, so he quickly asked one of the sellers, who seemed to be a helpful person, to scan the teddy bear's barcode using the red infrared scanner.
"That's right!" We already are! Thank you for shopping with us! - the young man mined the advertising text, then returned to his original post.
"Thank you!" Bye bye! - he simply replied to himself, and then he walked out of the shopping center gate like a proud father thinking carefully about his little daughter.
His stomach rumbled a couple of times on the way. Maybe it's because he's barely had anything to eat since morning, so when he goes home he'll definitely have to eat something.
He was home in less than forty minutes. It was lucky that he knew the bypass routes of the capital like the back of his hand, so he knew exactly where there would be no roadblocks, traffic jams, or inconvenient interruptions.
He already guessed what the babysitter, who was an acquaintance of his girlfriend and whom they had met at a small party, would say. He can't do anything about it, after all, when his shift is over, the least he should do is stay and watch over the sick little girl. However, in today's money-driven world, this may have seemed less and less a possible point of view.
He opened the underground garage, then pulled into his car and immediately ran up the stairs because he was a little too nervous to use the elevator.
- Hello! I came! he announced aloud when he entered. He immediately took off his uncomfortable jacket and went to the children's room to see if the child was in any serious trouble. Fortunately, the little girl seemed to be fast asleep. He quietly slipped into the living room, where the babysitter was preparing to clear away the remaining clouds of smoke from her weed cigarette.
"So what's going on here?" - asked the lady in her twenties sharply, seriously.
"Oh, hi!" How was it at work?! he tried to divert his thoughts from the situation. "I just... relaxed a little bit."
"I can see it myself!" the man concluded. "Did you take care of my daughter, or rather don't ask me what you did?" - he crossed his arms in front of him accusingly.
"Now what do you have to play with your mind, little friend!" Everything was fine! Maya slept like milk! I don't understand why you have to make such a big deal out of this?! the lady blurted out.
"Because you're in charge and my girlfriend and I trusted you!" I don't know if you got it?! I come home and what do you expect? You're having a little fun! Congratulations!
- Wait! Listen to Gitta, you're not going to tell me, are you?! he asked in a panic, wondering if he would be fired from his job immediately.
"I won't tell him yet." Even so, it will be bad enough news for him that one of his best friends has betrayed his trust! - he reached for his wallet and took out some banknotes. "There you go!" Here's your daily rate! Now I want you to disappear from our apartment.
The young woman really threw herself eagerly at the money and looked at it with dazed, slightly intoxicated joy, as if it was hers. After all, he took care of the little girl, of course in his irresponsible and peculiar way, so what's the gap?
"Then I stepped down..." he said. "If it matters, I'm sorry..." he muttered, but only under his breath.
The father went into the children's room, where his daughter was just waking up from her sleep. He was so defenseless, exhausted at this moment, like a little angel in need of guardianship and protection.
- Hi sweetie! How do you feel?! he asked with suppressed fear.
"It's so good that you're here, dad!" he answered in a very thin, almost whispering voice.
Her father carefully sat down on the edge of the cot and touched her forehead, which was on fire and felt very hot. "Perhaps he has a high fever," he thought, then applied a compress of cold water to the fireman's forehead.
"Now the most important thing is to cure this disease thoroughly and take the medicines prescribed by the doctor."
"Daddy?" Are you angry for some reason…? asked the little girl weakly.
"Not at all... you know things for adults are complicated..." - he would not have been able to come up with a better text at the moment.
A few minutes later, his cell phone rang. His girlfriend said that she is hurrying home as fast as she can, but she has a madhouse ready at work, so hold on. The man deliberately kept quiet about the minor incident with the babysitter, saying that his life partner had enough trouble anyway.
"Hurry home and drive carefully!" - he answered on the mobile phone. Later, he went down to the garage and brought up his little girl's gifts, and you could have really caught a bird with Maya, who was very happy with the huge teddy bear, and of course with the latest Barbie doll. It has a rounded little buttonhole, a when his father tried to push the human-sized bear into the children's room.
When her girlfriend arrived in the evening and they started talking quietly about the events of the day, the beautiful woman could hardly believe her ears when her partner told her that the babysitter had smoked how many weed cigarettes in the living room.
"I can't believe that!" - he drew the consequence sadly and shocked. "But how?" Why did you do that?! he asked himself. "He always seemed so grounded and reliable."
"You know, unfortunately, there are people who show themselves to be different than what they really are." But I'm also very sorry, because we gave him a vote of confidence!
"However, I would still talk to him because I want to get to the bottom of what actually happened!" - said the girlfriend.
- As you think! the man thought.
Both of them were very excited and very worried about the speedy recovery of their little girl. They soon fell asleep.

© 2024 Tasi83

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Added on May 16, 2024
Last Updated on May 16, 2024



Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

I was born on November 30, 1983 in Budapest! I studied Hungarian history at ELTE-TFK, BTK; history teacher. I'm editing ebooks! So far, I have published my volumes on Publió and Publishdrive as.. more..


A Poem by Tasi83